Chapter 20

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Next day I was cooking breakfast in the kitchen, while Om is helping Sahil to get ready for his school.

"Sahil, Anika called me earlier. She has started for Shimla and will be reaching here today evening." I told Sahil.

"O God___ now she won't let me play with my Xbox till the completion of my exams." Sahil said holding his head.

"Why don't you stay here till the completion of your exams, we will take permission from Anika." Om said to Sahil.

"My Di won't allow me, she is very strict." Sahil said sadly.

"Sahil, whatever Anika says it's for your own good. After your exams I will convince Anika and will take you to the Amusement park, Okay." I said cheering him up.

"Wow!! Amusement park. Will you really take me there Gauri di." He asked cheerfully.

"Yes, I will. After the completion of your exams." I promised him, " Now smile and eat your breakfast, before you go to the school." I said and Sahil ran towards the dining table.

"You are very good at dealing with kids." Om said once we are alone.

"Thank you, I have to go to cafe now, help yourself with the breakfast and I will try to return early." I said and moved out taking my bag.

"Bye Gauri, Have a nice day." Om said waving his hand leaning against the door.

I waved back smiling at him.

The rest of the day, I spent keeping myself busy in the works but I couldn't help but think about Om, he would have felt lonely in the home, I should have brought him to the cafe along with me but I can't take chance of leaving him alone with the girls, the thought of them drooling over him is not settling with me. I finished my works very fast and returned to home around 6 , which was alien to me. Earlier I used to stay in the cafe even after it's working hours because I used to feel alone at home but now I have someone to go home to. I ran to climb the steps and even before I can knock the door, Om opened it smiling widely.

"You are home early." He smiled brightly.

"Yes, I thought of giving you some company since you are feeling alone." I said walking inside the living room.

"Thank you, I will make coffee for you." He said walking into the kitchen.

"Wait, I don't like coffee. I am a tea person." I said walking behind him into the kitchen.

"Okay then, I will make tea for you." He said taking the milk pan.

"I won't drink regular tea, I will only drink Glucose biscuit tea." I said and he looked at me confused.

"I read the whole recipe book but there is no mention about Glucose biscuit tea in it." Om said looking confused and I laughed at his confused expression.

"Because that is my own invention. Let me teach you that." I said and he nodded.

"Okay, now we have to make the regular tea first and then we should add Glucose biscuit in it." I said and he made a shocked expression making me laugh. The door bell rang disturbing us.

"It's only 6, Sahil won't be coming home till 7. Are you expecting any guests?" Om asked.

"No, I will go and see, You make the tea." I said and walked towards the door to open it smiling looking at Om's face, that was frowned while making tea with much concentration.

I opened the door and Anika was standing there.

"Gauri___ I missed you." Anika said hugging me.

"I missed you too, Anika. You told you will be reaching Shimla only after 7." I said allowing her inside.

"Yes, but I took the early bus and arrived early." She said walking behind me into the living room.

"Hii Anika, nice to see you again." Om said waving at her from the kitchen.

"Hii Om, nice to see you too. How are you doing? " Anika asked sitting in the sofa.

"I am doing really good, would like to have coffee or tea." He asked.

"Anything will be Okay." Anika said and turned towards me. "So, how are you doing? " She asked.

"I am good, why did you ask so? " I asked her.

"You were all smiles when you opened the door for me, what's going on?" She asked raising her eyebrow.

"It's nothing, Anika. I was just teaching him to make Glucose biscuit chai."

"Seems like you guys are bonding up really good." Anika said.

"He is really good, Anika." I said looking at Om, who was pouring tea in the cups trying hard not to spill it. His long silky hairs are falling on his face disturbing him, he looked handsome wearing the pink kitchen apron.

"Back to earth Gauri." Anika said waving her hand in front of me.

"Sorry__ tell me about your outing." I asked and Anika began to narrate about all the happenings in her Grandma's home.

"Glucose biscuit tea ready." Om said placing the tray in front of us.

"Thank you Om, it's made really good." Anika said sipping the tea.

"Thank you and the credits goes to Gauri." He said raising his cup.

"Anika, I will prepare dinner for us. Sahil is having extra class today and won't be home till 7." I said after finishing my tea.

"Okay, I will stay for dinner. For now I will relax watching the Tv, I am too tired from all the travel." Anika said settling herself on the sofa comfortably.

"I will go and do the dinner arrangements." I said and walked towards the kitchen.

"Gauri, wait, I will help you." Om said walked behind me towards the kitchen.

"We will make Paneer curry and Roti for the dinner." I said deciding the menu.

"Okay, I will chop the onions." Om said taking out the knife from the stand.

"Hey, be careful you could cut your fingers." I said watching Om trying to do feats with knife.

"I watched this cookery show in the TV earlier this afternoon, the chef was chopping Onions very nice and fast like this." Om said, trying to cut Onions fast like a professional.

"Om__ they're professionals, don't to do it__" I was saying but Om proved me right cutting his finger.

"Ouch___" Om said shaking his finger.

"I told you not to do that see now you got an injury again, it was just yesterday the doctor removed your bandages and you are ready to get one already." I scolded him smacking his head.

"You are scolding me instead of tending me." He mumbled innocently looking at me sideways.

I couldn't help but smile.

"Come let me aid your cut." I said and grabbed his hand to run water on it.

I took out the first aid kit from the cabinet and aided his cut.

"Ouch___ Gauri, it's burning." He said while I cleaned it with dettol.

"You should have thought about it before performing stunts." I scolded and blew air on his cut.

"Why do you do this, Om. See, you just recovered from all those injuries and again you are being careless." I said wrapping his hand with bandaid.

"Sorry, I will be careful from next time." Om said wiping a lone tear on my cheek that I didn't noticed.

I looked up at him into his chocolate brown eyes which are looking at me with an emotion, I couldn't interpret. His large palm was still laying against my cheek cupping it.

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