Chapter 29

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The cafe was crowded today with customers ordering and taking away the cakes for Christmas which is tomorrow. Earlier this afternoon I got a call from Om saying that he took an off today since he is not feeling well and was going home. I wish I could go and check on him but I was helpless as there was a lot of work in the cafe, so I was calling him time to time to check on him. Even though he assured that it was just a headache and he was fine. I was feeling restless thinking about him. I packed the last order for the cake and rushed out of the cafe bidding bye to Anika.

Finally I reached the home and when I opened the door, I was surprised with the view in front of me.

The home was fully decorated with balloons, fairy lights and stars, with a Christmas tree in the corner and gifts under it. Om was standing on the stool hanging stars while Ash was busy playing with Christmas ornaments, tangled in ribbons.

"Merry Christmas, Gauri." Om shouted after seeing me standing at the door looking amazed by the decorations.

"Merry Christmas, Om." I said with teary eyes.

"Did you liked the decorations? I thought of giving you a surprise." Om asked.

"I loved it, Thank you." I said and hugged Om.

"Hey, why are you crying?" Om asked wiping the tears on my cheeks.

"I remembered about the days with my Mom and Dad. How we used to celebrate Christmas." I said and Om hugged me tight and cradled me.

"Shh... Don't cry, see, I made all this to make you happy not to make you cry. Now come let's open the gift I brought for you." Om said pulling me towards the Christmas tree.

"Here, open this." Om said giving a gift box for me after we sat on the floor near the Christmas tree.

I opened it and found a chain with an angel pendant in it.

"This is beautiful." I said looking at the chain.

"Thank you, When I saw it, I remembered you, you are the angel in my life." Om said taking the chain from me.

"Shall I? " He asked holding the chain.

I nodded and pulled my hair in front so that he can make me wear the chain.

He hooked the chain behind my neck, his fingers touched the back of my neck sending shivers down the spine. His breathe fanning on my neck, I closed my eyes with the proximity.

"Now, I brought one more gift for you." Om said cheerfully giving another box.

"Om___ you are spoiling me." I said smiling.

"I want to spoil you with all these gifts, now open it, I brought another gift also." He said.


"Yes." Om said making me wear the Anklets.

"Now this is the last one." Om said giving a box to me.

"Wow! This is beautiful Om." I said touching the red saree Om presented me.

"It will look even more beautiful once you wear it." Om said looking at me.

"Thank you, Om. For all these gifts I am really happy. And also sad at the same time that I didn't brought any gift for you." I said pouting.

"Hmm... You can still give me one." Om said after acting like thinking deeply.

"What is it? " I asked curious.

"You see we are sitting under a mistle toe, you can give me a kiss now under it." Om said winking teasingly.

"Shut up, Shameless." I laughed smacking his arm.

"Hey, I am serious. I did all these things I deserve a kiss at least." Om said showing puppy eyes.

"You are such a kid. But I am not giving you a kiss." I laughed.

"It's not fair, legend says it brings bad luck if you don't kiss under a mistletoe and I don't want bad luck for us." Om said pouting.

"You really know how to convince people." I said pulling his cheeks.

"That means I can get my kiss! " Om asked cheerfully.

I nodded and he moved his face near mine.

"You really have high expectations from me." I said laughing and kissed him on his dimple cheek lightly.

"Hey, this is cheating." Om whined.

"A kiss is a kiss, it doesn't matter if it is on cheek or lips." I said smiling and Om pouted making me laugh.

"To whom are the other gifts for? " I asked looking at the few other gifts under the Christmas tree.

"I brought gifts for Anika, Sahil and Ash." Om said.

"Hey Ash, this is for you." Om said taking out a new bowl and bone for Ash from the box.

"That was cute." I said looking at Ash, who was busy chewing his new bone.

"I invited Anika and Sahil to come over for dinner." Om said placing his chin on my shoulder from behind almost touching our faces together.

"That's good." I said looking at him turning my face slightly to my right.

The door bell rang indicating the arrival of Anika and Sahil.

"I will go and see." Om said standing up from the floor.

"Hi Anika___ Hi Sahil. Merry Christmas." Om said opening the door.

"Hi Om/ Om Jiju. Merry Christmas." Anika and Sahil greeted back.

"Where is Gauri? " Anika asked coming inside.

"I am here." I said waving my hand.

"Gauri, Merry Christmas." Anika and Sahil hugged me.

"Merry Christmas to you too." I said.

"Anika, this is your Christmas gift and this if for you Sahil." Om said giving gifts for Anika and Sahil.

"Om, what's need for this." Anika said.

"Can't I buy a gift for my sister? " Om asked Anika.

"Thank you, Om." Anika said giving a side hug to Om.

"Om jiju___ Thank you. " Sahil said cheerfully after finding a new video game in his gift box.

"You are Welcome, Sahil." Om said ruffling Sahil's hair.

"Now guys, let's have some fun." Om said playing songs and pulled everyone to dance.

With that we all began to sing, dance and laugh heartily. I am being truly happy after a long time. I wish I can stay happy like this forever.

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