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"What are you saying, Rudra. Tell me this is a sick joke." Ishaana cried as she shook Rudra.

"I wish it was, but Omkara died in a car accident, Ishaana." Rudra said as he buried his head in his hands.

"No... It can't happen like that. He can't leave me, he can't leave us. He promised to be on my side." Ishaana cried holding her belly.

"Ishaana, please don't take stress, it's not good for you and the baby." Rudra said as he helped her sit in the sofa.

He asked one of the house help to get the water and made Ishaana drink it.

He asked the helpers to take care of Ishaana as he was going to Shimla to do the formalities.

Gauri's POV:

Finally I am graduating from the University today. I woke up earlier than usual and I hardly slept yesterday. Don't know why but I am having this unsettled feeling from last night, may be I am over excited for my graduation ceremony.

The parents of my friends flew to Shimla to watch their children graduate, I felt sad since I don't have my parents to watch me and cheer for me on my graduation. Anika and Shivaay said they are going to attend my graduation ceremony and scolded me for saying that I have no one. I am really blessed to have them.

I quickly showered and got dressed up in the White chudidhar, Anika gifted me on my birthday last year. I grabbed my purse and was about to exit my apartment after feeding, Ash. When I heard the scooty horn go aloud indicating the arrival of Anika. I locked my apartment and ran down the stairs to greet Anika.

"Oh.. Oh... Slow down, no one is going to run away with your graduation degree." Anika said.

"Sorry, I am excited." I smiled nervously.

"Don't be, be cool and enjoy your big day." Anika said smiling. "By the way, Shivaay will join us at your college directly since he got a meeting."

"It's okay." I said as I hopped on to her scooty seat.

"Gauri Sharma." They called my name and I ran towards the stage.

I can't be anything but happy, I received my graduation degree and Anika whistled while Shivaay clapped, both of them were jumping happily. I felt happy seeing them.

After the ceremony Shivaay, Anika and I went to a near by cafe to have our early lunch.

"Congratulations Gauri on your graduation." Shivaay said after placing the orders.

"Thank You Bhaiyya for attending my graduation." I said.

"You call me Bhaiyya and thank me for something trivial like this, not fair. I can do this for my little sister." Shivaay bhaiyya said.

"And here is my graduation gift for you." Anika said giving me a small box.

I opened it and found a beautiful bracelet.

"Thank you, Anika. It's really beautiful." I said giving her a side hug.

"And this is from me." Shivaay said as he forwarded another gift wrapped box.

"An I phone!! " I exclaimed, " Bhaiyya, what's the need for this."

"I felt like gifting my sister something and all can think about is a phone. Now don't deny it. " Shivaay said.

"Thank you bhaiyya." I said as he gave me a brotherly hug.

"Girls, I am going to London to attend a business meeting and handle some works, I will be out of the town for two months. So,I want you both to take care of yourselves and stay safe" Shivaay said. " Especially you Anika, don't do anything stupid." Shivaay said as her looked at Anika.

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