Chapter 16

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These two boys has the nerve to trick and fool me again but who are they playing with. No one can defeat Gauri Sharma in game of chess. Seriously these days Om and Sahil are teaming up against me to trick and fool me whenever they have a chance and I can't believe Om too is behaving like a child teaming up with Sahil.

"Now, Now__ accept the defeat, Gauri." Om said.

"No, it's clear as crystal that you guys changed the positions by tricking me. And I am not going to accept my defeat so easily, I will think and place back the pawns in their correct position." I said trying to remember the positions.

Both boys looked at each other with worried looks on their faces and then__ Ashley came towards us and walked over the chess board smugly with his head held high, messing up all the pawns that I was about to arrange in order.

"We won... We won. Boys won." Om and Sahil shouted after Om made the same move as earlier placing the his queen near my king amidst of the mess Ash created.

"This is clearly a cheating, I can't believe it you guys stooped so low." I whined while both Sahil and Om sticked out their tongues after fist bumping each other. Ashley was jumping around enthusiastically with the boys.

"And Ashley, I can't believe you helped them win the game. You chauvinistic little thing, you supported boys and dumped me, cheaters you are all." I cried.

"Now__as we won the game. You are supposed to grant our wish." Om said smiling at me.

"You boys clearly cheated and I am not gonna grant your wish." I said.

"Now__we don't want to make a notion that Gauri Sharma is someone who doesn't stick to her word, do we?" Om asked and I shook my head.

"Good, now like a good girl accept your defeat and grant our wish." Om cooed.

"Fine, tell me what it is? " I said crossing my hands.

"You will let Sahil to play with his Xbox One hour daily." Om said looking at Sahil.

"I should have guessed that something is cooking your minds. Fine, I will. " I huffed and boys jumped and made a happy dance with Ashley.

I couldn't help but smile looking at their cheerful faces shining brightly with Happiness.

Like I said, I allowed Sahil and Om to play with Xbox and they are very happy with it. I didn't expect Om to be such a kid, but I felt happy seeing him all smiles and having fun instead of sitting alone in that room. I think I should let him mingle with people and take him out. My house felt more homely with fun and laughter filling it up. My lonely apartment began to fill with the colors of laughter with the arrival of Om.

Next day I woke up and prepared breakfast for all of us including Ash. Sahil got ready and went to catch his school bus after bidding bye to us. Om and I finished eating our breakfast talking with each other about random stuff and I was getting ready to leave for the cafe after making Om have his medicines.

"Bye Om, take care. See you in the evening." I waved at him taking my handbag and turning towards the door to exit.

"Bye Gauri. See you in the evening." He said in a dull tone. Seems like he is worrying about being lonely in the apartment till evening.

I sighed and got out shutting the door behind me. I walked down the steps only to run back into the home.

"Wanna come with me to the cafe?" I asked looking at Om standing at the door.

He nodded his head in yes cheerfully and jogged towards the door. I smiled inwardly at his happy face and locked the door after letting him out. He was looking at the surrounding and people interestingly while walking beside me with a bounce in every step.

As we reached the cafe, I introduced Bessie and Richa, who works in the cafe with us to him along with our cook, Uncle Joseph, who was a very friendly person in his late fifties. He and Uncle Jose became good friends in short time and while Bessie and Richa were drooling over him. I had a hard time to make them work instead of staring at him.

He was enjoying the coffee, I ordered for him sitting in one of the corner chairs looking outside through the glass window while I was in the counter taking orders from the customers looking at him now and then. I got busy in my work and didn't noticed him for a while and when I saw him, he was writing something in the book, I gave him along with some newspapers to keep himself bust while I was working, looking up at me, he flashed a smile and I smiled back gesturing if he need anything and he made a thumbs up sign mouthing everything is fine. With that I fell back into my work.

I walked towards Om, who was busy writing something intently, I went behind him to see what he was doing and he closed the book abruptly giving me a sheepish smile.

"What are you doing?" I asked sitting in front of him opening the take away meal I ordered for both of us.

"It's__nothing." Om said stuttering.

"If it is nothing, why are you hiding it from me? " I asked raising an eyebrow.

"It's just I was drawing something." He said.

"Wow!! Can I see what you are drawing." I asked sounding curious.

He passed me the book hesitantly and when I opened it, I found he had been sketching me all the while and it was beautiful.

"It's__it's beautiful. I never know you can sketch me so beautifully." I said looking at the drawing.

"Uh.. Thank you. I was just trying to draw." He said with a hint of pink on his cheeks.

"It's really beautiful. You must sketch more often, I think you will make a great artist." I said munching on my meal.

"I don't think I am that great at art." Om said.

"We don't know what is hidden inside us, until we try and bring it out. I can see that there is a great artist in you, you should try and enhance your skills. I believe in you that you will be a great artist one day." I said looking into his eyes.

He looked back into my eyes and we both stared into each other's eyes in silence.

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