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"You are Pregnant!!" I said overwhelmed by the feelings I felt knowing that I am going to be a father.

"O my god, you don't know how happy you had made me, Ishu. I am going to be a dad, we are going to be parents. This is the best gift I have ever got." Ishaana squealed as I jumped around the room lifting her in my arms.

"Omkara, please put me down." She said.

"Sorry, I am feeling ecstatic. Thank you Ishaana." I said as I pulled her for a kiss.

We broke apart after the kiss and I cupped her face as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"What happened, Ishu. Why are you crying now? Aren't you happy with the news? " I asked her seeing her tearful face.

I know it's very early for us to have a baby which is completely unplanned, I don't know whether she was ready for a baby or not, but I am more than happy thinking about a little bundle of joy spreading smiles in our lives, but if Ishaana is not ready then I will respect  her decision.

"I am happy." Ishaana said and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Then why are you crying? Hmm? " I said as I hugged her to my chest.

"It's just pregnancy hormones that are making me cry." She sniffed.

"Okay, don't cry. I am here for you. I will be on your side throughout this phase. And tomorrow we are going to visit the doctor. I will arrange an appointment." I said and she hugged me tight.

It's been 5 weeks since we went to visit the gynecologist. She congratulated us for our first child. She ran some tests on Ishaana and confirmed that she is 3 weeks so far and both mom and baby are very healthy, which is sigh of relief since I thought something is wrong with the way Ishaana kept crying on the day she revealed me about her pregnancy but everything is absolutely perfect.

"Ishaana, have this fruits and drink this milk." I said as I placed the tray in front of her on the bed.

"Om, you are spoiling me." She said smiling.

"I will spoil you and my baby. I am very happy." I said as I sat beside her.

"You will be a great father, Om." She said and I felt a kind of emotion swirl in her eyes for a second. Sadness?

"Thank you. You will make an amazing mother." I said as I kissed her forehead.

"Ishaana, I have to go to Himachal Pradesh to see a property that I will be buying. I will be out for 2 days will it be ok for you?" I asked Ishaana.

"I will be fine, Om. Don't worry about me. But if you forgot let me remind you that my birthday is on this weekend." She said as she smiled.

"How can I forget your birthday, that's why I am making an early trip to Himachal Pradesh so that I can spend time with you on your birthday."

"Thank you, Be back soon. We will miss you. " She said as she rubbed her belly gently.

"I will miss you both too, take care of yourself and our baby. I love you both." I said and pecked Ishaana on her lips and belly.

I went to my office to pick up some files necessary for making a contract with Mr. Simmons, who is willing to sell his company to us. I was checking some files and going through the accounts, when Abhay made an appearance in my office drunk.

"Abhay, what are doing here?"

"I want 20 Million. " He said without beating around the bush.

"And why do you need that? " I asked crossing my arms.

"I lost a bet in gambling and I have to repay the debt." He said as he slurred.

"I am not going to encourage your playboy acts. I already warned you about this. And last time I helped you settle in a company but you lost the job with this attitude of yours." I shouted at him angrily this guy is getting on my nerves, even though I has no responsibility towards him. I felt like I should at least help him settle since I know him from my childhood. And a part of me considers him as my brother, even though we don't share the same blood and genes.

"Listen, Omkara, I need 20 billion now. I don't have time to listen to your rantings. If that old bastard father of yours wasn't that selfish with my mother, I wouldn't have been here begging money from a egoistic jerk like you." He spat.

"Don't you dare speak a word against my father, I will kill you with my bare hands. And I won't give you a penny." I said as I choked him with my hands on his neck.

"You will regret this Omkara. " He said coughing as he made his way out of my office.

I sat on my chair having enough drama for the day.

"Sir, the pilot is ready to take you to your business trip." My secretary informed me.

I gathered all my files and boarded my private jet to reach Himachal Pradesh. Hopefully I can take a break for one month after closing this deal to spend time with Ishaana and my unborn kid.

Somewhere in a secluded area:

"Take this money and have my work done without any suspicion." A person said as he handed a suitcase to another person.

"The work will be done as you said."

"I won't tolerate any mistakes, it should be done perfectly. The photo is in this envelope." The person said.

"You want me to kill this person!" The person laughed, "what an ideal brother."

"He is not my brother, and I need that bastard to go." Abhay hissed.

"This is a pretty interesting deal, I would charge extra money for this." The person smiled wickedly.

"You bloody... " Abhay said as he plunged towards the person and held his collar.

"Leave him, Abhay." A lady voice came from behind.

Abhay left the person.

"For now, we don't have money other than what we have given you. But if you finish this perfectly. We will pay you double." The lady said.

"I must say, Omkara Oberoi life is not as the papers says, what a ideal family he got." The person laughed.

"Kali." The lady sneered.

"Okay, Your work will be done. You don't have money but I can see you have something precious." Kali said as he eyed the diamond necklace of the lady.

She removed the necklace and threw at his feet.

"Don't you dare do any mistake." She warned.

"Come let's go, Abhay." She said as she walked out side.

As promised a double  update srinagaramya:)

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