Chapter 41

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It was my vacations and my dad took me to an orphanage where he was funding for few students. Dad was busy talking about things and I was playing with my football in the ground, when I saw a cute little girl dressed in yellow frock sitting alone under a tree crying. I walked near her and stood in front of her.

"Hey, why are you crying? " I asked suddenly startling her.

She looked at me with her big doe eyes and she looked like the doll, my uncle brought for my sister, Siya on her birthday with her cute face and button nose, which is red due to crying.

"I have no friends to play and Vicky is leaving for another orphanage leaving me alone." The girl cried.

"Hey doll, don't cry, You can play with me." I said wiping her tears.

"Will you be my friend? " She asked looking at me with her big hazel eyes.

"Yes, now come on let's go and play." I said pulling the girl with me.

We laughed, we played and we enjoyed. She had a beautiful smile that brightened my day.

"Chote sahab, your dad is asking for you. " Ramu kaka called while we were playing happily.

"I will be coming in a minute, Kaka." I said dismissing Ramu kaka.

"Are you going to leave me, O. Like everyone else. " The doll asked cutely with a sad pout.

"I am sorry doll. I have to go now but I promise that one day I will come back to you and will never leave again." I said looking into her big eyes.

"Even Vicky told me the same thing but see he is going away leaving me alone." She cried.

"I am going to keep my word, doll. I will come back to you because I cannot leave my doll behind. One day you and me are going to be together and that's a promise." I said placing a kiss on her lips making her giggle.

"Please, come back soon, O. I am feeling sad, seeing everyone leaving me behind like I mean nothing to them." The girl said.

"I will comeback, Doll. You may mean nothing to them but you mean everything to me. I will comeback one day to get you." I said and waved bye to her.

I opened my eyes and saw around to find myself in my home office. The long forgotten memory that seemed so fresh made me realize that I have a lot of promises to keep. The girl I met in the orphanage, who I now know is none other than Gauri. We had a bond from a long time which is why the day I closed my eyes to think about the person I love, I saw those big hazel eyes which had been haunting me for days. Those doe shaped hazel eyes belonged to Gauri,I can identify them like a part of me. Gauri is my soul mate. I can't hurt Ishaana and I can't leave Gauri. I have to explain and sort out this with Ishaana and go back to Gauri as soon as possible, I can't live without Gauri and I can't give her more pain. I will try to explain Ishaana, even if it is going to break her, I have to do this because I can't give false hopes to Ishaana by staying in a loveless marriage. Yes, all the while I thought I loved Ishaana but now I know that all those days I thought I loved Ishaana but in reality she is just my escape from the lonely world. But even then I felt lonely with her because Gauri is my missing puzzle.

I am going to speak with Ishaana to sort all this mess. I thought determined and went out of my office to find Ishaana in the party.

I searched for her everywhere but didn't found her, it felt like a deja vu.

"Om, where have you gone? I had been searching for you bud." Rudra said coming near me.

"Rudra, did you saw Ishaana anywhere? " I asked looking around to spot Ishaana.

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