Chapter Five: Luminescent

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As Alethea whispered the name in my mind, Saphira went on a rampage letting out fierce roars and swinging her barbed tail around, destroying the wooded area around us.

"Are you up for a ride my Rider?" I looked at Alethea and nodded as I came to the same realization. Eragon climbed onto Saphira's back to calm her down.

"Enough Saphira, everything is going to be alright." Eragon bellowed before Saphira crouched down to the ground. She leaped into the air and spreading her wings. Eragon realizing that he was now airborne, was clutching to one of Saphira's spike like his life depended on it.

I returned my gaze to the ground where Alethea was waiting for me to get on. I leaped up her side and sat in the crook of her back where the saddle should be. Alethea copied Saphira, and soon we were airborne as well. Cold winds rushed by my partially covered face as we steadily rose into the air.

"I don't understand why Eragon is freaking out so much, this view is absolutely beautiful," I said while enjoying the vast expanse of land that was spread out in front of me. "I love this. You can take me riding anytime."

"Too bad Eragon thinks differently," Alethea said as she started to coast on the wind. "Saphira and I are taking you to a clearing we found in the Spine. It's near where you found our eggs."

"It's going to take some time to convince Eragon that we can't go back to the farm now," I responded as we started to coast down to an open clearing. Saphira and Alethea landed as gently as they could in the clearing, but it was still a ground-shaking landing.

Next to me, Eragon slipped off of Saphira before she had even closed her wings. Eragon's legs gave out, and he face-planted into the snow.

"He didn't ride bareback right, it was probably all his struggling," I said before slipping off of Alethea and landing in the snow with a gentle crunch of the frozen water. "His leg are going to be a mess."

I ran over to Eragon and knelled down as he peeled his pants away from his wounds.

"You rubbed all the skin off, you're not going anywhere anytime soon," I said frowning at the wounds.

"How is it that I get scraped when flying and you come perfectly fine," Eragon said, trying to sit up.

"Because I didn't move, and stayed down, we're going to spend the night here," I said while gently pushing him down, Saphira laid down next to Eragon, still trembling. Alethea sat in silence as Eragon and Saphira argued with each other before Saphira spread her wing over Eragon, time to sleep.

Alethea settled down on the ground, and I walked over to her and laid down before getting covered by Alethea's sparkling wing.

"Sleep well my Rider."

"Sleep well my dragon."

After another heated argument between Eragon and Saphira, Saphira and Alethea prepared to fly back to the farm. I watched as Eragon slowly pulled himself onto Saphira, groaning when his legs scraped against Saphira's hard scales.

"Try not to move too much Eragon," I said before Alethea launched us into the air, Saphira was soon to follow. We flew fast and lower to the ground per Eragon's wishes, trees whipped by as we neared the farm which I could see was smoking from a fire. We landed in the field and Eragon bolted to the best of his ability towards the ruined burning house.

After several minutes, Eragon and I pulled Garrow out of the burning house. He had several slashes on his body oozed and emitted a foul stench.

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