Chapter 32

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I was sleeping on the coach curled up. When Om tried to wake me up.

"Gauri." He called keeping the tray on the coffee table.

"Gauri, you are having fever." Om said checking the temperature with the back of his hand.

"Om, I am fine." I said seeing his concerned look.

"No, you are not fine. You are having fever, you are burning." Om said and without hearing a word from me, he carried me into the room bridal style and tucked me in the bed.

"Om, I am fine why are you getting tensed." I said but I felt cold that my words came as a stutter.

"That I can see, how fine you are. Just lay down there and eat this food. " Om said bringing a spoon of food near me to eat.

I ate the food from Om's hand and he made me have the medicines.

"Om, I will be fine. Don't take tension." I said seeing his restlessness.

"Gauri, just lay on the bed and sleep. I don't want to hear another word." He said strictly with a finality in his tone and I had to obey.

He made me lay on the bed and covered with duvet and began to change wet clothes on my forehead. I slept due to the medicines.

When I woke up next morning, I found Om sleeping in a chair next to my bed. Seems like he has been looking after me all night. He was sleeping sitting in the chair in a very uncomfortable position with his mouth slightly parted in a cute pout. Looking at him I remembered the kiss we had in the park earlier and sudden confession of our feelings. Everything happened so fast that we didn't discussed about it. I never thought I would love Om and he would reciprocate my feelings.

I was busy staring at the sleeping form of Om and Ash came into my room and jumped on me. I giggled out loud seeing his cute face that disturbed Om's deep slumber. He woke up rubbing his eyes to clear the vision. Aww... He looked so cute.

"Good Morning Om." I said smiling.

"Good Morning. How are you feeling now? " Om asked with a concerned look touching my forehead with the back of his hand to check the temperature.

"I am good." I assured but Om cut me off.

"No. You are still having temperature." Om said, " I will go make you some soup to have before you take the medicines meanwhile you can get freshen up." He said and moved out of the room.

The whole day Om didn't let me get out of the bed and was pampering me like a mom does to her child. I am overwhelmed with the love Om was treating me with.

"Om, I am fine at least let me help you in cleaning those dishes."I said once Om finished feeding me the soup he has prepared for me.

" Gauri, you are still looking pale and you need rest. Stay in the bed and take rest." Om said strictly standing from the chair.

"Now I know, how you have felt laying on the bed doing nothing." I said pouting.

"Well, at least you got to know how horrible and lonely I had felt staying in home alone."

"Hey, you had Ash with you all the time. You were not alone." I protested.

"Well, Ash doesn't speak human."

"Om, I am really getting bored staying in this bed all the day. Please at least let me sit in the balcony." I requested showing puppy eyes.

"Humph.... Fine. But only for few minutes and you are going to bed like a good girl taking your medicines after that." Om said crossing his hands against his chest.

"Thank you... I will." I squealed when Om lifted me up in bridal style.

"Om__ what are you doing? I can walk."

"You are not well, Gauri. Let me take you to the balcony." Om said walking towards the balcony and I wrapped my hands around his neck watching him carry me.

He placed me on the coach in balcony and wrapped the blanket around me.

"Thank you for taking care of me." I said honestly.

"It's my responsibility to take care of you, Gauri. I will take care of you always so stop thanking me." Om said pulling me towards him.

"Om__" I called him after a few minutes.

"Hmm." He said looking at the sky.

"Do you really love me? " I asked him. I know it is the stupidest question to ask when I already know the answer but I still couldn't believe we actually confessed our feelings to each other.

"I Love you, Gauri." Om said cupping my face in his hands. " Don't know how and when but I started to develop feelings for you and fell in love with you. May be the first time I saw you in that valley or the day I saw you in the hospital innocently looking at me hiding behind Anika." Om smiled remembering the day.

"With every passing minute I spent with you, I have been falling in love with you ever so slowly but deeply. I want to spend my life with you, Gauri. I want to give you all the happiness, love and care you truly deserve by loving you every day, every night forever. I Love you Gauri and I will love you forever." Om said looking into my eyes.

"I Love you too, Om." I said, " I tried a lot to deny and control my feelings for you but I couldn't,it was like the moth attracted to the fire. Every time I tried to control my feelings for you, I fell on love even more deeper and my feelings grew up. You made me feel loved, I couldn't help but fall in love with you. I don't know whether it is right or wrong but for once I want to leave all the rational thoughts and want to fall in love with you and cherish every minute of my life with you." I said and Om hugged me tight kissing my forehead and mumbling how much he loves me. It felt very right to be in his arms.

The winds of winter are cold but I felt warm in the arms of Om. He carried me back into the room and tucked me in the bed.

"Sleep, I bet you must be tried." Om said covering me with duvet.

"A little bit cold, but everything else is fine." I smiled faintly.

"I told not to get down from the bed but you didn't listened. You are going to stay in the bed till your fever gets down completely." Om said strictly and I pouted.

"No, this time no excuses. Now sleep, I will be here if you need anything." Om said moving around the bed to sit on the chair next to the bed. I stopped him holding his sleeve and he looked back at me.

"Do you need anything? "

"Lay down with me." I said patting the empty space beside me.

"Are you sure? "

"Yes." I said and he lifted the duvet and moved inside it, laying beside me facing the ceiling.

"Good night, Om." I said.

He stretched his hand towards me and gestured me to come closer. I placed my head on his bicep and he pulled me closer placing my head on his chest and wrapping his arms around me.

"Good night, Jaan." Om said kissing my forehead and layed back on his pillow closing his eyes.

Haayee... Caringkara 😍😍

Well guys... I hope you are enjoying the story but this will be ending soon may be in next 10 chapters :(

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