Chapter 15

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I was standing in balcony enjoying the cool breeze of November, when Gauri came to home.

"Hii Om, what are you doing?" She asked placing the bags she brought on kitchen counter.

"Hi Gauri, just enjoying the weather. How was your day?" I asked her.

"Routine as usual."

"Did Anika reached safely? " I asked walking into the living room.

"Yes, she will be staying there for few more days to look after her Grandma."  Gauri said and I nodded.

"Why is Sahil's not home yet? " She said looking at the watch and as if on cue the door bell rang.

"I will see him." I said and walked towards the door to let Sahil in.

"Hii Jiju__Hii Didi." Sahil said running into the living room.

He started calling me Jiju and I had no complaints against it, for some reason I felt it good.

"Hii Sahil, how was your exam? " Gauri asked giving him a glass of water.

"It went well Gauri di, I finished the exam before everyone else in my class." He said proudly.

"Great! What and when was your next exam?" Gauri asked taking the empty glass from him while I sat down next to him on sofa.

"Science on Wednesday, I have no exam tomorrow."

"Good, now go and fresh up. After having your snacks you can start preparing for your exam." Gauri said.

"But the exam was day after tomorrow and I have a whole day to prepare. Can't I play with my Xbox for a while." Sahil whined.

"No, you tricked me yesterday and now I am not going to let you fool me. Besides Anika has strictly warned me to not let you play with your Xbox, she was wondering how did you managed to sneak your Xbox with you. So end of discussion no games." Gauri said and moved towards the kitchen.

Sahil looked at me for help and I shrugged my hands.

Later I helped Sahil with his studies and were sitting in the living room after our dinner, while Gauri was studying some book sitting in balcony.

"Jiju__help me, I already studied everything and has a whole day to revise. Can't you convince Didi to let me play for an hour." Sahil whispered.

"I wish I could but since Gauri was being strict with you, I can't do anything." I said.

"Please__do something, I know you can convince her." Sahil requested showing puppy eyes.

Sighing, I began to think about some solution to end his miseries.

"What's cooking between you two?" Gauri asked standing in front of us.

"N... Nothing." Sahil said looking down into his book.

"Ermm... Gauri, I think you allow let Sahil to play..." I started and she raised an eye brow daring me to continue.

She really have that thing to scare me with a single look even though it is very difficult to take her seriously considering her height and the way she looks cute even when she is trying to be angry.

"To play chess__yes, You should let him play chess, see it will help him sharpen his mind." I said and Sahil gave me an are-you-serious look.

Gauri thought for a while and said, "You better not have any motives behind this."

"Why would I do that." I said trying to look innocent.

"Fine, let's play chess." Gauri said taking out the chess board and placing it on the floor.

Sahil looked at me and mouthed, "What are you doing?"

"Trust me." I mouthed back.

"Are you guys joining me?" Gauri asked arranging the pawns.

Sahil and I sat down on the floor to play chess with Gauri.

"Before the game starts, let me warn you. I am very good at this game and no one can beat me." Gauri said flicking her hair.

"That we will see." Sahil and I said in unison.

"Do whatever you want but ultimately I am the one who's gonna win." Gauri said.

"If you are so confident about your success, why don't we have a bet." I said challenging Gauri.

"Okay, what's the bet? " Gauri asked.

"Whoever losses the game will have to do what winner says." I said winking at Sahil.

"I will accept this, since I am the one who is gonna win." Gauri said smiling smugly.

With that we started playing chess, Gauri on one side, Sahil and I on the other. Just like she has said earlier, Gauri was playing the game like a pro and won two games in order making our faces fall.

"Jiju__you are not at all helping. " Sahil said.

"What? I am the one who is trying hard to win the game. Your Didi is too good at it." I said to Sahil.

"I already warned you guys." Gauri said smiling victoriously.

"Whatever you do, we boys are gonna win this game for sure." Sahil said.

"Will see that." Gauri said arranging the pawns for next game.

"Okay, who ever wins this round, will be considered as the winners." I said.

"Okay done." Gauri said making a move on the chess board.

The game was tough and the chances for the victory of Gauri are high. She looked at our fallen faces and smiled smugly.

"Jiju__do something." Sahil said and I whispered to him regarding our plan.

"Now__it's your turn to make the move and end the game in my favour." Gauri said smiling.

I looked at the board intently to make a move and winked at Sahil.

"Gauri di__ look there a comet." Sahil said pointing towards the sky.

"Where?? " Gauri asked looking at the sky.

"Check mate. " I said loudly.

"Huh__What checkmate?? " Gauri asked looking confused and I gestured her to look at the board.

"This is cheating, you boys changed the pawns by distracting me." Gauri said angrily.

"Nope. We are playing legal and it's a checkmate." I said biting my inner cheeks not to laugh at Gauri's confused look.

"No, I won't accept this. You changed the pawns, I clearly remember the queen is not anywhere near my king." Gauri said trying to remember the positions.

"You better accept our win, Gauri." I said.

"No, I won't, I will show you guys that this is a cheat game, you changed the pawns." Gauri whined.

"Is it? Then why don't you correct it." I said.

"I will. I clearly remember the queen position and you boys will loss the game today." Gauri said trying to arrange the pawns back in their right places.

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