Chapter 43

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It's been four months since I saw On and three months since I started my life in Paris. I started working in a company, which makes a good pay. I am staying in a rented apartment here. All these months, I tried to forget Om and move on. But I couldn't and I hate myself for that. It was wrong for me to love a married person. I would be anything but a home wrecker. Ishaana is a nice person, my Om will be happy with her. I don't want to complicate the things in his life. I successfully entered into my second trimester and now I am having a visible baby bump. I am happy since my pregnancy is a cake walk till now, my morning sickness was not much horrible like the rest, to which I am grateful. Right now, I have to concentrate on my baby, soon he or she will be born and I would have to take care of my baby without any support.


I sat in my office along with Rudra, waiting for Vikram to make the appearance. On my way to Mumbai, I explained Rudra about Vikram and Gauri. And it didn't take much time for us to find Vikram as he was working for Oberoi Fashions.

"Why is he taking so much time to come? " I said impatiently looking at the door for Vikram.

"Calm down, bud. It's been just 5 minutes since you summoned Mishra to send so called Vikram Chauhan to your chamber. He is not some superman to appear in your cabin in a blink of an eye. Patience man, I know you are desperate to meet Bhabhi but still you have to wait." Rudra said seeing my desperation.

"I don't know, Rudra. What if Vikram don't know about Gauri's whereabouts which I highly doubt because Vikram is Gauri's friend and after their reunion I am sure Vikram wouldn't have let go of Gauri just like that. What if he too doesn't help us just like Anika? " I said nervously.

"Cool down, Om. Your fears or not gonna help us. Besides he's your employee and we will try to get information by hook or crook. Let me deal with him, unlike that arrogant, stubborn woman, I think he will help us. He is a man after all and I think he will understand your problems." Rudra said assuringly.

Just as Rudra stopped speaking, the knock at my door indicted us that Vikram has arrived.

"Come in." Rudra said and signed me to keep quiet as he was going to deal with him.

The door opened revealing a tall and Skinny yet well built man entered the room. He has a chiseled face with dark hair and brown eyes.

"Hello Sir, Mishraji said that you asked for me. How can I help you sir?" Vikram asked politely once he was inside my cabin.

"Mr.Chauhan, please come and have a seat." Rudra said pointing towards the chair in front of him.

Vikram looked at us confused but however sat in front of Rudra.

"Mr.Chauhan, I don't like to beat around the bush, I will come straight to the point." Rudra started looking at Vikram, " Where is Gauri? "

Vikram looked at Rudra with wide eyes for a second and then he came back to him normal demeanour.

"Sorry, Mr. Singhania. I don't know about any Gauri." Vikram said with a straight look.

"Don't mess up with me Vikram, I know very well, that you know Gauri. So cut the drama and tell us where is she? " Rudra asked in a calm yet icy tone.

"I don't know, what you are talking about but I don't know about any Gauri, Mr. Singhania." Vikram said calmly.

"Don't try to act smart, Vikram. Just tell us where Gauri is. If not I will make sure for you to be on the streets begging for alms." Rudra said raising his voice.

"Go and do that, Mr. Singhania. You threatening me won't make me spill anything about what you want. I would rather beg in the streets than to let someone as selfish as you to be near my Gauri." Vikram said standing from his seat.

My Gauri?! How dare he to call Gauri as his. I wish I could strangle his neck but now He is my only hope for me, to reach Gauri.

"Rudra, calm down." I said speaking for the first time since Vikram came inside.

"And Mr. Chauhan, I am sorry for the way, he behaved with you." I apologized on behalf of Rudra and Vikram seems to be a bit calm.

I took a deep breath before continuing.

"Mr.Chauhan, we all here know, how close you are to Gauri. I am glad knowing that Gauri has friends, who are ready to take a bullet for her. She is Lucky to have great friends like you and Anika." I said honestly.

Vikram smiled lightly yet his posture remained rigid.

"Mr.Chauhan, I know whatever happened with Gauri and whatever I had done to her, made you all hate me. I can totally understand your thought of trying to protect Gauri from me, so that she won't end up getting hurt and heart broken like last time." I said looking at Vikram.

"But the thing is, whatever I had done, I didn't did it intentionally, blame the situations that made me helpless. But to hurt Gauri was never my intention, making her sad was the last thing, I would ever do. I am sorry that Gauri has to go through all that pain and heart break because of me." I said looking down.

"You better be." Vikram said angrily. He has all the right to be angry in me for hurting a pure and innocent soul like Gauri, even I am angry in myself for making her go through all these but still I was helpless.

"Vikram, I need a chance to apologize to Gauri and make things correct between us. You are the only person, who can help me. Please, tell us where Gauri is. I promise that I would never hurt her again." I almost begged him.

"Mr.Oberoi, I accept your apologies and I can understand your situation. But I can't give you any info about Gauri. I can't see her in pain again besides you being close to her again, only complicates things. And not to forget you are married and I don't want Gauri to get hurt again because of you." Vikram said with a straight face.

"Vikram, as I said hurting Gauri was the last thing, I ever wanted to do. And as for Ishaana, we got divorced. Gauri is the only woman in my life now. I love her with my life and I want her back in my life. Please, Vikram, help me I can't live without her and I am sure even Gauri would be hurting herself for staying away from me. Please, tell us where is Gauri." I requested him.

He stared at the city that is visible from the tall windows of my cabin for a few minutes before trailing his focus on me.

"Fine. I am doing this only because I can't see my Ri sad. Even though she pretends to be happy, I know deep down she is still broken. And I know she still loves you. But remember Mr. Oberoi, if you ever hurt her again, you will see the worst side of me." Vikram said looking coldly.

"I promise, I would never hurt her again." I promised.

He nodded his head.

I am feeling immense sad that next chapter is the last one of this Story :( 

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