Chapter 33

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Next day I woke up feeling warm and when I opened my eyes, I found myself being caged between the bed and Om. His large frame above me caging me between his arms,holding tightly and his face in the nape of my neck his warm breathe sending tingling sensations all over me. His leg was lazily thrown across my both legs making me unable to move. I brought my hand up and cupped his cheek, his rough stubble pricking underneath my hand.

This is the best morning I ever had and last night I slept very peacefully more like Contentedly in the arms of the person I love. Finally I have someone whom I can call my own.

"Good Morning Jaan." Om said in his sleepy voice rubbing his nose against the nape of my neck.

"Good Morning Om." I said rubbing his cheek.

"I could feel that your fever got down." Om said snuggling closer to me.

"Yes, I am feeling better now." I smiled, " Now, if you release me I have a job to attend." I said trying to get up.

"No, you are not going to work today. Your fever might have got down but you are still weak and I want you to rest today." Om said opening his eyes slowly adjusting them to the day lights.

"But Om___"

"Gauri, I already called Anika and told about you she gave you permission not to come to cafe till you feel better. Now no more arguments." Om said and pulled me back into his arms.

"You are spoiling me." I said snuggling close to him in his arms.

"That's what I want to do. Spoil you with love and care." Om said pulling duvet over us.

It's been a month since Om and I confessed our feelings for each other and life is a bliss. I was never this happy in my entire life. Everyday I was looking forward to wake up in the arms of Om and every night to sleep listening to his rhythmic heart beats, which are like my personal lullaby. Every passing day our love for each other was growing stronger.

Today Om was having a holiday and was staying at home, I completed my work at cafe extra earlier and was currently heading back to home. I knocked the door and in next minute I was in the warm embrace of Om. Yes, now I know how it feels to come home for warm hugs, hot coffees and most importantly lots of love.

"I missed you." Om said kissing on the top of my head.

"I missed you too." I said wrapping my arms around his waist placing my head on his chest.

Ash came running towards us and began circling my feet trying to gain my attention.

"I missed you too, Ash." I said petting him bending down to his level.

"I prepared glucose biscuit tea for you, go fresh up and come." Om said smiling.

Later that evening Om and I were watching movie, Om sitting on the sofa and me laying beside him keeping my head on his shoulder blanket dropped around us.
I placed a potato chip near his mouth and he gladly ate it and kissed my forehead after pulling me even more closer to his wrapping his arms around my waist. Halfway through the movie, we got interrupted due to a knock at the door.

"Are you expecting anyone? " Om asked me after pausing the movie.

"No. I will go and see." I said getting up from the sofa.

"Wait, I will come with you." Om said following me.

As I opened the door with Om behind me, we are greeted by a loud chirpy voice of Anika along with Shivaay smiling politely standing beside her.

"Hii Gauri__Om." Anika and Shivaay greet.

"Hi, please come inside."

Once we all settled ourselves in the living room after a brief exchange of pleasantries, Shivaay bhaiyya cleared his throat as if he was getting himself ready to say something.

"Well, Gauri and Om. Anika and I... "

"We are getting married." Anika shouted cutting Shivaay in the midway.

"Wow!! Congratulations Anika and Shivaay bhaiyya." I said jumping on my feet to hug Anika and Shivaay.

"Congratulations Anika and Shivaay." Om said smiling.

"Thank you guys." They both said happily.

"So, when and where are you both gonna get married? " I asked cheerfully, Anika has gone through a lot in her life and finally she getting married to Shivaay meant end of all her troubles and I was happy for her.

"Shivaay's Dadi is going for pilgrimage next month, so she want us to get married before that." Anika said.

"We decided to get married next week and since Anika wanted a beach wedding we decided Goa as our wedding venue where we will be marrying in our private hotel." Shivaay said.

"Next week!! Such a short period, Anika we have a lot of preparations and shopping to do." I said mentally making a list of all the things a bride needs.

"Yes, but before that I want you and Om to start for Goa with us on this Wednesday." Anika said.

"Why on Wednesday?"

"Ohooo... How many questions will you ask? Even though our wedding is on next weekend we have a lot of pre-wedding rituals, so as my only bridesmaid I want you to be there with me. And I don't want excuses." Anika said strictly.

"And I am not going to make one. I will be there with you Anika." I said smiling.

Next few days went fast with all the bridal shopping and preparations of marriage. I hardly had time to spend with Om with all the works.

"I  am tired." I said slumping on the sofa after returning from a long day of shopping with Anika.

"Here, have this juice." Om said giving me a glass of orange juice.

"How was your day? " I asked once I finished drinking my juice.

"Same as usual at school but when I came to home I missed you." He said pulling me for a hug.

"Aww... I missed you too." I said pulling his cheeks. "And I couldn't wait to be in your arms, I always wanted to be caged in your arms."

"I love you." Om said looking into my eyes.

"I love you too..." I said and raised my head up to kiss him on the cheek but Om clutched the back of my head and captured my lips in his nibbling my lower lip between his lips trying to show how much he missed me. The kiss was sweet and tender.

I wrapped my arms around Om's neck  with a hand in Om's silky long hair. He wrapped his hands around my waist placing his arm on my bare waist through the slit of my kurti, he raised and placed me on his lap without breaking the kiss and his hand slowly moving upwards drumming on my rib cage. I am feeling a all new set of sensations when he cupped my breast making me gasp which he took as an opportunity to explore my mouth with his tongue. Soon I ended up laying on the sofa with Om above me kissing senseless. We broke the kiss gasping for air and Om started kissing down my jaw and gave a light bite on the nape of my neck making me hiss in pleasure. And he trailed his kisses down towards my cleavage.

"Om___" A moan escaped my mouth involuntarily. Om stopped kissing me and stood up composing himself taking long breathes.

"I am sorry, I lost my control." Om said running his fingers through his hair guilty.

'Shh... Don't feel sorry." I said rubbing his stubble cheeks. "Now, we have a lot of packing to do before we leave for Goa tomorrow." I said diverting the topic.

Later Om and I packed all our luggages and set everything ready to go for Goa.

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