Chapter 10

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It's been two days since the doctor informed us about Om's condition and today, he is going to get discharged from the hospital. I signed the discharge papers and was waiting for the doctor to release him. In these two days even though we frequented to the hospital, we never really spoke with him apart from the occasional smiles and Hi's, we exchange when we enter his room along with the doctor, Anika and I kept distance from him since doctor asked us not to give him much stress.

The doctor gave us permission to take Om, to home. He gave us instructions and diet charts along with some medicines to use until the next visit. We thanked him and exited the cabin and Om was already in a wheel chair thanking an old nurse, who has been looking after him since he was admitted in the hospital. He smiled looking at us and we smiled back. Anika went to get the cab and I walked towards him.

"You are lucky to have a wife like her, she was worrying about you from past few days. She was very much worried about you when she got you to the hospital." The nurse told to Om.

He nodded smiling looking at me, I felt guilty knowing that he is thinking me as his wife for real.

"Thank you for looking after him." I said to the nurse and she smiled nodding, " Now we should go home." I said looking at Om.

The nurse asked one of the help to wheel the chair towards the exit where Anika was waiting standing beside the cab, and he helped Om, to sit in the cab from the wheel chair since his ankle is not completely healed. The rest of the journey was silent except for the cab driver asking the directions for my home. We reached near my home and I helped Om get down the cab while Anika was paying the fare. He wrapped his uncrastrated arm around my shoulder for support and my skin burned with the contact of his skin. I helped him walk inside my home while Anika was behind us carrying the files and other things. I made him sit in the sofa carefully not touching his injuries.

Anika, who was following us kept the files on the coffee table and settled in the single sofa in front of him. I went into the kitchen to get water for us. From the kitchen I can see Om, looking at Anika as if he was trying hard to strike a conversation.

"Ermm... Doctor told me that you are my sister but I am sorry that I can't remember your name or anything about you." Om said once we all settled down in the living room.

"How will you remember, when I myself don't know, I have such a big brother." Anika mumbled and I nudged her in her stomach with my elbow.

"My name is Anika and this is Gauri, as you don't remember her also. We both work in a cafe down the lane." Anika said.

"Anika and Gauri... " Om repeated and held his head with his hand as he tried to remember something, his face looked as if he was having pain. I immediately went to his side keeping my hand in his shoulder.

"Don't stress yourself, Om. Relax, don't try to remember anything." I said as I rubbed his arm.

Anika and I helped him get into the bed and We returned back to the living room after covering him with the duvet. He slept due to the effect of medicines.

"Anika, I think we should tell him about us. He is trying hard to remember the persons who didn't existed in his life." I said worrying about Om's condition.

"Yeah, I agree with you, we will let him know about us tomorrow." Anika said. " Do you want me to stay with you here tonight? "

"It's okay, Anika. I will be fine, besides Sahil is alone in the home, you should be with him." I said.

"Yeah, you are right, he is alone in home, my aunt will be returning by tomorrow night. And you don't be afraid, he is not in a condition to walk and I don't feel like he is that type of man who takes advantage of a lonely woman, even then if you find anything suspicious about him don't hesitate to break his remaining working parts." Anika said.

"Thank you, Anika. I don't feel he can harm me. Anyways I will have my guard on, see you tomorrow at cafe. Good night." I said.

After Anika left for her home, I made my way back into my home. Ash was silently sleeping on his bed in the corner.

"From today we have an additional member to share the home with us. Be friendly with him and try not to give him extra injuries by biting him." I said to Ash as I petted him. He purred in response.

I went back into the room to check on Om, to see if he is having any problem. He was sleeping peacefully, I turned on the bed lamp beside him and was about to return to the living room carrying the spare pillow and blanket, when I saw him move uncomfortably in sleep with a frown on his forehead, it seemed like he is having some nightmare.

I sat beside him on the bed and placed my hand on his and he clutched it tightly.

"Relax... It's just a bad dream. I am here." I said as I rubbed circles on his hand and he loosened the grip on my hand.

I withdrew my hand from his hand and removed his hair that was covering his forehead disturbing his sleep. I exited the room mumbling a good night to his sleeping form. I spread the blanket on the floor and layed down on it thinking about all the events occured in my life in just a span of few days.

An early update  Dinu17811. This is for you dear 💕

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