Chapter 28

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My period hormones are definitely taking a toll on me. I am not usually this cranky but the hormones are making me feel like one. I felt jealous seeing the way Svetlana was behaving with Om. I never felt this way with anyone, by being with Om for these many days, I understood one thing that I have some feelings for him that I cannot deny. Even though I tried hard not to feel anything about him but with the care and love he treats me with that I craved for all my life, I could help but fall in love with him deeply every passing day, I don't know whether Om has feelings for me Or not but I love him and I would cherish this happy moments till they exist.

"Now, turn around and let me help you with your headache. " Om said coming into the living room from kitchen carrying a bowl in his hand.

"Om, what are you gonna do? "

"I am going to give you the best head massage to reduce your headache." Om said placing the oil bowl on the table.

"Om, what's the need of it." I asked laughing.

"You don't oil your hair properly and then feels jealous seeing mine. Now turn around and let me do my work." Om said dipping his fingers in the warm oil.

I obeyed him and turned around. He applied oil on my hair and began to massage the scalp soothingly that I began to relax.

"You should oil your hair regularly to keep it healthy." Om said massaging my scalp, " The anchor on show I saw the previous day told that massaging the head with warm oil will reduce the headache."

I smiled at him.

"So, are you feeling better now? " Om asked taking seat beside me after oiling my hair.

"Much better." I said smiling at him.

"You really are spoiling your hair without nourishing it properly." Om said in a complaining tone.

"Hey, I am not that bad in maintaining my hair."

"That I can see, anyways no problems now that I am here, I will make sure you oil your hair regularly." Om said smiling.

"Thank you, Om." I said looking at him, " For taking care of me."

"I will be there to take care of you always, that's a promise." Om said hugging me.

I hugged him back placing my head on his chest, I felt safe and warm in his embrace. My stomach grumbled loud indicating that I am hungry and I looked at Om smiling sheepishly.

"I will go prepare noodles for us." Om said smiling.

"I can help you." I offered.

"It's okay, I can manage. You just take rest." Om said moving towards the kitchen.

Later we filled our stomachs with the delicious noodles Om made.

"It's still 9, we can go on a walk and grab some chocolates and ice creams." Om said placing the plates in the sink.

"That's a good idea, come let's go." I said and we both began to walk towards the ice cream store.

"What made you crave for ice cream suddenly? " I asked Om, who was walking beside me.

"It's not for me, it's for you. I know girls will have cravings for sweets on their monthly days." Om said casually.

"Is it? And how did you gained so much knowledge about all these girly things? " I asked raising an eyebrow.

"What did you thought I did by staying in the home alone for a month till you return back from your work." Om said smiling sheepishly.

"So, all those days you where watching and gaining knowledge about all these things?" I asked him in a teasing tone.

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