Chapter 44

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Paris, The city of Love and the city where finally I am going to meet the love of my life, My Gauri. After Vikram told me that Gauri moved to Paris, I took the first possible flight to Paris leaving all the works behind for Rudra to manage. And now here I am standing in front of the apartment where Gauri lives as Vikram said. I am feeling all nervous and excited to meet Gauri after a long 4 months which felt like years. Don't know how she's gonna react but I will try my best to get her back into my life. I determinedly walked towards the door and when I was about to knock the door, it opened from the other side revealing Gauri or must I say a very shocked Gauri. She was wearing a heavy long coat indicating that she was about to go out.

We both stood their looking at each other without blinking. I felt happy to see Gauri after so many days, she lost her weight and was looking pale, her once happy smile totally missing which making me feel guilty, reminding me that I am the cause of her pain. I stood there watching her while she stood in front of me with a shock and surprised look.

"Om...? " She finally spoke looking at me.

"Gauri." I called taking a step closer to her. "I missed you." I said cupping her face in my hands.

The tears pooled up in her eyes slowly started flowing down her cheeks and soon she broke down into sobs. I pulled her into my arms hugging her while she cried, I rubbed her arms soothingly.

"Shh... Gauri, don't cry." I said wiping her tears.

She continued crying as I carried her inside her home.

"Please don't cry, it breaks my heart seeing you cry." I said as I wrapped my arms around her shoulders giving her a bear hug and kissed her forehead lingering my lips there for a minute.

Gauri pulled back sharply and backed out from my hug making me miss the warmth of her petite body.

"Don't." Gauri said taking a step back from me making my heart break.

"Gauri, please... " I said taking a step towards her.

"No, Om. I can't do this, I can't let you in my life. I can't bear the pain of heart break again." Gauri said as her voice broke at the end.

"Gauri, please listen to me." I said trying to explain her.

"No, Om. We can't do this. We can't do this to Ishaana, you are married to her. I don't want to be the other woman in your life." Gauri said through her tears.

"Gauri, you are no other woman," I said holding her by her shoulders. "You are my woman, Gauri. Get that, you are my woman." I said loud and clear.

"But Ishaana," Gauri opened her mouth but I cut her off.

"We got divorced." I said making Gauri look at me in shock. "Ishaana and I got divorced, we both are no longer married, she is not in my life anymore, you are the only one with whom I want to share my life with." I said looking into her eyes.

"Is it because of me, Om. " Gauri asked looking hurt," That you both got divorced?" She asked looking guilty.

I explained her about Abhay and Ishaana fiasco.

"Even if Ishaana didn't deceived me with Abhay, we were not going to last long because I never had this feelings for Ishaana that I experience around you. You are my true love and soul mate, Gauri. And I am not gonna let you go, ever. You are mine and I love you." I said looking into Gauri's eyes.

"I love you too, Om." Gauri said throwing her hands around my neck for a hug. "I never stopped loving you even after knowing that you are married to Ishaana, I felt horrible about myself for that but I couldn't help but love you, Om. I Love you, please don't leave me again, I can't bear this pain." Gauri cried hugging me tight.

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