Chapter 21

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Gauri tended my cut with at most care and concern, I couldn't help but feel touched. She was aiding my cut scolding me like a mom scolds her kid. She was so worried about me that she was crying even without knowing, I slowly wiped her tears rolling down her cheek and she looked up into my eyes with her big doe eyes. We were having an eyelock which got disturbed due to Anika's fake cough making both of us jump back.

"Erm... The roti__it's burning." Anika said pointing towards the pan and Gauri quickly went to take it off the pan.

"I will continue to chop Onions." I said and silently made myself busy in it.

Gauri and I prepared dinner silently and by the time we finished cooking, Sahil arrived.

"Hii Anika didi, Gauri didi and Om Jiju." Sahil greeted cheerfully entering into the leaving room.

"Jiju....!!" Anika exclaimed almost choking on her orange juice.

"Oo.. Anika, Sahil started calling Om as Jiju since last time you scolded him for calling Shivaay as Bhaiyya. I tried explaining him but he didn't listened." Gauri said to Anika.

Anika nodded her hand understandingly.

"Dinner is ready." I said changing the topic.

"What's for dinner today? " Sahil asked.

"Paneer masala and Roti." Gauri said and he squealed.

"Wow... That's my favorite." Sahil said and ran towards the dining table.

We all laughed at his antics.

Dinner was a silent affair and after finishing our dinner Anika and Sahil left bidding byes to us.

"I will miss him." I said sitting on sofa.

"Me too, but we can invite him to come over during Sunday. By that way Anika will be able to spend sometime with Shivaay." Gauri said sitting beside me switching in the Tv.

"If you don't mind, Can I know who is Shivaay? I mean I have been hearing a lot about him in the conversations but didn't got to see him anywhere." I said.

"It's totally fine, Shivaay is Anika's boyfriend and like a big brother for me. He owns a company in the city, they are planning to get married soon. He went to London to attend a business conference, so you didn't got to meet him. He will be coming back to Shimla next month then you can meet him. Any questions or persons you want to know about? " Gauri asked smiling and I nodded in No.

"You can ask me anything you want to know about Om, no need to ask for permission, we are friends right." Gauri said.

"Yes,Friends we are." I said smiling.

A few weeks passed by, Gauri and I became good friends, now we share about our days, cook and eat together talking about people and things. Gauri will take me to the cafe occasionally when she has less work and remaining days I will be in home making paintings and cooking for us just like now, it's Friday evening and Gauri will be coming home any minute, I prepared her favourite Dal Chawal for dinner and there was a power cut in the area, so I lit up the candles I found and was waiting for Gauri.

"I am home." Gauri shouted opening the door while I hid myself behind the curtain.

"Om__ are you in there? " She asked walking into the living room holding her mobile torch.

"Om___" She called searching in the rooms.

"Where are... "

"Booo... " I shouted scaring her.

"Aaahhhh... " She shouted and I laughed out loud seeing her scared expression.

"You idiot__ is that a way to scare someone, I almost had an heart attack." She said holding her heart with her hands.

"I should have taken a picture of your scared face, it was funny." I laughed making her angry.

"You heartless man." She shouted and started beating me with the cushions and began to ran around the home.

"Ouch, my feet." Gauri shouted and sat down in the floor holding her feet.

"Gauri, what happened are you Okay. Sorry because of me you got hurt, is it paining much." I asked her scooting in front of her looking for injuries.

"I didn't got hurt, I was just acting. Now I caught you." Gauri said holding my ear.

"Sorry__ please leave me." I requested.

"Never ever scare me like that, Okay." She said strictly pointing a finger.

"Okay." I said meekly afraid of her anger and both of us looked at each other and began laughing.

"Hahaha.. You looked scared." Gauri laughed holding her stomach.

"You are scary, when you are angry." I said.

"I am already scared of dark and you thought to scare me again. I almost had a heart attack." Gauri said.

"I am sorry, I just thought of having fun." I said feeling sorry.

"Hey, don't feel, I enjoyed it too. Now come let's cook dinner or I must say we will order from outside." Gauri said standing up.

"Why to order from outside when you have a master chef in home." I said.

"You prepared dinner for us?" She asked.

"Yes, I thought of cooking food for us both since you are getting late." I said pulling the chair for her to sit.

"You should have waited for me, Om. We could have cooked together, why are you stressing yourself." Gauri said.

"It's okay, Gauri. I felt like surprising you. Now no arguments let's enjoy the dinner." I said placing the plates.

"Wow... Dal Chawal, my favourite." Gauri said smelling the food.

"I know, that's why I prepared it for you." I said serving her.

"Thank you, Om. You are the best and this is really yummy." She said digging into her food.

I smiled looking at her.

"What are your weekend plans? " I asked Gauri.

"Tomorrow morning we are going to the orphanage to distribute sweets to kids there and spend time with them." Gauri said.

"Anything special tomorrow?" I asked.

"Nothing special, It was the orphanage were I grew up, I usually visit there and spend time with them, it's been long time since I went there, so thought of visiting tomorrow."

"Okay, I will be ready." I said.

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