Chapter 19

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I woke up and grabbed my mobile on the bed stand, it showed the time was past 7 in the evening, I thought of having a quick nap but I slept for almost 3 hours. I remembered that I still didn't prepared dinner and walked out of the room.

Entering into the living room, I was surprised to see Sahil studying quietly like a good boy, I thought he would be playing in his Xbox since I am sleeping. I smelt something delicious from the kitchen and was shocked seeing Omkara preparing dinner. He was flipping the rotis on the pan and stirring the curry simultaneously. I stood watching him cook leaning against the door frame of the kitchen.
I cleared my throat to grab his attention.

"Hii Gauri, are you feeling better now? " Om asked while rolling the dough.

"Yes, you should have woken up me, why are you taking stress." I said taking the rolling pin from him.

"I didn't want to disturb you, besides I felt cooking more interesting." He said smiling.

"Even then you had to do all the work, I would have helped you."

"It's okay Gauri, I managed, Don't worry. See, even Sahil and Ash are being good boys and doing their works." He said pointing towards the living room where Sahil and Ash silently doing their works.

"Thank you, Om." I said.

"Why are you thanking me, Gauri. I can do this for you at least." He said.

"No, Om. This is the first time someone is taking care of me, earlier I used to do all the works even if I am not feeling good. Thank you." I said genuinely.

"Don't thank me Gauri, it's nothing before what you are doing for me. I am indebted for you." He said.

"I am feeling hungry." Sahil said cutting off our conversation.

"The dinner is ready, wash your hands and join us." Om said and walked towards the small dining table carrying the dishes.

The dinner was delicious even though it is just a simple roti and vegetables, it tasted like heaven. Through the meal I couldn't help but praise Om's cooking skills. After the dinner Sahil and Om retired to sleep and I couldn't sleep as I already slept earlier, I walked into the balcony and stood their watching the sky.

My life has became better after the arrival of Om into my home and life. He was a good human and true gentleman. My lonely apartment became lively with his laughter and talks, even though I know it won't last long, I began to live and enjoy in the moment. Om was different from all the other men I had seen, he was kind, caring and sweet. Sometimes he behaves like a kid, which I have no complaints about. He makes me laugh and I didn't felt lonely since Om, I loved the feeling of having someone with me and I didn't want this to end, I know I was being selfish but once he regains his memory, he will have his own life, thinking if which I have a pain in my heart, even though I had known him only for a few days and knows nothing about him, the idea of him leaving is making me uncomfortable.

I was deep in my thoughts that I failed to notice the person standing beside me.

"What are you thinking so deeply about? " Om asked making me jump.

"You almost gave me a heart attack." I said placing my hands on my heart.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Om said innocently.

"It's okay, Why are you still awake? " I asked.

"I felt thirsty and came to grab the water bottle and saw you standing here alone. So, I came to accompany you." He said showing me the water bottle in his hand.

"I was not feeling sleepy." I said.

"You should try and get some sleep, you also have to go to cafe tomorrow. Aren't you?" He asked.

"Yes, I have to go to cafe early tomorrow since I had taken an off today, I have a lot of works to complete tomorrow."

"Hmm... Can I come to cafe with you tomorrow? " He asked hopefully almost making me say yes.

"No__ not tomorrow." I said and his face fell with disappointment.

"I wish I could take you with me, but I will be having a busy day tomorrow and I can't take the chance of leaving you alone with the girls in the cafe, who sees you like you are a piece of cake, they want to relish upon." I said remembering the way Bessie, Richa and the other customers of the cafe were looking at Om, the last time I had taken him to the cafe with me.

"But I will feel bore staying alone here doing nothing." He whined making me chuckle.

"That's why, I got you something to keep you busy. Wait here. " I said and went to the living room to get the art supplies I brought for him earlier today in the city market.

"Here, take this. This is a small gift for you." I said giving him the bag.

"Wow!! Art supplies." He said looking at the paints and canvases I brought for him.

"Yes, I hope this will help you to keep yourself busy."

"Thank you but what's the need in getting me all these things. Why are you being so good to me Gauri, I am nothing but a stranger, you could have ignored me and left me in the hospital, sometimes I feel I am being a burden on you." He said.

"Om, I never felt you as a burden. I am doing all these things for you because I felt like to do this. And about me helping you who is just a stranger, I had know for a quiet few days. Let me tell you something." I said.

"You know Om, when my parents died in the car accident, it was night and no one was around, I was alone in the middle of an isolated road crying my lungs out not knowing what to do. Then a carrier lorry passed by and stopped listening my cries, the driver took me to the near by police station and informed them about the accident and joined me in the orphanage, where I grew up. I never had anyone to call my own and attend my needs, take care of me. I studied and completed my education with the help of sponsors, who sponsored my education and livelihood. If that day, the lorry driver thought why should I help a stranger, I would have been dead or eaten by the wild animals. But he didn't thought that he helped me even though it is not his duty and could have been ignored. Then the sponsors they never now who I am, but they gave their hard earned money and helped me study and settle, if they would have thought why should we waste our money on some Orphan kids whom we know nothing about, then I would have been in the streets without education and knowledge to lead my life. I am here today safe and secure living independent only because of some great souls who didn't back off to help the Orphan kids, whom they know nothing about."

"The day I saw you alone in the valley helpless, I remembered my 4 year self, who was begging for help. I couldn't leave you there or in the hospital, Om. Because if I do that there is no meaning for my life. I see myself in you Om, I can't see another self suffer and feel unwanted like me. Please never feel that you are a burden on me, I love doing this for you, I find happiness knowing that I am being able to help someone to make their life." I said with tears rolling down my eyes remembering all the struggles I have gone through.

"You are a beautiful soul, Gauri. You are too good and kind for this world." Om said looking into my eyes wiping my tears with his thumb. " I am sorry for making you sad." He said sadly.

"No, you didn't made me sad. I can understand your feelings, it would be hard on you, but believe me I never felt you as a burden or trouble even for a minute, in fact I am liking the fact that I have someone in my home to share my feelings with rather than empty rooms." I said smiling and he smiled back.

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