Chapter 40

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I was sleeping on my bed, when I felt a wet, sloppy kiss on my forehead.

"Gauri, please let me sleep." I mumbled pulling the duvets over my head.

"It's Ishaana, Om." Ishaana's hurtful voice came, which made my eyes shot open.

"I am sorry, Ishaana." I apologized.

"Breakfast is ready, Om. Please come down." Ishaana said and left the room closing the door behind her.

"God... Why am I hurting everyone? " I groaned in frustration hiding my face in my hands.

I came back to Oberoi Mansion, so is the empty feeling inside me. By now I know that emptiness is because I am missing a piece of mine which is Gauri. Every passing minute, I am missing Gauri terribly. But I am helpless as I am married to Ishaana. I have to find a way to end this as soon as possible.

One month later~

It's been a month since I saw Gauri, there isn't a minute I didn't spend without remembering her. I felt angry on myself for being helpless. I don't how Gauri is, I am worried about her. I hurt her in a worst way.

I sat in my home office alone, thinking about a way to end all these problems. Today Ishaana has organized a party for my home coming but I am least interested in it. I greeted the guests and came back because I honestly felt terrible to be here enjoying the company of everyone while my Gauri is suffering there alone.

I felt a sharp headache developing with all the recent happenings. It's time for me to decide between Gauri and Ishaana. I can't leave Gauri and on the same time I cannot hurt Ishaana,she has suffered a lot all these months with her miscarriage and all, moreover I am married to her.


I stood in front of the mirror as I look myself, It's been a month since I last saw Om. Life has never been same after Om left. Days are filled with the memories of him and Nights I cried for hours till I slept. I lost weight with visible dark circles around my eyes. I hardly recognize the person in front of me.

Anika and Shivaay cancelled their vacation and came back to me as soon as they got the news about Om. From then Anika and Shivaay bhaiyya were my support systems and not to forget Vikram, he took a week leave and spent time with me till he felt I am Okay but the heart break I suffered will never be able to heal. I finished getting ready when I heard a knock in the door.

"Hii Anika." I said letting Anika in, poor Anika still blames herself for failing to look after me and thinks it's her fault that I am suffering a heart break because it's her idea to let Om stay in my home. Whom to blame, it's my fate.

"Hii Gauri, how are you feeling? " Anika asked coming inside.

"Am good, Anika. Where is Shivaay bhaiyya? " I asked looking behind.

"Shivaay was attending some call, he will join us in few minutes." Anika said petting Ash.

"Would you like to have coffee, Anika." I asked moving towards the kitchen.

"No, Gauri. I just want to spend time with you. Come here. " Anika said patting the place beside her on sofa.

When we finally settled down Anika started speaking.

"Gauri, can't you change your decision?" Anika asked looking at me.

"No, Anika. I have already decided besides my Visa also got approved and I have to go Anika." I said determined.

"Is it because of Om, Gauri? " Anika asked, " I am sorry, you have to suffer so much due to my stupid decision." Anika cried.

"Don't be sorry, Anika." I said wiping her tears.

" Whatever happened, it happened because it was meant happen. Don't worry, now I am completely fine. In fact I am excited for a new phase of my life in Paris. Finally I am going to start my career in one of the famous companies there." I said smiling.

"Gauri... "

"I am fine, Anika. Don't worry about me. I am gonna miss you all." I said packing my bags to leave for the airport.

"Gauri... "

"I will call you everyday, don't bother Shivaay bhaiyya, be a good girl and don't work overtime." I kept rambling when Anika stopped me holding my hand.

"Gauri... " Anika said holding my chin to face her. "You don't have to hide your feelings in front of me, Gauri. All these years, I saw you as a sister and got to know a lot about you, I can easily say if you are fine or not, no need to hide your emotions."

"I am fine, Anika. I am really fi... " I broke down into tears and Anika caught me before my knees can touch the ground and pulled me into a comforting embrace.

"Don't bottle up your emotions, Gauri. Spill them out."

"I tried, Anika. I tried very hard to forget, Om. But I couldn't Anika, every minute I spend in this home reminds me of him, every thing I see brings back the memories of him. It's suffocating me Anika, the thought that I can never have him in my life again. Why does always the persons I love have to leave me, Anika. For once can't I deserve happiness in my life? " I cried and Anika tried to console me while she too had tears flowing down her cheeks.

"I have to go, Anika. Away from here, I can't leave here where everything is reminding of the fact that my life can never be same as it has been a month ago. I have to go to Paris." I said wiping my tears.

"I wish I can help you take away all your pain." Anika cried.

"Don't worry, Anika. I will be fine, hopefully." I smiled wiping my tears, " I will miss you." I said hugging her.

"I will miss you too. " Anika said hugging me back.

"Okay guys, I think Gauri is getting late for her flight." Shivaay said coming inside.

"Shivaay bhaiyya, take care of Anika and yourself. I will miss you guys." I said giving a brotherly hug to Shivaay.

"I will miss you too, Gauri." Shivaay said, " But remember you have a brother that you can count on anytime and if you ever plan to come back to India, you will always have a position to start work in my company."

"Thank you, Bhaiyya." I told and soon we reached the airport where Anika and Shivaay bid good byes to me.

Soon the flight took off and I watched down at the place where I had made the sweet memories that I can never forget and forever be cherishing.

I am leaving for Paris to start a new phase of my life, I may be leaving everyone behind but I have the memories of them that will remain with me forever. I will miss everyone and especially Om, the person who showed me how nice it is to be loved and cared. I will always remember him in my prayers, I wish for his happiness wherever he may be, I may not have him in my life but I am taking a part of him with me, the beautiful thing we both created, Our Baby.

I found out I am 5 weeks pregnant, I never told anyone because if Anika gets to know about my condition she will never let me go and Shivaay bhaiyya, he will not hesitate to kill Om, and I don't want to create unnecessary problems in the peaceful life of Om. I had always been alone and at least now I have a hope and reason to live. I thought as I rubbed my belly lovingly, My baby.

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