Chapter Twenty-Two: Iridescent

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"My rider.............. my rider, wake up." Something nudged my chin before I could hear a very loud and angry squeak. "Wake!"

I shot upright, confused as to where I was since the last thing I remember was the dragon touching my arm. What exactly did he do? I held out my right arm and let out a shriek. A tattoo much like the twins was now wrapped around my entire right arm, hand, and shoulder. I ran my fingers over where my scar was supposed to be but didn't feel anything. I frowned and got up from my bed, walking to the nearest mirror.

I yanked my sleeve down and gaped at my now smooth, but tattooed skin. How did the dragon do this? I looked up at the mirror and took a step back. I looked even more elvish now. I heard running feet, and Karí and Nearí burst into the room with alarmed expressions.

"My lady, are you all right..." Karí trailed off when both hers and Nearí's eyes fixated on my tattooed arm.

"I think so," I said, playing around with my fingers without the usual tingling sensation. "My arm, I think the dragon fixed it."

Nearí and Karí walked over to me a stared at my arm in wonder.

"That's not all that changed my lady," Nearí said, examining my face. "We will have a hard time distinguishing you from your mother."

I let out a laugh before moving my right arm again. I hadn't had this much mobility since the wound was healed.

"I think I need help picking something to wear." Karí went into my closet and came back out with a black tunic and grey pants.

"I believe you have training today, my lady. I would suggest wearing these." I changed into the clothes all by myself, much to my joy.

"Can one of you do my hair? I don't think I can ever replicate your skills." Nearí smiled brightly while Karí retrieved my sword and dagger. Once my hair was done, and my weapons were secure, Alethea sailed over to my shoulder, and we set out for the training area. I walked into the field and immediately spotted Eragon and Orik.

"I hope you are feeling better, Eragon," I said as I walked up to the two. They turned around, and Eragon's eyes widened by a fraction of an inch.

"They touched you too?" I nodded before seeing Vanir approaching from across the field.

"Are you ready, Shadeslayer?"

"I'm ready." Eragon and Vanir squared off against each other in an open area of the field. Eragon grasped and drew Zar'roc as fast as he could, Eragon's arm snapped straight, tearing the sword from his hand and sending it whirling twenty yards to his right, where it buried itself in the trunk of a pine tree. I looked at Eragon with a small smile.

"Can you not even hold on to your blade, Rider?" Vanir demanded.

"I apologize, Vanir-vodhr," Eragon gasped. "I misjudged my strength."

"See that it does not happen again." Going to the tree, Vanir gripped Zar'roc's hilt and tried to pull the sword free. The weapon remained motionless. Vanir's eyebrows met as he frowned at the unyielding crimson blade as if he suspected some form of trickery. Bracing himself, the elf heaved backward and, with the crack of wood, yanked Zar' roc out of the pine.

Eragon accepted the sword from Vanir and hefted Zar' roc. He had a puzzled look on his face.

"Take your place!" This time it was Vanir who initiated the fight. In a single bound, he crossed the distance between them and thrust his blade toward Eragon's right shoulder. For once it was easy for Eragon to deflect Vanir's sword, blue sparks flying from the metal as their edges grated against one another. Vanir landed with an astonished expression. He struck again, and Eragon evaded the sword by leaning back, like a tree swaying in the wind. In quick succession, Vanir rained a score of heavy blows upon Eragon, each of which Eragon dodged or blocked, using Zar'roc's sheath as often as the sword to foil Vanir's onslaught.

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