Chapter 9

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I tried to open my eyes adjusting them to the bright light. I felt as if a hundred tons of bricks fell on my head with a sharp pain coursing throughout my body. I saw around and found myself on the hospital bed? I tried to recall, how I ended up here and all I could remember was seeing a beautiful hazel eyed girl looking like an angel staring at me with concern in her eyes.

"How are you feeling now?" The doctor asked checking my eyes.

"My body is feeling sore." I rasped.

"The pain will be there as you suffered a pretty bad fall and I must say you are lucky to survive this." The doctor said smiling.

"Now, we have to run a few tests on you but before that you should speak with your family, they were worrying about you since you were admitted here." The doctor said and two girls entered into my room.

One girl was looking tall and slender wearing jeans where as the other one who is hiding beside peeking from behind her shoulder, she was petite with a waist length black hair looking angelic, she has hazel brown orbs? Yes, she is the same girl, I saw before I lost my consciousness.

"Here, Mr. Sharma, meet your wife and sister." The doctor said pointing towards the girls standing in front of my bed.

"Ummm... Wife and Sister?" I asked and found a panic expression cross the faces of both the girls.

"Can't you recognize, your wife and sister? " The doctor asked.

"I don't remember who they are? " I said looking at them confused.

Both girls looked at each other shocked holding their hands.

"Can you tell me about yourself?" Doctor asked.

"I don't know, I don't remember anything? I don't even remember who I am. " I said as I tried to remember about me.

I felt my head spin and I groaned.

"Mr.Sharma, please relax, don't think about anything and stress yourself." Doctor said as he gave me an Injection making me drift into the sleep.

Gauri's POV:

I woke up and got ready to visit the hospital, I already called Anika to pick me up. We both reached the hospital and enquired the nurse about Om's condition, yes, I started calling him, Om, the name I gave him. The nurse informed us that his condition is stable now an will gain consciousness in a few hours.

We both stayed there and after 5 hours the doctor informed us that he was conscious and we can meet him. I was panicking thinking about his reaction for claiming myself as his wife and Anika assured there is no need to worry since we did that to save his life. Anika stepped into the room he was being treated in and I followed her closely behind her.

There he was laying on the bed with a bandage around his head and casts on his right hand and left ankle. He looked towards us and he has beautiful chocolate brown orbs and he was looking handsome even in his vulnerability. He was looking at us confused. When the doctor asked him to meet us stating us as his Sister and wife.

I hid behind Anika panicking about the outcome once he says we are lying.

"Umm.. Wife and Sister? " He asked looking at us confused and Anika and I looked at each other like deer caught in headlights.

"Can't you recognize your wife and sister? " Doctor asked.

"I don't remember who they are? He said looking at us.

That's it now doctor is going to catch our lie, Anika and I held each other's hands tightly ready to face the situation.

" Can you tell me about yourself? " Doctor asked him.

"I don't know, I don't remember anything? I don't even remember who I am." He said and groaned with pain as he tried to remember.

Doctor gave him an injection to make him sleep and asked us to follow him to his cabin.

"Anika, I think he is going to call police now. I think he caught our lie." I whispered as we followed the doctor to his cabin.

"Shh.. Gauri, don't say a word. Let us face whatever happens." Anika whispered back as we entered the cabin.

"Please be seated." The doctor said politely and we nodded and settled down.

"I am sorry to say this but your husband is suffering from Amnesia due to the injury he suffered." Doctor said.

"Amnesia! " Anika and I said in unison.

"Yes, due to the severe injury on his head he lost his memory." Doctor said shocking us.

"Can't we bring back his memory, Doctor? " Anika asked holding my hand.

"I will prescribe few medicines to help him regain his memory, but don't stress him to remember anything as stress can make his condition worse." Doctor said. " We will discharge him after two days and I will suggest him a bed rest for few days."

Anika and I walked outside the doctor's cabin weakly.

"Now, what are we going to do?" I asked Anika after settling down in the chairs of waiting room.

"I don't know, It was a total 360 degree turn for my story." Anika said.

"He doesn't remember anything and needs bed rest, what will we do know? " I asked.

"How about we giving a paper advertisement about him." Anika said.

"I don't think it is a nice idea, Anika. Since it seems like someone is after his life, giving an paper advertisement about him might endanger his life. We can't risk his life. We should wait untill he remembers himself." I said.

"Then there is only one solution for this." Anika said.

"And what is it? " I asked.

"Take him to your home, where he can take the bed rest and stay till he remembers about himself." Anika said.

"My home!! How can I?  What will people think about? " I said panicking.

"Gauri, people around your home hardly know about you since you spend most of the time in cafe and goes home only at night, even if anyone asks we will say he is your cousin and you are taking care of him as you are his only family. I don't think there is any other problem there. Besides it's the only idea I can come up with at this moment." Anika said.

I could do anything but agree with it, as I have no intentions to leave him alone for himself.

"So, when are we going to tell him the truth that we are not his Sister and Wife like he thinks now." I asked.

"Right now, we can't risk saying him the truth but once we take him to your home we will tell him everything slowly without causing stress." Anika said.

Hmm... Another person is going to make an entry into my small world, don't know what role he's gonna play in it.

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