Chapter 31

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Saturday came fast and we all got ready to go and enjoy our day at amusement park. I packed everything for me and Om. He got dressed in his jeans shorts and a white t shirt that hugged his body showing off his muscles making him look hot.

Soon the sound of car was heard indicating Shivaay bhaiyya along with Sahil and Anika arrived.

"Om___ hurry up. They are here." I said walking outside the kitchen.

"I am ready, Gauri." Om said coming out from the room.

"Okay, come let's go." I said pulling his holding his hand.

"Gauri, wait." He said stopping me.

"What? "

"It's cold outside." He said holding a sweater out for me to slip in.

I nodded and he helped me slip into the sweater.

"Okay, come let's go now." I said.

"No, wait for a minute." Om said and wrapped a shawl around me. Making me look like a Frankie roll.

"Om, you are insane." I said laughing.

"I don't want you to fall ill." He said tucking my hair behind looking into my eyes.

Shivaay bhaiyya honked his car making us rush out of the door. We greeted them and settled ourselves in the car.

We enjoyed a lot in the amusement park and surprisingly Shivaay bhaiyya and Om got bonded well, they were behaving like long lost friends jumping and running around enthusiastically playing games and going rides along with Sahil.

"I enjoyed a lot with you guys, hope we can plan for another outing some other time." Shivaay Bhaiyya said after dropping us in Anika's cafe.

"Yes, probably after our wedding." Anika said standing beside Shivaay.

"Om and Gauri, our parents are planning for our engagement next week which is a private ceremony with only family members. I want you two to be present on our special day." Shivaay said.

"Congratulations, we will be there." Om said giving Shivaay a man hug.

"Congratulations Anika and Shivaay bhaiyya. I am so happy for you two." I said. Finally Anika is getting married to the love of her life.

Later we started walking towards our home with Om's hand holding mine, our hands looked perfect together like they are designed to be held together. Om was talking about something animatedly but I didn't heard anything as I am busy observing him. The way the dimples forms while he smiles and the way he brushes away the hair delicately with his hand and mostly the way he looks at me like I am the only person in the world.

I was busy observing him when it started raining suddenly.

"Gauri run it's raining." Om said pulling me by holding my hand. I walked behind him watching him and our entwined fingers.

"Come here, you will catch cold if you stand in the rain." Om said standing under a tree in the near by park. "Come here." He said pulling me under his coat to protect me from getting soaked in the rain.

I looked up at him and found he was already looking at me. How my life changed for good in 4 months with the arrival of Om into my small world. Om, the person who came into my life like an angel and showed me what it feels like to be loved and cared.


We stood under the tree in a park with Gauri in my arms. I sheltered her with my coat to protect her from getting drenched in the rain. No matter what may come in my life, I will protect and love her always. She looked up at me with her big doe eyes full of love.

One thing I realized lately was that I am madly and undeniably in love with the woman in my arms. Everything about her makes me fall harder in love with her every passing day. I watched her with much love and fascination, She was looking beautiful even when  she is shivering from cold weather, her cheeks pink and Water droplets rolling down her face making a way on her plump lips.

I wiped the droplets on her lips with the pad of my thimb and she shivered at my touch yet we both didn't broke our eyelock. I placed my lips on her and she gasped. I nibbled her lower lip ever so slowly between my lips and she was too shocked to react. I wrapped my arms around her waist bringing her closer to me and continued kissing her. I bit on her lip and kissed her again, this time Gauri wrapped her hands around my neck and tried to follow my movements innocently. That's what I need I kissed her hard and passionate as if it was my oxygen to live. Breaking the kiss, I muttered the magical three words.

"I Love You Gauri." I said resting my forehead against hers.

"I.. I Love You too, Om." She said with a blush creeping up her cheeks.

I pulled her again for a kiss and unlike the previous one this is sweet, passionate yet hard and demanding like both the souls are trying to convey all the feelings through our kiss. My hand wrapping around her waist while the other one is holding her neck , Gauri has her both hands around my neck holding on to my hair clutching them in a pleasurable pain.

Once again we parted for the cruel need of oxygen and I hugged Gauri close to my heart wrapping my arms around her. Happy was a small word to describe my feelings right now. I was overwhelmed with all the feelings. We stayed there under the tree in the rain for some time enjoying our moment together.



We both sneezed at the same time and laughed.

"Come let's go home. You already caught cold." I said and we both ran towards the home hand in hand laughing. I wish we could stay like this forever.


We both entered the home fully drenched, sneezing and shivering from the cold.

"Gauri, go and change, while I prepare coffee for us." I told and let Gauri change in the room.

I found a pair my clothes in the living room and quickly changed into them before heading into the kitchen to prepare coffee for us.

When I came into the living room with coffee, I found Gauri sitting on the sofa in living room drying her hair with the towel.

"Here, drink this coffee first." I said giving her a cup of coffee.

"Thank you, Om." She smiled sweetly.

"Now, don't say thank you. It's my duty to take care of you now, My Love." I said kissing her forehead taking the towel from her hand to dry her hair.

I dried Gauri hair with the towel while she was drinking the coffee.

"Gauri, take rest for sometime while I prepare dinner for us." I said and went towards the kitchen.

Later when I came back to check Gauri, she was sleeping on the couch and when I tried to wake her up, I found she is burning with high temperature.

Woohoo... They kissed!!! And confessed their love. 😃

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