Chapter Nine: Luminescent

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My head ached like someone had repeatedly taken a smithing hammer to it. I tried to remember what had happened that put me in this state, but everything was still fuzzy, and it was hard to think straight. I tried to sit up but found that it was a bad idea when my head started to swim even more. I raised my arm to my head and winced when my hand made contact. I dislike that bald man.

A warm hand grabbed my hand and gently pulled it away from my pounding head. I flickered my eyes open to see a blurry Murtagh.

"You're......blurry," I mumbled out trying to lift my head, but my head just dropped back down onto the soft thing I was using as a pillow. " blurry?"

"When he looked in your head he left behind some damage," Murtagh said, giving my hand a gentle squeeze. "You've been out for quite a while."

"Someone.....skewer that....bastard." Murtagh let out a small laugh as a figure walked towards us.

"Mal, are you okay to move?" I tried to push myself to a standing position, ignoring the pain the action caused.

"Yes." I took a step forward, and my balance was thrown off by my vision, sending me tumbling into Murtagh. "Okay, maybe not. I still can't see right."

I saw a blurry Eragon put a hand on my forehead.

"Eragon, you can't heal this, it will heal itself.....eventually."

"So you're just going to walk around like this until it heals? Mal, you can't even walk without falling."

"Eragon, you know I'm right." I chided as Eragon let out a hiss of frustration.

"Fine, we'll see if the Varden can help since it's their fault," Eragon replied bitterly as I heard doors open and several feet enter them chamber we were in.

"You have been summoned to Ajihad, leader of the Varden. If you must eat, do so while we march." It was the bald rat-man.

"Where are our horses? And can I have my sword and bow back?"

"Your weapons will be returned when Ajihad sees fit, not before. As for your horses, they await you in the tunnel. Come!"

"How is Arya?" I said to the bald rat-man.

"I do not know. The healers are still with her." Bald rat-man responded. I pushed myself away from Murtagh and tried to walk over to Eragon, but on my first step, I pitched to the side. Dammit. Murtagh caught me again, and this time swung me up into his arms.

"No more walking until you can see straight." I let out a groan and let my head fall onto Murtagh's shoulder.

"I hate feeling helpless," I grumbled as he started walking towards the horses.

"You will ride single file down the center of the tunnel, if you attempt to go anywhere you will be stopped."

"It's not like I'm going anywhere bald rat-man," I said tiredly, I could feel his anger radiating from his body. Murtagh put me on Tornac first before swinging up behind me. "Respect the disabled."

I felt Murtagh's silent laughter on my back and grinned.

"Why you little...."

"Enough!" A dwarf barked. "We have somewhere to be."

"No! Ride your horse until I tell you otherwise." The bald man snapped at Eragon who shrugged and mounted Snowfire. Bald rat-man clapped twice, and the blurry people in front of Murtagh and I started to move forward. I wobbled at Tornac's sudden movement for a second before an arm snaked around my waist, steadying me.

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