Chapter 35

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"Gauri, Who is Vikram? " Om asked seriously looking at Gauri.

"Om, it's already night we will talk about this matter next time. Now go and sleep." Gauri said changing the topic.

"Gauri, I need the answer. Please." Om asked. "Tell me who is Vikram, Gauri. Why Anika is saying he is your first love? " Om asked Gauri sitting beside her.

Gauri sighed. It was the time for her to let Om know about Vikram.

"Yes, Om. What Anika said is true. Vikram was my first love. I loved him." Gauri said remembering her days with Vikram.

"After my parents died in the car crash, I was taken to an Orphanage. That was where I met Vikram." Gauri said smiling. "He was there for me as friend in my highs and lows. He was my friend and companion in that orphanage, we grew up together.

" Ri, why are you crying? " Vikram asked wiping Gauri's tears.

"I am missing my parents." Gauri said crying.

"Shh... Don't cry, your parents will be watching you from the heaven and they will feel sad if they see you crying. Do you want them to feel sad." Vikram asked squatting beside Gauri.

"No." Gauri said wiping her tears.

"Good. Now don't ever cry, if you feel lonely come to me. We can play with Leo." Vikram said showing his lion toy.

"Thank you Vicky." Gauri said hugging Vikram.

"Vikram was my only friend in the orphanage. The one with whom I spent most of my childhood until one day. I clearly remember the day when Vikram told me that he is being moved into another orphanage and we can't meet anymore. We cried the whole day but Vikram promised me that he will meet me whenever he gets a chance." Gauri said smiling lightly.

"As promised he used to come to meet me. He always used make me feel like I am not lonely slowly I began to admire him. And when we finally came out of the orphanage. I started working with Anika and Vikram got a job and went away promising me to come back once he settles in his life.

" Ri, I got a job." Vikram squealed in excitement.

"Congrats Vicky." Gauri said hugged him jumping.

"But Ri, I have to go to Delhi for that." Vikram said making Gauri sad.

"Will you also go away leaving me, Vikram?" Gauri said on the verge of tears.

"No, Gauri. Once I get settled in my life, I will come back to take you with me. Don't cry Ri, you are the only person I have in this world, I will never leave you. Please stay strong and careful." Vikram said hugging Gauri.

"I will be waiting for you, Vikram. Come back soon." Gauri said bidding good bye to Vikram.

Om wrapped his arms around Gauri as she shed tears remembering Vikram.

"It's been 3 years since I last saw him or heard from him. He was my best friend but he left me. I had been waiting for him since then." Gauri said hugging Om.

"Do you love him, Gauri." Om asked with a heavy voice.

"No." Gauri said immediately, "I love no one but you, never ever doubt my love for you. " Gauri said cupping his face. "Yes, once I had feelings for Vikram, which I thought was love but after loving you I know I never loved Vikram. May be I loved him in a brotherly way. But now that I have you in my life, It's you who matters to me, I love you Om, I always will." Gauri said and kissed Om on his lips expressing her love for him. Soon the kiss which started as a innocent sweet one turned into a more passionate and sensual one, Gauri's dupatta was long gone and the zipper of her dress came undone half way.

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