Chapter Eighty-One: Amatory

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"I am glad you found time to stop by before you and Farador fly to Vroenguard." Queen Nasuada continued. "we've had an unexpected, but welcome, event here in Ilirea."

I raised a sculpted brown eyebrow before glancing back at Farador. An event that she was glad I had arrived for the tail end?

"What could possibly have happened that she is happy we showed up for?" I asked Farador, his glittering golden eyes narrowed slightly as he thought my words through before he ultimately shook his head.

"I know naught, perhaps the Egg is in need of transferring back to Vroenguard?" Farador guessed. Pursing my lips, I turned back to Nasuada.

"Forgive me for not being aware of such event," I replied coolly. "may I enquire as to how it pertains to me?"

"The egg that has been in our care has hatched for Helain," Nasuada explained. I kept my face impassive as Farador's excitement raged in my head. Helain, a woman only two years younger than I, was a human.

"The violet egg had hatched!" Farador crowed in my mind. "we can bring the hatchling and his rider with us to Vroenguard!"

"I see, and have the pair been informed to what lies before them?" Nasuada's lips twitched as one of the councilmembers bristled.

"We are not as ignorant to keep the child and her dragon in the dark, as you seem to think we are, Dragon Rider." I settled my cold green eyes on the man who had spoken and raised an eyebrow.

"I wasn't aware that I had spoken such words, councilmen." I returned. "I was also under the impression that the egg hatched for a woman, not a child. After all, Helain is only two summers younger than I, hardly considered a child."

The councilman flushed slightly as the woman in the room smirked slightly. Even after Galbatorix was killed, a woman was still seen as inferior. It didn't matter if it was a skilled Dragon Rider with a vast knowledge of magic, ancient language, and history, a female would always be below a man in politics.

"I merely was wondering if Helain had been informed of her options." I finished strongly, driving my verbal sword deep into his chest.

"Op-options?" Another man sputtered. I set my eyes on him and gave him a predatory smile.

"Of course, having a dragon hatch for you does not mean you are locked into an eternity of servitude to the way of a Dragon Rider." Nasuada clapping her hands together, broke the tension in the room.

"Well said, Suri," Nasuada said. "I believe that is all we needed to discuss?"

Nasuada stood up, causing the council to rise with her before she strode forward, down the steps to the dais.

"Would you care to join me for lunch?" She asked with an elegantly raised eyebrow. I looked up at Farador who puffed out a ring of smoke.

"I will dine in the Dragons nest, my human." Nodding at him, I watched as he carefully turned around and lumbered out of the hall. Turning back to Nasuada, I shrugged at her.

"He says he shall dine in the Dragons nest, I suppose than means yes?" Nasuada laughed before I started to follow her out of the hall.

"How is your mother?"

"Busy with the twins," I replied with a small smile. "Ímila and Cadoc are keeping her on her toes. They've just realized that they can use each other to escape their pen."

Nasuada laughed, a clear image of the two trouble makers most likely running through her mind. Nasuada led me through the halls until we entered a small sitting room with a table set for lunch.

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