Chapter 26

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After kissing Gauri in her bedroom this morning, no one brought up the discussion about that topic again. But I must admit that I really enjoyed the little kiss, for now I am sure that I have some strong feelings for Gauri, that I cannot deny even if I want to. Hell, I am a man and no man can be immune to not fall in love with a woman, who has every quality a man wants in a woman.

Right now I am standing in the porch of our home watching Gauri lit the lamps all around the home. She was lightning every lamp with at most concentration and she was glowing in the light of lamps. She turned around and flashed a smile in my direction and I couldn't help but smile back. Earlier this evening Anika dropped Sahil in our home to look after him, since she was taking her aunt to the temple and she doesn't want Sahil to play alone with his crackers without an adult supervision. Sahil brought a bag full of crackers that Anika gifted him and insisted to join me to blast them and we fired a few crackers. And now I am watching him play with the crackers standing in the porch.

"It's a beautiful view isn't it? " Gauri asked standing beside me watching the sky glowing in the light of crackers.

"Yes, it is. Why don't we go and blast some crackers? " I asked.

"No, I am afraid of them. Besides I never played with crackers except watching them from a distance." Gauri said.

"Then, you must celebrate this Diwali by blasting crackers for sure and I will make sure you will." I said flashing a determined smile.

"Om, no___" Gauri said trying to escape.

"No, I am not gonna hear any excuses. You are going to fire crackers and that's final." I said taking out a flower pot from the cracker box and placing it in the ground.

"Om, please___" Gauri requested as I pulled her to light the flower pot.

"Gauri, trust me it's a simple one. You will enjoy it besides I want you to light the crackers with me. Come__" I said holding her hand tightly as she tried to escape.

"Now... Hold this sparkler and ignite the flower pot with this." I said placing a sparkler in her hand.

"Om__ I can't do this." Gauri said feeling afraid.

"Gauri, do you trust me?" I asked looking into her eyes and she nodded, " Then believe me you will enjoy it, come with me." I said and led her towards the flower pot.

"Now, hold this sparkler in you hand and stand a few feet away from the flower pot and place the sparkler near the tip of flower pot in order to ignite it." I said.

"I am afraid." Gauri said meekly.

I smiled.

"Come, I will guide you." I said and held her hand in mine from behind, my front touched her back. My face was near to hers, almost brushing.
She turned her face to right to look at me and I nodded my head to go on.

Finally I made her light the cracker and when it began to burst out, Gauri turned around and hugged me hiding her face in my chest, afraid. And I hugged her back rubbing her back.

"See, how beautiful it is. I said right, there is nothing to be afraid, I will be always there to protect you if anything happens." I said lifting her chin with my finger, so that I can see her face.

She looked at me in a daze.

"Now, would you like to fire another cracker? " I asked and her reaction was an instant one with her head shaking in No.

I smiled and let her go. She stood in the porch watching me and Sahil blasting the fire works.


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