Chapter 14

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Tadaa...Double update!! Happy Weekend.🍕🏠🎉


I sat on the chair reading book, in my peripheral view I can see Sahil and Om playing some racing video game with full concentration. Om was looking like a kid smiling with a victorious glint on his face whenever his car is overtaking Sahil's one.

I sat there watching him and a frown etched on my face thinking if Anika really allowed Sahil to play games. I couldn't remember her to let me allow him to play with his Xbox but Om said he heard her say. May be I missed it when she said. Sighing I continued my work of watching those two enthusiastic faces from behind the book.

After sometime I fell asleep sitting on the chair, after what it felt like 2 hours I woke up to the constant ringing of my phone and saw an incoming call from Anika. I answered the phone and from my peripheral view, I can still see Om and Sahil playing the game.

"Hello Anika, hope your journey going well." I said.

"Yes, everything's good. I called to know whether Sahil is giving you any trouble." Anika said.

"Not at all, Anika. He is doing good." I said standing up from the chair walking into the living room.

"Good to know. What is he doing, is he preparing for his exam?" Anika asked.

"No, he and Om are playing with Xbox, as you said I allowed him to play for an hour before studying." I said sitting on the sofa and for a minute both Sahil and Om stilled looking at each other.

"Xbox?? Where did that came from now. I said no games until the completion of the exams. Seems like he tricked you." Anika said laughing.

I looked at Om and Sahil narrowing my eyes both of them looked at me smiling nervously.

"Anyways, take that away from him. He won't study once he gets his way with Xbox. I will call you later." Anika said and ended the call.

I looked at both of them crossing my hands, how dare they to trick me.

"It's O, who gave me this idea. I didn't did anything." Sahil said pinching his throat.

"No, he was the one who brought Xbox and requested me." Om said giving a innocent look.

"Hey, you said you will convince Gauri di." Sahil said accusing Om.

"And you supported me, remember." Om said.

"Enough, you both." I said looking at them. "You both tricked me." I said giving them an angry look.

"Sorry." Both guys said lowering their heads and I had hard time to control my smile.

"Your sorry won't do anything." I said and turned towards Sahil, "Now end the game and start studying for your exam and you Om, you are going to make sure he is studying since you are the one who helped him in this." I said in a serious tone and both of them nodded their heads.

"I am going to market to get some necessary things." I said and walked out grabbing my wallet.

After buying some vegetables and things for kitchen, when I came to home I saw Sahil solving some math problems with the help of Om, who was explaining him very patiently. I kept the bags in the kitchen and came near them carrying the pizzas I brought for them on the way.

"Okay guys, now take a break. I brought pizza for you." I said placing the box on the table.

"Wow, it's yummy. Thank you Gauri di." Sahil said stuffing pizza in his mouth.

"Yes, it is tasty. I like it. " Om said.

"I assume that you are preparing well for your exams, Sahil." I asked.

"Yes, Gauri di. O helped me with a few math problems by explaining them." Sahil said.

"O?? He is elder than you Sahil, you shouldn't call him by his name. Say sorry to him." I scolded Sahil.

"Okay." He said to me and turned towards Om, "Sorry Om jiju." He said making me choke on my pizza.

I started coughing badly and Om gave me water.

"Why are you calling him as Jiju?" I asked once my cough controlled.

"What else should I call him? Last time when Anika didi introduced Shivaay Jiju as her friend and when I called him Bhaiyya, you both scolded me saying I shouldn't call him Bhaiyya and again I don't want to get another round of scolding for calling O as Bhaiyya, I got my lesson last time and It's fine with me to call him Jiju." Sahil said and ran towards the kitchen to wash his hands.

"Erm.. Sorry for whatever Sahil said he is a kid." I said breaking the awkward silence in the living room.

"It's okay, I can understand." Om said smiling lightly.

"Om Jiju, do you want me to get some Orange juice for you?" Sahil shouted from the kitchen.

"Yes, one glass of it." Om shouted back.

"You both seems to have became good friends." I said.

"Yes, he is a smart kid for his age." Om said smiling.


Next day after having our breakfast we decided to go to the near by park for a short walk since Om hadn't been out of the house since he came here. Sahil found some of his friends in the park and went to play with them while Om and I began to take a small walk around the park.

"It was very pleasant here. The weather is good." Om said walking beside me in the park.

"Yes, Shimla's weather is too good and since this part of the city is secluded, we don't even have pollution." I said throwing the bone for Ashley to catch.

"Do you visit this park often? " Om asked sitting on a bench.

"Yes, whenever I feel bored in the home, Ash and I come here to take a walk." I said sitting beside him on the bench.

"What is your favorite pass time?" He asked me.

"I usually keep myself busy in the cafe but if I get free time then I would read books, try to experiment with food and play with Ash." I said.

"What is your favourite food? " He asked.

"Are you trying to get to know about me? " I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Yes, I thought I should at least know something's about you." He said smiling.

"Okay fine, let's know about each other then." I said, " I like Dal Chawal and Badam kheer. What is your favorite food?"

"I don't know what I used to like earlier since I don't remember anything from past, and now I like roti and Paneer butter masala made by you and Pizza." He said. "What is your favorite color? "

"Pink. What about you? "

"I am liking White now. What is your favorite memory? Since I don't have one, I want to know yours." Om asked.

"Well, it was when I was 4 and before my parents. My home was all decked up for Christmas and my dad brought me many gifts dressed as Santa and we all sang songs and danced around the Christmas tree. It was one of my best memory, my parents used to treat me like a princess and suddenly everything changed, now all I have are the memories of them." I said remembering the memories, I had with my parents while wiping the lone tear trickled down my cheeks.

"I am sorry for your parents. You must be missing them badly but at least you have some memories to cherish unlike me, who don't even know what and whom I am missing in my life." Om said sighing sadly.

I seriously felt sad about him, how sad and frustrating it would have felt to woke up with no idea of anything from the past.

We spoke with each other for quite a sometime and got to know each other's likes and dislikes and headed back to home.

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