Chapter 25

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Today Gauri was having a holiday on the occasion of Diwali much to my happiness. From early this morning Gauri is flying around the house doing preparations for pooja, while Ash and I sat in the middle of the living room watching her.

"Instead of watching me do everything, why can't you help me?" Gauri said.

"What you want me to help you with? I don't know what to do." I said.

Gauri breathed out a long sigh and said, " Take this garlands and hang them in front of the door way." She said giving me the garlands.

"Okay." I said walking towards the door.

After a while, I hanged the garlands and Gauri came.

"Om, this is not the way, you hangs them." She said holding her head.

"I did as you said."

"I said to hang them on the sides of the door not in the middle to block the way." Gauri rolled her eyes. "Move, let me show you how to hang them so that you can do that the next time perfectly." Gauri said taking the garlands from my hand.

Gauri hanged the garlands and turned around towards me.

"This is the way to hang the garlands, learn and do correctly from next time." Gauri said pointing her finger towards me.

"You are there na to teach me, Mom" I said smiling.

"Always... Now take this garlands and hang them in the same way on other places too, Kiddo." Gauri said ruffling my hair laughing.

"Ahh!! Don't mess my hair." I complained.

"Why?? Your hair is smooth and silky, I envy you in that matter." Gauri said smiling.

"Your hair is not that bad, it just need to be taken care of." I said. Why does she feels so, she has the beautiful hair.

"Even then, I doubt my hair will be like yours." Gauri said pouting like a kid cutely.

"We will see that, now get down from that chair, before you fall from that. Even if you fall, I am not gonna catch you like that cliche romantic heroes. Besides Doctor said not to carry weights." I said making a serious face.

"You think I am fat, you moron. I am not fat." Gauri said smacking me and I laughed out loud seeing her expression.

"I don't think, it's fact that you are fat and also Short." I said sticking my tongue out and ran inside the home.

"Om___ I am gonna kill you today." Gauri shouted and chased me around the house.

I ran all around the house with Gauri chasing me, finally she caught me but we both lost balance and landed on the bed with Gauri on top of me.

"Ouch___ I am dead with a heavy weight landing on me." I said pretending to be dead.

"I am not that fat." Gauri said hitting me on my chest while straddling me laying on my top.

"Ouch, Gauri it hurts stop." I said trying to hold her wrists but she didn't stopped. "Okay... Okay... I am sorry. Please forgive me." I said raising my hands in surrender.

She smiled brightly and then her smile turned into a frown.

"Do I look really fat, Om? " She asked innocently looking at her body. "I think I gained weight, may be you are right I must do some dieting thing." She said cutely.

I flipped our positions making her land on the bed on her back and I above her. She was looking at me with her hairs covering her face. I raised my hands and tucked her hair that are blocking my view to see her beautiful face, behind her ear and cupped her face with my large palm and moved my face near to hers without breaking the eye lock.

"You are the beautiful woman. Never feel low about yourself, I like you in the way you are." I said looking deeply in her eyes.

She nodded her head in a daze.

"You are perfect in every sense. The way you smile, the way you pout and even the way you look when you are angry. Apart from all these you have a very beautiful soul that many others lack. So, never ever feel you are not beautiful, even if you are at your worst, I will like you the same way." I said placing a kiss on her forehead and walked out of the room.

Gauri's POV :

I layed on the bed thinking about what just happened a while ago. Om kissed me!! He freaking kissed me. Hey Shankerji, what's happening? Om kissed me!! even though it is a forehead kiss, I am feeling like all the butterflies in this world are dancing inside my stomach. I subconsciously touched my forehead where Om just kissed me with my fingers, I still can feel the touch of his lips on my forehead, I can feel the burning sensation on my whole face and I am sure I must be looking like a tomato now. If it was someone else I might have kicked them but with Om, I didn't felt that wrong, it felt more right and I enjoyed this small moment. What's happening to me?

I stood up from the bed and changed myself into a red chudidhar. I planned to visit the temple today. After getting ready I came towards the living room ready to face the awkward silence between me and Om. He was playing in the living room with Ash, when he noticed my presence he turned back and gave me a heart stopping smile.

"I am waiting for you, shall we start for the temple?" He asked casually.

"Yes." I said smiling lightly not to make things awkward.

I took the pooja plate and walked outside the home while Om locked the door behind. We reached the temple in complete silence and performed puja together.

Later we sat inside the temple watching people performing puja with their families happily.

"Look, how cute their family is looking." Om said pointing towards a couple carrying a one year kid and 5 year old.

"Yes, the kids are looking very cute." I said smiling.

"What is your idea about kids in future? " Om asked suddenly making me blush.

"I never thought about it. But, I do want two kids, who will have a proper family to love and take care of them unlike me. How about you?" I asked.

"I want a cute little girl, who will be Papa's princess." Om said smiling.

"What's wrong with a boy, you can have someone to play games with you and do some boyish things." I defended.

"Even a girl can play video games with me, think she will be running around helping in kitchen then teaching me what to do and what not to do." Om said.

"Even then I want a boy. A boy who will be Mama's Prince." I said.

"Okay then, it's a boy and a girl. We can have both of them." Om said smiling lifting his hand for HiFi.

"Yes, a boy and a girl." I said HiFying with him and then realised what an awkward conversation we both are having.

"Ermm... Om, we should get going to home now." I said standing taking the puja plate and Om nodded following me.

What's wrong with me, why am I making my future family plans with him? I accept that he is friendly, caring and devilishly handsome and has everything a girl dreams of having in her husband. But why am I being attracted towards him, O God, I can't do this, I can't fall in love with him. He is here only until he regains his memory, I shouldn't let my feelings about him grow strong. It's better for us both.

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