Chapter 17

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I sat in a corner table in the cafe from where I can see Gauri working in the cafe. I felt happy when she asked me if I want to join her to the cafe and I agreed gladly. Now I sat in the cafe watching her every move, the way she smiles and greets the customers, the way creases form on her forehead, while she frosts the cupcakes with at most concentration and that happy smile that forms on her face when she does the frosting perfectly. I was observing her every move and expression, I found an urge to capture that expressions and involuntarily my hands began to work on drawing her picture.

I was too engrossed in sketching her face on the blank paper that I failed to notice her approaching me. She came near me and tried to see what I am drawing and I instantly closed the book as a reflex as I don't want her to think me as a pervert, who was gawking at her and painting her without her permission.

"What are you doing? " She asked sitting in front of me.

"It's__nothing." I stuttered by now I came to know I suck in lying.

"If it is nothing, why are you hiding it from me? " She asked raising an eyebrow cutely.

"It's just I was drawing something." I said not meeting her eyes.

"Wow!! Can I see what you are drawing." She asked sounding curious.

I passed the book hesitantly towards her to opened it, she was looking at it intently and I closed my eyes ready to listen her bashing on me.

"It's__it's beautiful. I never know you can sketch me so beautifully." She said looking at the drawing shocking me.

"Uh.. Thank you. I was just trying to draw." I said heat creeping up my face.

"It's really beautiful. You must sketch more often, I think you will make a great artist." She said casually munching on her meal.

"I don't think I am that great at art." I said honestly.

"We don't know what is hidden inside us, until we try and bring it out. I can see that there is a great artist in you, you should try and enhance your skills. I believe in you that you will be a great artist one day." She said looking into his eyes.

Yes, she was right. I don't know what I am before and now I should try and explore the hidden talents in me. I should know who I am and if I can't remember who I am then I will make my new identity.

I looked into her hazel green eyes that was looking at me and they are the most beautiful eyes, I have ever seen. They are the only memory that I had been etched in my mind and all I can remember. They speak depths and I can't help but get lost in those eyes whenever I look into them. Our brief eyelock was disturbed by the ringing of Gauri's mobile. We both broke the eyelock and I looked away towards the glass door and in my peripheral vision I can see Gauri fetching and grabbing her phone from her hand back to answer it.

"Hello, yes this is Gauri Sharma." Gauri spoke into the phone.

"Yes, by what time it is scheduled?"

"Okay, we will be there, please confirm the appointment." Gauri said and cut the call.

I looked at her.

"It was a reminder call from the hospital regarding your appointment with the doctor tomorrow." Gauri said. "We need to go there for your monthly check up."

I nodded my head in agreement.

Next day Gauri and I went to hospital after dropping Sahil at his school. As we were about to enter the hospital Gauri tugged at my hand stopping me. I turned around and found her fidgeting with her dupatta nervously.

"What happened, Gauri?" I asked her.

"Erm... Doctor thinks we are husband and wife, and we must act like one since we don't need any drama." She said hesitantly.

"It's okay, we will." I said smiling.

"Thank you, I know it will be awkward but we don't have any other option." She said.

"I can understand, come let's go inside." I said and we both walked inside.

"Mrs.Sharma, your husband is recovering well and It's a good sign." The doctor said to Gauri.

She smiled lightly looking at Doctor.

"We will removing the cast as his hand is fine now and I would suggest a few exercises. And regarding his memory, we will take this slow." Doctor said and asked me to follow into the other room so that he can remove the cast and remove my bandages.

"Mr.Sharma, you are doing very well and I can say that your wife is taking good care of you. You are lucky to have her. " Doctor said as he removed the cast from my hand.

"Yeah, I am." I smiled.

"Your arm is fine and try not to lift any weights or do any strenuous works till two weeks." He said. "And for the injury on your head, It's healed and I will remove the bandages now."

After coming out of the hospital, Gauri took me to shop some clothes and necessities.

"Bhaiyya, show some sweaters for him." Gauri asked the shopkeeper.

"You are here to shop for me? " I asked Gauri surprised.

"Yes, it's getting cold here and you will need a sweater and clothes to keep you warm. And I don't want any arguements over this." Gauri said strictly as she checked few sweaters.

"What do you feel about this? " She asked me as she placed two sweaters in front of me.

"I don't know, can you please pick out anything that you feel good." I said honestly.

"Okay then, I think this will suit you better." She said holding a dark grey color hoodie in front of me.

"Bhaiyya, pack this and show us some t-shirts and jeans." Gauri said.

She made me try different t-shirts and jeans and selected a few to take home.

"Gauri, you don't have to do that for me." I said while she was paying the bill.

"I will and as I said I don't want any arguments on this. I thought of buying you some clothes since you don't have any and you stay here and collect the clothes, I have a little work and I will be back in few minutes, you can call me, if you need anything." Gauri said and went out of the shop leaving me there.

I looked around and waited for the salesman to pack the clothes and by the time he gave me the bags, Gauri came carrying a bag.

"Okay, come let's go." She said taking the bags from me.

"It's okay, I will carry them, my hands are good now." I said in protest.

"Yeah, I know but still you are not ready to carry weights."

"It's okay, Gauri. They are not of much weight." I said and she gave in.

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