Chapter 27

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It's been a month since I started working at the school, dropping Gauri at Anika's cafe and going to school has became my everyday activity. Sometimes when I arrive early from the school I wait for Gauri to finish her work at cafe and then we both goes home together, like today. I was waiting for Gauri to finish her work at the cafe sitting in the corner seat of the cafe sipping my coffee while watching her, which is my favourite pass time. Sometimes she might look up from her work to check up on me and passes me a beautiful smile. Unlike most of the days today the cafe is quite crowded due to the occasion of Christmas Eve next week.

"Come let's go home? " Gauri said coming near my table.

"Okay." I said standing up from the table.

We both bid good byes to Anika and exited the cafe.

"Seems like you had a hectic day today." I said while walking our way back to home.

"Yes, there are a lot of pre booking for cakes for Christmas parties." Gauri said rubbing her temples.

"You Okay? " I asked.

"Yes, just a headache, I will be fine." Gauri said trying to smile but I know she is having a terrible headache.

"You should take an off. Lately you have been working continuously." I said.

"I wish I could but there are a lot of works at cafe and I can't take an off now. May be after Christmas I can take a long holiday." Gauri said.

I nodded and we began to walk in silence and reached the home, we were about to open the front gate to enter when someone called me.

"Om___" A lady called my name from behind and we both turned back.

"Ms.Svetlana." I said seeing the lady, who teaches English in our school. Lately she is trying to make advances towards me. I hope she don't create any drama.

"Hi Om__ nice to see you here." Svetlana said giving me a brief hug which I didn't reciprocated.

Gauri cleared her throat making Svetlana break the hug.

"Gauri, this is Ms. Svetlana Kapoor, she teaches English in our school." I gave introduction to Gauri.

"Who is this girl with you Om baby? " Svetlana asked in her sugar coated voice.

"I am his wife Gauri Sharma." Gauri said standing between me and Svetlana. "Didn't you told her about you being married to me, Darling." Gauri asked me keeping her hand on my chest.


"He might have forgotten about you, I mean who will remember about their boring wife when they have a beauty in front of them. Hein na Om..." Svetlana said keeping her hand on my shoulder.

"Keep your hands off my husband." Gauri said gritting her teeth.

"Why are you behaving like a insecure wife? I don't see Om have a problem if I touch him." Svetlana said tracing her finger on Om's face.

"Om." Gauri snarled angrily in my direction. I was too shocked seeing Gauri's possessive side that I failed to react.

"Huh?" I said looking at Gauri and she looked at Svetlana's hand on my shoulder. If looks can kill, I would have been six feet under the ground.

I came to my senses and jerked Svetlana's hand, but the damage was already done as Gauri was already red with anger and walked away inside the home shutting the door with a thud.

"Svetlana, I respect you. Please don't loose the respect I have for you by coming between us." I said to Svetlana and hurriedly ran towards the direction Gauri left not waiting for Svetlana's reaction.

I opened the door slowly and entered inside. Gauri was in the kitchen mumbling something to herself angrily.

"How shamelessly he is enjoying her touch forgetting the surroundings. Bade aaya Om baby kehne wali." Gauri was huffing angrily throwing the vessels in the sink.

She looked cute with her button nose red with anger and I am liking her jealous side. Smiling, I stood leaning to the kitchen door watching her mumble things angrily.

"Gauri... " I called her softly only to earn a angry glare from her.

"So, you finally came. I thought you are still romancing with that lambi chiraiyya. How shameless you are openly romancing with girls. What else can I expect from you." Gauri said angrily.

"Gauri, it's not like what you think." I tried to explain but Gauri was in no mood to listen.

"Why do you care about whatever I think? You are free to romance anyone who am I to ques... " I stopped her from speaking further by placing a finger on her lips. Those luscious, kissable lips.

"Om___" Gauri called softly breaking my reverie.

"I have no interest in Svetlana." I said looking into Gauri's eyes, " Or any other woman, for now I have eyes on only one woman, I don't want you to feel insecure about me."

Gauri looked at me with her big doe eyes.

"Now, go and sit in the living room and let me prepare coffee for us." I said tucking her hair.

Gauri nodded silently and walked towards the living room. Later I prepared coffee for both of us and found Gauri sitting in the living room watching some TV show.

"Here, have this coffee." I said handing her the coffee cup sitting beside her and she took it.

We finished the coffee in silence.

"I am sorry." Gauri said after finishing her coffee.


"I am sorry, I over reacted. Don't know why I got so angry seeing that woman making advances towards you." Gauri said with her head low.

"It's okay, there is nothing to feel sorry about." I said softly lifting her chin with my fingers.

"Even then, I over reacted in front of her. And I scolded you without any reason. I am sorry, I didn't meant to hurt you." Gauri said with tears rolling down her eyes.

"Shh... Don't cry." I said wiping her tears with my thumb pad while cupping her face in my large hands.

"Sorry, my period hormones are taking a toll on me." Gauri mumbled and suddenly got embarrassed for discussing the ladies stuff with me.

"It's okay, I can understand. Don't take stress, you are already having a headache." I said looking into her eyes. "Wait a minute, I will be back." I said and went towards the kitchen leaving her in the living room.

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