Chapter 8

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We hired a cab to take us to the near by local hospital, I got into the back seat with the person's head resting in my lap while Anika sat beside the driver. All the way long I kept praying  god to save the stranger I just met.

Soon we reached hospital and the staff took him into the emergency ward.

"Anika, he will be okay right? " I asked as a lone tear rolled down my eyes.

"He will be alright, Gauri. Don't cry." Anika said wiping my tears.

"Are you with the patient? " The doctor asked as he came out of the ICU.

"Yes." Anika and I said in unison.

"How did he got injured?" Doctor asked.

"We..." I tried saying but Anika cut me off.

"He fell down from the roof while drying the clothes. And we were out of the town to attend a marriage when we got back to home we found him unconscious on the ground." Anika lied.

Doctor looked at us suspiciously.

"What is your relationship with the patient? " Doctor asked Anika.

"I am his sister and she is his wife." Anika said pointing towards me as she said the last part.

I looked at Anika wide eyed, how easily she was lying.

"Please doctor, save my brother... He is newly married, I don't want to see my sister in law roaming around wearing a white saree." Anika cried hugging me.

"Gauri, it's your husband who is in ICU, try a sad look instead of that shock expression." Anika whispered.

"Yes, doctor. Please save my husband, I can't live without him." I cried.

The doctor seemed to be convinced.

"We will try our best to save him as he got a pretty bad injury on his head and a lots of blood loss. Fill the forms in the reception while we treat the patient." The doctor said as he moved inside the operation theatre.

"Why did you lied, Anika." I lashed out on her once we are alone.

"Shh... Do you think they will accept so easily to operate him if we say we found him in the valley. They will ask us to file a police report and a 100 formalities, by then the patient will have reached half way to the heaven." Anika said pointing her hand upwards.

"But why did you said that I am his wife?" I asked her.

"See, Gauri they won't agree to perform an operation unless they have someone related to the patient sign the forms. And I can't say I am his wife as I don't want to see Shivaay behind the bars for killing me and You are single and no one will question you if you say you are his wife. Any how it's just a matter of few days once he heals and gains consciousness we can apologize to him." Anika said.

"Okay, now let's go and fill the forms." I said as we moved towards the reception.

"What is the patient name, Mam? " The receptionist asked.

"Cha... " Anika started and I cut her off.

"Om... Om Sharma." I said to the receptionist and filled the other details and finally signed the form as his wife.

We walked towards the waiting area and settled down on the seats.

"Hmm... Om Sharma, first time in history a wife gave her last name to her husband." Anika said and I smacked her arm.

"It's a better name than Champak Lal that you were about to say." I said.

"How did you guessed that I am saying Champak lal? " Anika asked with a surprised look.

"Easy to guess as you were dreaming about Champak lal's Aloo chaat all the way." I said as rolling my eyes.

"And what made you name him Om." Anika asked.

"He has a tattooed Om symbol on his hand and I guessed that would be his name." I said.

"Genius." Anika said. "Don't say anything about this to Shivaay, he will scold us saying we are doing stupid things."

I nodded my head in agreement.

"Whom are you thinking about now? " Anika asked seeing me drifting into thoughts.

"The guy, what might have made him ended up in a situation like that, laying there in that bushes badly injured." I asked.

"I was also thinking the same, may be he attempted suicide for love failure or something."

"I don't think so, he doesn't look like a immature guy who attempts suicide for the trivial things like that." I said.

"May be someone kidnapped and tried to murder him throwing him down the valley. They might have left him thinking he is dead." Anika said making me afraid.

"Don't say that Anika, why will someone tries to murder him. He looks like a good guy." I defended.

"That's the point, good persons only will have enemies." Anika said.

I was about to say something when the doctor came out of the operation theatre and I ran towards him.

"How is he doing doctor?  Is he fine now? " I asked.

"We tried our best to save him, for now he is under observation for 24 hours. As I said before he had a pretty bad injury on his head along with a twisted ankle and fractured hand which we casted. Apart from that everything is fine. We will run tests once he gets conscious, we will see if there any other problems." He said and I breathed out the air which I didn't noticed I have been holding.

"Thank god he is fine." I said covering my face with my hands thanking God.

Anika thanked the doctor and he left.

"Gauri, I think we should go back to home, we didn't left the hospital since morning and it's almost night. We should go back and come tomorrow morning." Anika said.

"But how can I leave him here alone. What of he needs someone to help him?" I said worried about leaving him alone.

"Gauri, now stop behaving like he is your husband for real, he is under observation and has nurses to attend him. Moreover they have our phone numbers, if anything happens they will call us. Now we should get going." Anika said pulling me with her.

Later at night I layed on my bed thinking about the stranger I met today, I felt a strange emotion near him. I closed my eyes thinking about him.

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