Chapter Sixty-Five: Blinding

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In the morning, fresh traveling clothing was delivered to us as well as a breakfast full of fruit, bread, and jams. It had taken all of my energy to drag myself from the heaven-sent bed, just to get up and get dressed for the day.

I had finally dressed in my undershirt and pants and was working on my corset when Murtagh appeared with a freshly shaven face. My fingers were slowly working the string tighter and tighter, I just wasn't working fast enough to eat a warm breakfast.

"Who invented these things to tie in the back anyway!?!" I hissed to myself shortly before Murtagh brushed my fingers away from the strings and continued the work for me.

"Someone who clearly wanted to make a woman's life harder than it already was," Murtagh replied as he finished tying the corset. I turned my head to him and frowned.

"You left it slightly loose, Murtagh."

"I know," He said before kissing my nose and directing me to the dining table in our room. "be lucky I'm still allowing you to wear one of those contraptions."

I huffed at him before sitting down and grabbing a freshly baked roll. Tearing it open with my fingers and letting the steam waft in my face, I dolloped the right amount of blackberry jam in the center and spread it out.

"I'm going to check on Thorn and Alethea," Murtagh said as he dropped one last kiss on the crown of my head.

"Antsy already?" I teased him as he walked towards the door. Murtagh through a look over his shoulder before completely disappearing. "I'll take that as a yes..."


Murtagh jogged down the wood carved steps of the Inn as he brushed his mind against the of Thorns. Imaged of a heavily wooded area surrounding a nest-like clearing filtered into his mind.

"You and Alethea up yet?" Murtagh asked Thorn as he exited the Inn and started to walk in the direction of the two Dragons. He walked through the city of Osilon, looking at the beautiful sculptured buildings and walkways.

No wonder Mal had her heart set on a treehouse, some of the designs, while massive, had been designed down to the very grain. Vibrant colors of the variation of trees combined with the twinkling lights of the fairy lights strung up throughout the branches had him completely sold on the idea of a treehouse with the same lights strung up.

"Yes, there is a small human child spying on us," Thorn replied, humor in his voice. "I do not think the child realizes that she isn't very discreet."

"A human child in the middle of an elf city?" Murtagh questioned as he walked over a mahogany bridge.

"Indeed," Thorn replied before sending Murtagh a picture of a petite brown haired girl peering at the two dragons from behind a tree. Thorn was right, she had absolutely no idea that the two dragons knew that she watched them.

A large green eye peered out from underneath a curtain of dirty brown, unkept and untrimmed hair. The raggedy, brown dress that hung unflattering around her body dwarfed her figure and hid the girl's real size.

What piqued Thorn's interest was the fact that the human child held no fear of him or Alethea. Or simply didn't possess the common sense to be afraid of the two Dragon's that could wipe out her existences with a simple yawn.

"I'm on my way, don't frighten her." A huff of indignation filled Murtagh's mind as he picked up his speed. Murtagh made it to where the Dragon's rested, and without glancing at the human child, strode into the clearing.

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