Chapter 18

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After buying clothes for me, Gauri took me to the near by shopping streets to shop for her. This part of the city is crowded unlike the part Gauri lives.

"Bhaiyya, show that blue color kurti." Gauri asked the salesperson.

"Which one to buy?? Pink or Blue? " Gauri mumbled to herself pouting looking at the two dresses in front of her.

"Pink will look good on you." I blurted and she looked at me surprised, I looked down.

"Thank you, you made it easy for me." She said smiling at me, " Bhaiyya, pack this pink one." She said to the salesman.

After shopping for her, we were wandering in the busy streets.

"Look, Golgappe." Gauri squealed suddenly clapping her hands.

I smiled looking at her child like excitement.

"Come, let's go and eat them. You know they are my favourite." Gauri was talking continuously while pulling me through the crowd holding my hand. Her hand looked tiny and punny in my large hands.

"Bhaiyya, two plate Golgappe." Gauri said to the vendor. "Wait.. Wait... Make one plate less spicy."

"I don't think you can tolerate the spice. And it's not good for your health." She said to me.

Soon the vendor gave us two plates of golgappe and Gauri showed me how to eat golgappe in dabang style by throwing it in the air.

I smiled seeing her antics.

"Om, eat na." She said eyeing the untouched golgappes in my plate.

I ate on golgappe and it broke in halfway.

"Om, you should eat it wholly, like this." She said demonstrating me.

I nodded and took one golgappe and she encouraged me to eat looking at me.

I stuffed the golgappe in my mouth and acted like It was choking me by holding my neck with my hand.

"Om__what happened? Om__" Gauri asked shaking me worriedly.

"Hey Shankerji___it got struck in his neck. Breathe Om___Breathe." She said patting on my back frantically on the verge of tears.

I looked at her and started laughing, it took a good minute for her to realize that I was fooling her.

"Is this the way to play tricks." Gauri shouted and began to beat me and I dodged it laughing.

"Laugh. You might be finding it funny to scare me." Gauri said crossing her hands and pouting turning her face away from me.

"Sorry." I said holding my ears and she laughed beating me and I began to run while she chased me.

"You are very badtameez chirota." She said laughing after catching me.

"Thank you for the compliment." I said bowing dramatically and she laughed. She looks even more beautiful when she laughs.

We did some more shopping and then returned to home.

"That was a lot of shopping and I am tired." Gauri said slumping on the sofa throwing the shopping bags on the table.

"Yes, it is." I said giving her a glass of water that I brought from the kitchen.

She looked at me surprised and then said, "Thank you." smiling at me.

I smiled back.

"My legs are paining from the whole walking thing and my head is paining." Gauri said keeping her legs on the sofa.

"Why don't you take rest for some time." I said.

"Yes, I think you are right. I will sleep for sometime. Meanwhile you can read books, watch tv or play with Ash." Gauri said and walked inside the bedroom. Soon she drifted into deep slumber.

I played with Ash for sometime, he's very cute and likes to play a lot, jumping on me, tossing and turning rolling on the floor playing with his bone. From my peripheral vision I can see Gauri sleeping with a cute pout on her face, how can someone be beautiful all the time.

Almost an hour passed, I spent my time playing with Ash and we both watching Tv. Sahil will be arriving any minute, Gauri is still sleeping and I didn't have the heart to wake her up. I heard faint foot steps from the other side of the door indicating the arrival of someone probably Sahil. I rushed to open the door before he presses the calling bell and disturbs Gauri's sleep.

"Hii Sahil." I greeted him in a hushed voice, opening the door even before he can knock.

"Hii Jiju, isn't Gauri di at home yet." He asked walking inside.

"She is sleeping in room as she is having headache." I said and he nodded understandingly.

"You can play with your Xbox, while I prepare dinner for us." I said and walked towards the open kitchen.

I was chopping the vegetables and cooking the curry following the instructions from the Recipe book I found in one of the kitchen drawers luckily. Sahil was playing with his Xbox silently and Ash was sleeping on his little bed in the corner.

Today I had my best time with Gauri and learnt a lot about her, like she can talk continuously without getting tired , she has a childish and fun loving side which I loved.

A Glimpse of ShiVika:

"Hello Shivaay, how are you?" Anika asked speaking with Shivaay on the phone.

"Hii Anika, I am fine. How is your Grandma doing? " Shivaay asked.

"She is doing well now and I am planning to return to Shimla tomorrow, when will you be returning?"

"Actually, I called you to talk about the same. I have extend my trip in London to clear some unfinished  business here, so I will be able to return to Shimla only next month. I know this was sudden but I have to go there for the development of the company, hope you are ok with that." Shivaay asked.

"I will miss you but it's okay, when it is for your betterment I won't object. Stay safe and call me often. I Love you." Anika said.

"Thank you for understanding, Anika. I will miss you too and I will call you everyday. Love you." Shivaay said.

"So, how is your parents doing? Did you spoke with them about us? " Anika asked.

"They are good and yes, I spoke with them. They are happy with whatever decision I make until I am happy with it and They said they will speak with your aunty and fix the engagement dates after I return from London."

"That was really a Great, I am so happy." Anika exclaimed.

"Yes, it is and I am happy too. How are Sahil and Gauri doing? Hope everything is fine." Shivaay asked.

"Yeah, Sahil and Gauri are doing well. And good...good." Anika said not telling anything about Om.

"Why am I having this feeling that you are hiding something from me." Shivaay asked feeling suspicious.

"You are behaving like Sherlock, I am not hiding anything, my aunt is calling me bye." Anika said hurriedly and cut the call.

"Thank God, I managed this time. Don't know what he will do when he gets to know about Om. God help me from Shivaay's wrath after he gets to about Om." Anika sent prayers to God.

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