Chapter 36

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Next day Gauri woke up, with a terrible headache.

"Ouch! My head is hurting." Gauri said holding her head between her palms.

"Good Morning, Gauri." Om said standing at the door holding a cup of coffee in his hands.

"Morning." Gauri mumbled.

"Here, have this coffee and take this tablet. You will feel better." Om said giving Coffee to Gauri which she drank in one go.

"Thank you, Om. I am feeling better now." Gauri said after a few minutes. "But what happened? Why am I in your room? " Gauri asked confused.

"That's something you have to remember." Om said smiling, "now get ready today is Anika's mehandi. Do you want to miss it? "

"No, Anika will kill me." Gauri said standing up from the bed.

"I will meet you in your room in an hour then we both can go to the terrace of the hotel where Anika's mehandi is being held." Om said pushing a stray hair behind Gauri's ear holding her chin.

"Okay." Gauri said and walked towards her room trying to remember about last night.

Gauri stood in front of the mirror of her bathroom recalling the incidents of last night.

"I was in my room, Anika took me to her room, Bhavya brought some drink. We had some conversation.... Hey Shankerjiii... " Gauri shrieked as she remembered what she has done in her inebriated state.

"How am I going to face, Om after what I have done yesterday. What he would have thought about me." Gauri cried hiding her face in  her hands.

"That's it, I am going away , changing my name and will never showed my face to anyone." Gauri cried, "but I can't live without Om. Stupid Gauri, who told you get drunk." Gauri chastised herself.

After chastising and crusing herself, she finally decided to face the reality and began to got ready.

Om got ready and knocked on the door of Gauri's room and waited patiently for a few minutes when Gauri opened the door dressed in a green color lehanga looking breathtaking.

"You are looking beautiful." Om said stepping inside the room.

"Thank you." Gauri said playing with her fingers.

"Shall we go now? " Om asked frowning look at all nervous Gauri.

"Hmm." Gauri nodded her head.

"Gauri, are you Ok? " Om asked looking concerned.

"Yes. Let's go." Gauri said avoiding looking at him too embarrassed.

"Gauri." Om said stopping her holding her hand. "Look at me."

Gauri was looking down at the floor.

"Gauri, tell me what is bothering you?" Om said holding her face in his hands forcing her to look at him.

"I... I am ashamed of what I did to you yesterday." Gauri confessed. "I am not like that, Om."

"Gauri, there is nothing to be ashamed of. I found it cute and I truly enjoyed that shade of yours." Om said smiling, "And don't feel shy with me, Gauri. I will love you no matter what."

"But, because of you I had to take a cold shower in the midnight." Om said pouting.

Gauri smacked his hand and hid her face in his chest blushing making Om laugh.

"Come let's go before Anika comes down shouting on us." Om said taking Gauri's hands in his.

The rest of the day Om and Gauri enjoyed in Anika's mehandi.

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