Chapter 42

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I finished all the Formalities with police as they arrested Abhay and Dolly Mom for Murder conspiracy. After settling all the matters finally it's time for me to go and meet my Gauri.

"Sir, Ishaana mam signed the divorce papers." Mishra said as he handed me the file.

"Forward them to the court and get a divorce as soon as possible." I said as I handed back the file to Mishra after signing it.

"And prepare the chopper to go for Shimla immediately." I said getting into my car driver seat.

As I was about to turn on the ignition, the passenger door opened and Rudra slipped into the passenger seat.

"What are you doing in My Car, Rudra? " I asked looking at him.

"I came to give company to you, Om." Rudra said giving a innocent look.

"No, thanks. You can get down. I have a lot of works to do now please leave me alone."

"No, I am not leaving you alone. Until make sure you are safe."

"Rudra, please I don't have time for your drama. I have to go to Shimla to meet Gauri." I said irritated.

"I am also coming with you, Om. I can't leave you alone." Rudra said.

"Fine, it's waste of time to argue with you." I gave in.

"Thank you, now come on let's go and get Gauri Bhabhi." Rudra shouted cheerfully.

"Bhabhi? " I asked raising a brow.

"Yes, Bhabhi. Your wife is my Bhabhi. Don't you know even that small thing." Rudra said in a duh tone.

"Off course, I know idiot. My wife is your Bhabhi. But you never called Ishaana as Bhabhi."

"Because I never got Bhabhi vibes from Ishaana, from the very first I felt something is wrong with her but when you told you both are getting married, you looked very happy and I thought not to spoil it with my suspicions. But finally Agent Rudy is right." Rudra said proudly. "Now stop questioning me and let's go to Shimla." Rudra said and I raced the car towards the helipad.

I stood in front of Anika's home, helpless. Anika opened the door to take the milk bottle that the milk man delivered and she gave a brief glance at me and before I could speak anything, she shut the door on my face as if I am non existent. I sighed.

"Om, I think we should think about another way to reach Gauri Bhabhi. You have been trying from 3 months to know about Gauri Bhabhi's where abouts from this woman but I seriously doubt she will give us any information." Rudra said keeping his hand on my shoulder.

It's been 4 months since I last saw Gauri and 3 months since I came to meet Anika. From last 3 months standing in front of Anika's home requesting her to tell about Gauri's  whereabouts but Anika is stubborn to reveal anything and was giving me If murder is legal, I might have killed you looks. I still remember the day, I came to Shimla to meet Gauri.

As soon as the car stopped in front of Gauri's home, I ran out to meet my Gauri but I was greeted with a lock on the door. We went to Anika's cafe and was faced by a furious Anika, who threw hot coffee on us, thank god, I ducked down or else I would have had a burnt skin.

When asked about Gauri's whereabouts she became mad.

"You bastard, you dare to come here in front of me asking about Gauri after all what you have done to her? " Anika shouted.

"Anika, please let me explain." I tried to reason.

"I don't want to hear anything from you idiot, the only thing I want to do now is to kill you." Anika said pouncing on us. Thank god Shivaay showed up in right time and stopped Anika from killing me.

"Anika, please calm down." Shivaay said stopping Anika.

"Don't stop me, Shivaay. Today, I am going to kill him."

"Anika, it's not his fault. He didn't did it wantedly we can't blame him." Shivaay reasoned.

"Even then he hurt, Gauri. Poor girl is heart broken because of this idiot." Anika shouted.

"Anika, I am sorry for whatever has happened. I did a mistake but please give me a chance. I want to meet Gauri." I said.

"Over my dead body. I will never let you meet her and hurt her again." Anika said or most likely shouted.

From that day standing in front of Anika's cafe and home has became my routine. I hired Private investigators to find Gauri but they too couldn't find Gauri. Three months went like 3 years. Everyday is like a punishment without Gauri. The only good thing that happened in these three months is Ishaana and I got divorced officially. I offered a job for Ishaana at my company but she declined it and moved away from Mumbai.

"Omkara." Shivaay called me from behind.

"Hi Shivaay." I greeted him.

"Same again? " Shivaay asked.

"Yes." I nodded. Shivaay tried to convince Anika to let me meet Gauri. But Anika was hell bent on not revealing anything to me and she also threatened Shivaay that if he tries to help me find Gauri then she will divorce him.

"I am sorry, I wish I could help." Shivaay said sadly.

"It's okay, Shivaay. I hope Anika will forgive me one day." I said smiling lightly.

"All the best, Bro." Shivaay patted my back and walked into his home.

I sat in my car in front of Anika's home. I miss Gauri, I have to find a way to meet her as soon  as possible. I called my Private investigator only to know he couldn't find her. I banged my hands on the steering wheel in frustration.

"Om, calm down. You can't hurt yourself like this. We will try to find another way to find Gauri Bhabhi instead of wasting out time in front of this stubborn lady's home." Rudra said calmly.

"I don't know, Rudra. Even the PI couldn't find Gauri and Anika was hell bent on not letting me give information about Gauri. I don't know what to do." I said running my hand along my hairs in frustration.

"Om, don't lose your hope. I am sure we can find Gauri Bhabhi soon. If not this stubborn woman someone will give us information about Gauri Bhabhi." Rudra said trying to console me.

"No, Rudra. Anika is the only one, who can help us. I even asked the workers in Anika's cafe bit no one knows where Gauri is. It's only Anika, who Gauri considers as her confidant and best friend... " I stopped as I remembered something or rather someone.


I smiled brightly as I now know, the person who can help me out. How did I forgot about Vikram, Gauri's best friend.

"Om, what happened why are you smiling all of a sudden? " Rudra asked looking confused.

"Buckle up, Rudra. We are going to get your Bhabhi." I smiled as I started my car.

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