Chapter 38

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Soon the car stopped in front of a lavish looking building which has "Oberoi Fashions" Written in bold golden letters on the top of it. I began to get some blurry images looking at this building as if It is not my first time here.

Gauri was busy bargaining with the Taxi driver as I walked inside the building in front of me. As I was passing through the corridors which surprisingly looked familiar to me, people began to look at me with wide eyes as if they are seeing a ghost with their mouths agape.

With every passing minute I am getting more blurry images of a person looking like me kissing a woman, rubbing her flat belly. I walked inside and stood in front of a collage of photos that have a person looking just like me receiving different awards that are placed on the table just below those frames. My head began to spin as the blurry pictures began to become more vivid and soon the darkness consumed me.


The nerve of this Taxi driver, how dare he to charge 2000 for 7 kms, is he trying to loot us but who is he even trying to loot, no one can fool Gauri Sharma. After settling the payment with the arrogant taxi driver, I turned around to speak with Om and found he was no where near me. I asked a few passers by if they saw Om only to get a negative answer from them. Fear consumed me thinking about the worst scenarios of missing Om in this new city. Finally an old man told that he saw Om going into the building in front of us. I sprinted inside pushing and colliding with everyone on the way.

I began to search for Om in that lavish looking building but didn't found hum anywhere near. Finally after walking a few more steps, I found a crowd of people gathering around and watching something or rather someone whispering among themselves. Involuntarily my feet took me towards the direction of the crowd and I made my way to the front through the crowd and My heart stopped for a second watching Om laying on the coach unconscious.

"Omkara.... " A woman voice echoed in the Hall making everyone look at her direction.

Everyone moved aside making way for a tall and slender looking woman dressed in a costly business suit and a strong well built man walking beside her. She came running towards the direction of Om and sat beside him taking his head in her lap crying.

"Omkara... O my god... You are alive." The woman cried taking Om's face in her hands.

"Ishaana... Calm down." The man beside her tried to calm down her by keeping a hand on her shoulder.

"Rudra, my Omkara is alive." Ishaana said smiling through her tears.

"Yes, he is. " Rudra said wiping a line tear, "someone call the doctor." He barked while two well built man carried Om inside a room. while I stood their without any reaction trying to process all the things happening in front of me.

"Gauri?" Someone called from behind and when I turned around I found Vikram looking at me in surprise.

"Gauri, is that you? " Vikram asked surprised, I stood their with a blank expression.

"O My God, Gauri. It's really you." Vikram said pulling me into a hug. "I can't believe, finally I got to see you after a long time."

"How and when did you came here? " Vikram was shooting questions and was asking things, Which I didn't even paid attention to, all the way I kept watching towards the room, they took Om into.

"Gauri, where are you looking at, while I am speaking with you? " Vikram asked waving hands in front of me.

"Vikram, Om.... " I asked and was cut off by Vikram.

"Omkara sir, even I am surprised to find him alive after everyone thought he was dead in that tragic accident few months ago." Vikram said.

"Omkara sir? " I asked confused.

"Yes, Omkara Singh Oberoi, the only heir of Oberoi corps. The successful businessman." Vikram said pointing towards a Collage of photos that was hanging in the wall proudly which has Om receiving different awards in them. He looked different in those pictures.

"Everyone thought he was dead, when they found his car all burnt up in a valley but it was surprising to find him fit and alive." Vikram said providing more information about Om.

"Everyone grieved over his death, poor Ishaana mam, she even had a miscarriage due to depression of lossing her husband. I hope everything will be fine now." Vikram said and my breath hitched and my heart began to feel tight like someone is squeezing it.

"Omkara is married and had a baby." My heart felt like it's shattering into pieces and my eyes began to tear up. "Why does this have to happen to me? When I thought I finally found my happiness."

"Gauri? Gauri, why are you crying? " Vikram asked panicked.

I couldn't stop the tears that are flowing continuously and I couldn't tolerate the pain.

Vikram pulled me in his arms hugging me and began to rub my back soothingly tried to console me all the time confused about my sudden outburst of tears. He took me inside his cabin and ordered his assistant to get some water for me.

After a while, all my tears dried up but the pain in my heart was too much for me to endure, the thought that I lost my Om forever is making me suffocate. All the time, Vikram kept rubbing my back consoling me.

"Ri, what happened? Why are you crying? You are frightening me." Vikram asked cupping my face.

"Tell me, what happened?" He asked worriedly.

I told him everything about how I found Om and about my feelings crying all the time while Vikram kept rubbing my arm. And finally when I finished narrating everything to Vikram, he pulled me in to a comforting hug.

"I am sorry, that you had to go through all these things, Gauri." Vikram said feeling sad for me.

"There is nothing to feel sad about, Vikram. " I said, "I should have know that Happiness is not in my fate." I sobbed.

"Never say that, Gauri." Vikram scolded, "You deserve all the happiness in this world. Just because you cannot have one person in your life that doesn't mean your life stops here."

"I loved him, Vikram. I Loved The one, I Lost." I cried.

"Gauri, don't cry." Vikram said wiping my tears.

"Vikram, can I see him for one last time? " I requested Vikram.

"I will try to arrange a meeting with him for you, Gauri." Vikram assured.

Thank you guys for your Reads, Votes and Comments,which makes my day. If you guys don't mind, I would like to know your names/ Pet names. BTW My name is Lucky :)

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