Chapter 37

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Shivaay came into his room with the file Khanna gave to him earlier.

He opened the file to read the information but before he can read anything someone snatched it from him.

"Anika! " Shivaay said looking at a furious looking Anika.

"You left me in the party when it is our turn to perform and was studying this stupid files. Even in your Sangeet day you are concerned about your stupid office works." Anika shouted angrily throwing the file god knows where.

"Anika, I am sorry. It's just I remembered some important work." Shivaay apologised.

"I am swearing on God, Shivaay. If I ever catch you doing your office works until the completion of our marriage, I will go away leaving you at the alter." Anika threatened him.

"I am sorry. No office works till the completion of our marriage promise." Shivaay said holding his hands up in surrender.

"Now, come it's already late we have to perform. Everyone is waiting for us." Anika said pulling Shivaay with her.

Later that night Gauri came to her room after Sangeet and was standing in front of the mirror trying to remove her bangles, when she heard the knock on the door.

"This Om also na, he went to his room just before 15 minutes and came back again." Gauri thought making her way towards the door to open it.

"Happy Birthday Gauri!! " Om said hugging Gauri. standing in front of her room carrying flowers and cake.

"How do you know today is my birthday." Gauri asked hugging him back.

"I saw it in your certificates." Om said smiling. "Now come on let's cut the cake." Om said pulling her towards the cake. "Make a wish and blow the candles."

"I wish for the happiness of Om." Gauri wished and blew the candles as Om sang Happy Birthday.

They both fed cake for each other.

"Now, Gauri can I have a dance with you? " Om asked forwarding his hand towards Gauri after playing a slow romantic song in his mobile.

Gauri laughed and placed her hand in his.

Om rested his hands on her waist and pulled her closer to him dipping his head in the crook of her neck while Gauri rested her hands his shoulder placing her head on his chest as they swayed slowly to the beats.

"Thank You." Gauri said looking it Om's eyes. "For making me feel special on my birthday."

"I wanted to give you this surprise." Om said smiling. "And if you want to thank me, you can thank me with a kiss." Om winked.

"Shameless." Gauri smacked his arm.

"Hey, I am serious. I can get one kiss for your birthday but not cheek kiss like last time, I want a real kiss." Om said pouting.

Gauri blushed.

"I am waiting for my kiss." Om said looking at blushing Gauri.

Gauri looked at him and tip toed to place a chaste kiss on his lips but before she can pull away Om held her face in his hands and deepened the kiss. Gauri wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him closer while landing themselves on the bed. Om began to draw circles on her waist while kissing her making her senses go high.

They broke the kiss panting for air and Om began to leave a trail of kisses down her neck making Gauri lay on the bed on her back.

"Omm... " Gauri moaned clutching his hair as he kissed on the top of her heaving cleavage.

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