Chapter 39

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"Omkara." I heard faint voice calling.

I opened my eyes slowly adjusting to the brightness of the room. I found a set of eyes watching at me like I am a wonder.

"Ishaana? "

"O My God, Omkara. I missed you." Ishaana cried hugging me.

"Shh... Ishaana, don't cry." I said rubbing her back.

"I thought, I lost you." Ishaana continued to cry.

"I am fine, Ishaana. Please don't cry." I said wiping her tears. "It's not good for our baby." I said and looking down at her belly.

She shook her head negatively as more tears spilled out of her eyes.

"I am sorry, Omkara." Ishaana sobbed, "I lost our baby."

I hugged Ishaana as she cried saying sorry for losing the baby. I lost my baby, I felt sad. I can understand the feeling of Ishaana, she lost her baby, it must be very hard on her to lose a baby and not having anyone to support her during her low times. I failed as a husband and father.

"Hey buddy. " Rudra said entering the room.

"Hi Rudra, glad to see you again." I said smiling.

"Likewise." He said and suddenly he hugged me, "I missed you, Om. I thought I lost my only friend." He said in a raspy voice as if he's gonna cry.

"Rudra, I am fit and fine man. Please don't be a cry baby." I laughed trying to light up the situation.

"If not for your condition, I would have kicked you for scaring the shit out of me." Rudra said, " And I am not going to allow you to drive alone ever." He said with a finality in his voice making me roll my eyes.

"Mr.Oberoi, how are you feeling now?" The doctor asked making his presence known.

"I am feeling absolutely fine, doctor." I said with a smile.

"I see, you are fine but a bit weak. I suggest you bed rest and few medicines." The doctor said as he scribbled some note and gave it to Rudra.

"Thank you, Mr. Khan." Rudra said as he sent off the doctor and he went to get the medicines leaving me and Ishaana alone.

"Om, You left our wedding ring with me. And now it's time for you to wear it again." Ishaana said taking my hand into hers.

"Om, whose ring are you wearing? " Ishaana asked looking skeptical. I looked at the ring on my ring finger.

Shit... How can I forget, Gauri. O god, I left Gauri alone in this city. Suddenly I got worried about Gauri. I can't leave her alone in this city, I have to see her now. I tried to get up from the bed but Ishaana stopped me.

"Om, where are you going? " Ishaana asked holding my hand to stop me.

"Ishaana, I don't have time to explain but I have to go now." I said trying to get up from the bed.

"Om, please try to understand. Doctor strictly suggested bed rest for you." Ishaana said stopping me.

"Ishaana... " I began but was cut off by a knock on the door.

"Come in. " I said and a girl came inside.

"What do you want Reya." Ishaana asked the girl.

"Mam, there is some girl named Gauri, who was asking to meet Omkara sir." Reya said looking between us.

"Send her in." I said immediately dismissing her.

Ishaana was looking towards me confused. As soon as Reya left the room the door opened revealing Gauri. Her eyes were red and swollen indicating that she had been crying. Her face was pale and she was looking at me sadly. How I wish to take her in my arms and make her feel good. What have I done to this innocent girl.

"Gauri." I called and she looked into my eyes with unshed tears filling her eyes. We were looking at each other when Ishaana spoke.

"Do you know her, Omkara? " Ishaana asked looking at both of us confused.

"More than anyone." I wanted to say.

"Yes, she is the one, who saved me and looked after me all these days." I said looking at Gauri.

"Thank you very much, Gauri." Ishaana said standing in front of Gauri. "I am indebted to you." She said hugging Gauri while Gauri was looking at me with a blank face.

"Sorry, I didn't introduced myself to you. I am Ishaana, Omkara's wife." Ishaana said smiling.

"Nice to meet you." Gauri said smiling lightly which didn't reached her eyes.

"Mam, Rudra sir is asking for you." Reya said coming inside.

"Gauri, please make yourself comfortable, I will be back in a few minutes." Ishaana said and went outside with Reya leaving Gauri and I alone.

"Gauri." I called her once again making her look at me.

"Are you feeling well now, Om." She asked and I nodded.

"Gauri, I am sorry." I started but Gauri cut me off.

"Don't be sorry, Om." Gauri said, " Whatever happened it happened without your knowledge, whatever was between us, it's because you didn't remember your past. But now that you remember everything and you have a wife and a business to take care, I don't want to be a cause of your worry, Om. My happiness is in your happiness as long as you are happy I will be happy. Your happiness is here, Om with Ishaana. I always lived alone and will live alone, but you can't leave Ishaana. I know the pain and I don't want her to go through the same pain, she already lost her baby, I don't want to give her the same pain by taking away her husband. I came here to inform you that I am leaving for Shimla and don't worry about me, Om. I will be fine. I wish for all the happiness in this world for you." Gauri said wiping the tears that was flowing on her cheeks.

I wanted to stop her, I wanted to cage her in my arms and never want to leave her again. But right now I am in a deep mess, I am married to Ishaana, who don't know about any of the happenings and Gauri, hurting her is the last thing I ever want to do but I feel ashamed of myself for making her for through all these pain. I don't know what to do.

"Gauri... " I called and before I can say anything Ishaana came into the room.

"I am sorry, I got an important work." She apologized.

"Once again thank you, Gauri for taking care of my husband." Ishaana thanked Gauri.

"Can you please join us for dinner at our home tonight. I really wanted to have you with us." Ishaana said inviting Gauri.

"Thank you for the invite, Ishaana but I have a flight scheduled in two hours and I have to leave now. Take care of O.. Your husband." Gauri said and left the room giving one last glance to me.

Where have I landed myself. I really need to sort all this mess as soon as possible, I can't let Gauri suffer like that and at the same time I cannot hurt Ishaana as she has gone through a lot in past few months.

I wanted to stop, Gauri. But If I do so I will end up hurting both Ishaana and Gauri. Right now I am in a deep mess that I wanted to clear before I can take any decision.

So guys... I think you are all already holding hammers, sticks and other objects to knock out Omkara as he gained his memory back. 😂

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