Chapter 24

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I decided to apply for Art teacher post in the School, so that I can help Gauri with the expenses. I was feeling nervous but Gauri assured me everything will be alright placing a hand on my hand. Her touch had a calming effect in me, in fact everything about her makes me feel calm and peaceful. I am growing a strong like for her, hell how can I not, she such a kind, innocent and beautiful girl.

After finishing our breakfast, Gauri and I decided to go to school to attend the interview.

"Gauri, come let's go." I called Gauri.

"Give me a minute, Om___." She said rummaging in the kitchen.

I like the way she says my name, it's like honey to my ears.

"Open your mouth." Gauri said holding a spoonful of curd in front of my mouth. I did as she said and she fed me.

"Eating Curd and Sugar before starting anything brings good luck." Gauri said coming into the living room after placing the bowl in the kitchen.

"Okay, can we go now." I asked.

"Yes." She said turning to me taking her wallet.

"Let's go." I said.

"Wait." Gauri said stopping me.

"Now what? " I asked turning back to face her.

"You have curd struck on your lips." She said wiping my lips with the pad of her thumb which felt soft against my lips." First impressions always matter, you should be presentable." She said as she continued wiping and all I can do is look at her kissable lips and take in her feminine scent, she was standing close to me and the proximity is affecting me.

"Done, come let's go." She said pulling me by my hand.

We reached the school and my name was called.

"All the Best, Om. I know you will do this." Gauri said holding my hands in hers looking into my eyes.

I nodded my head and went inside the Principal cabin, where an old woman in her late fifties is being seated with thick rimmed glasses and her hair fixed into a bun.

"Good Morning, Mam." I said.

"Good Morning, Mr. Sharma. Please be seated." She said gesturing towards the chair in front of her table. She asked me a few questions and saw my file with my paintings.

"Mr.Sharma, I really liked your art work. They are really amazing especially the painting of this girl, it's beautiful." She said pointing the painting of Gauri, I made.

"Thank you, Mrs, Collin." I said.

"You can start teaching the students from Next Monday, since they are having festival holidays this week." Mrs. Collins said.

"Thank You, it's nice meeting you, Mrs. Collins." I said shaking hands with her.

"Nice meeting you too,Mr. Sharma." She smiled.

I walked out of her cabin towards the waiting Hall, where Gauri is waiting for me. When I came towards her Gauri was sitting on the chair closing her eyes praying for God. She told me not to take stress and she herself is feeling nervous. I smiled looking at her.

"Gauri." I called her.

"Om___ how did the interview went? What did they said?" Gauri fired questions.

"They didn't liked my work, Gauri. I didn't got the job." I lied faking a sad look.

"It's okay, Om. You can try somewhere else, I believe in you, you will find somewhere more better. Don't worry." She consoled me looking sad.

I started laughing at her sad expression and she looked at me confused.

"I got the job, Gauri." I said and it took a minute for her to realize.

"You have been fooling me." She smacked my arm. " I know you will get this job, OMG I am happy, Congratulations Om." She said jumping and hugged me tight by throwing her hands around me.

At first I am shocked with her sudden hug and then I hugged her back and she fitted perfectly in my large frame like a missing piece of Jigsaw puzzle. I can stay like this forever with her in my arms. We parted with someone clearing their throat.

I turned around and saw Mrs. Collin standing there along with two other young woman, who seemed like the teachers of the school.

"Mr.Sharma, who is this young lady? Isn't she the one, I saw in your painting? " Mrs. Collin asked.

"Yes, She is the one in the painting, Mrs. Collin and she is my... "

"Wife. I am his wife, Gauri Sharma." Gauri said cutting me off.

"Ohh... You didn't mentioned you are married." Mrs. Collin asked.

"That's because we got married recently." Gauri said smiling politely.

"Congratulations for you both. You both are looking beautiful as a pair, I must have guessed that she is your wife when I saw the painting earlier, seems like your husband loves you a lot." Mrs. Collin said to Gauri.

"Thank You, Mrs. Collin." Gauri said blushing.

Mrs. Collin left along with the teachers after Congratulating us once again.

After she left, I heard Gauri mumble something under her breath.

"Huh?? Did you said anything? " I asked her.

"Didn't you saw how that women are gawking at you Shamelessly like they didn't saw a man in hundred years. Say everyone you are married, I don't want woman to pry around you like you are their favourite piece of cake." Gauri said looking angrily at the direction the woman left. She is looking cute with her jealousy.

"Okay wifey, as you say." I said saluting.

"Drama queen." She said laughing, "Come let's go for festival shopping, it's Diwali day after tomorrow." Gauri said walking in front of me.

Later we went to home after buying few things in the market, Gauri went to cafe after leaving me at home. I came inside the home and fed Ash, the dog food we brought for him. I was feeling bored without Gauri. Even if she is away from me for a minute I feel empty and alone, I am have these strong feelings towards her that is getting stronger everyday, every day I am looking forward to wake-up listening to her bhajans and spend it by her side, how many times I wished Gauri to be my wife. It will be a blessing to have a beautiful soul like her in ones life.

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