Chapter 23

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As said Om began to make paintings while the kids watched his every stroke and line. I sat in the farthest corner watching him paint the canvas with at most concentration, they way he makes strokes and his hair flowing along with the breeze. Earlier in the home, I saw him paint many canvases, which are full of life and I must accept this guy really got some talent in him.

I was busy observing him that I failed to notice he finished the painting. I shifted my gaze from him to the canvas, I was amazed seeing the wonderful painting, it was a painting of an Angel in white saving a bloodied human, who has his head laying on her lap. It was the same situation, I found Om in a month before. I looked at the painting and looked at him immediately, he was standing beside the painting smiling watching my expressions.

"Bhaiyya, it's really good." The kids said.

"Thank you." Om said smiling warmly at them.

"Do Angels really exist?" Riya asked.

"Yes, they live in heaven. Hein na Bhaiyya?" Another kids said.

"I don't know whether Angels really exist in heaven are not, but I can say some of the angels live among us in the form of humans." Om said.

"Did you ever saw an angel? " Ayush asked.

"Yes, I am lucky to find one Angel, who saved my life and filled it with happiness." Om said his eyes never leaving mine. I felt my cheeks heat up under his gaze and I am sure I might be looking like a teenage girl blushing.

I broke the eye lock and averted my gaze from Om trying to look around. But I can feel his gaze on me. I am feeling this strange thing in my stomach, what is this feeling? Butterflies?

"Kids, it's time for you to retire to your rooms." Radha maa's said coming into the room.

The kids left the room reluctantly after hugging and bidding byes to me and Om, making us promise to visit them soon again.

"Radha maa, I think we should leave now. I had a great time today with you and kids here." I said hugging her.

"I too had a great time with you, Gauri. Do visit the orphanage whenever you find time." Radha maa said and turned towards Om.

"It was nice having you here, Om. Kids really enjoyed your company and That painting of yours is really beautiful, why don't you apply for the position on Art teacher in the School, they are having a vacancy for one and I think that you will be the good one for it." Radha maa said to Om.

"Art Teacher? " I asked.

"Yes, you know Mrs. Collin's school, they are having an Vacancy for Art teacher, last week when Mrs. Collin visit the Orphanage, she asked me about anyone I know. You should really make him apply for that post." Radha maa said and I nodded.

Later we bid bye to Radhamaa and started walking, since we thought of taking a walk to the home.

The weather was pleasant with the dark clouds slowly enveloping the bright sky and cool winds passing by very smoothly. Om and I started walking slowly side by side in silence, I looked at him side ways and found him walking beside me with his hands in his pockets of his white hoodie T-shirt watching the ground below.

"The painting was really beautiful." I said breaking the silence.

"Thank You." He said smiling.

"But I am no Angel." I said looking at him.

"You are, at least for me." He said genuinely.

"I did what anyone will do in that situation." I reasoned.

"Not everyone will do what you are doing to me, Gauri. You truly are an Angel for me, the Angel that saved my life and made it worth living." He said looking into my eyes with a strange emotion.

What's with this guy, why does he have to make me feel all butterflies inside me. God, what's happening to me, why am I feeling this way with him.

"What do you think about Radhamaa's offer? I think I should apply for that post." Om said after a while.

"I don't know, if you are willing to join then I won't object that I am fine with whatever you do until you don't stress yourself." I said.

"Then I will apply for that post, In that way I can spend my lone time making something worth and also I can help you with expenses." Om said.

"Om, I already told you, I never felt you like a burden and expenses are not at all a thing to worry about. You don't have to do this if you feel that way. I can manage the expenses." I said.

"No, Gauri. I didn't meant it that way but I also want to be some help to you at least we can share the expenses." Om said.

"If that makes you feel any good, I am ok with it. You can go and visit the school tomorrow, it is just a two stops away from Anika's cafe." I said.

"Okay, I will go and visit tomorrow." Om said as we reached the home.

"Just keep this in mind that I don't want you to fall ill taking any kind of stress. I can't see you suffer, it hurts.... " I said and stopped, what am I speaking, I should really need to focus on the words leaving my mouth. It was awkward, I opened the door and stepped inside with Om following me behind.

"Gauri, I promise you that I won't take any stress. Please don't worry about me." Om said taking my hands into his once we entered inside.

The slight touch of him sent shivers down my spine, I couldn't help but observe his facial features, his chiseled face, chocolate eyes, dimple cheeks and Kissable lips, I wonder how they would taste. Shit, what am I thinking! I really need a hold on myself.

"Okay." I said after finding my voice and Thankfully, Ash came running towards us and I ran into the kitchen leaving Om and Ash in the living room.

Next day, Om came into the living room dressed in his casual jeans and black button up shirt, looking handsome as always.

"Gauri, do you think I am looking good for the interview? " Om asked standing in front of me.

"Perfect." I said showing thumbs up sign.

"You think, I can get that job? " He asked feeling nervous.

"Om, never feel low about yourself, I have 100% confidence in you, that you will surely gonna get this job. Believe me, you are the best one for that post they will ever find." I said placing my hand on his hand, which is laying in the table.

"Thank you, your words made me feel at ease." He said smiling little but I can say he is still feeling nervous inside.

"Do you want me to come with you?" I asked.

"Will you not miss your work, if you come with me? "

"I can manage that, I will ask Anika to give an off for half a day and later I can cover it by working extra hours in the evening." I said.

"It will be great, if you come. I really don't know what to do or say if they ask anything about me." Om said.

"Don't worry about that just give a brief introduction about you and I am sure they won't ask many details about you, since all they need is a skilled teacher, If they need any other information then tell them to ask your wife." I said pointing me, trying to lift up the mood.

We both laughed at it.

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