Chapter Seventy-One: Blinding

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A particularly nasty snowstorm raged outside the treehouse, making all four of stay in the comfort of our heated rooms. Fen was talking to the gold egg again, this time telling it stories, while I sat in my bedroom with Selene in one arm and book in the other.

I finished the page I was reading was about to flip to the next when Selene let out a piercing screech. My eyes flickered to her as my eyebrow rose.

"Dear one, you just fed an hour ago," I said as I closed the book and set it on the side table next to the chair, I was sitting in. "how can you possibly be hungry again? You must have your father's appetite."

Cradling Selene against my chest, I reached up with my free hand and started undoing the strings that held my dress closed.

"Mal, have you seen—" Murtagh stopped as we both stared at each other like deer caught in a dragon's sights. My fingers stopped midway from pulling my dress neckline down.

"Yes?" I squeaked out. Murtagh blinked at me as Selene wiggled around in my grip, letting out a whine and grabbing at my neckline.

"I think our daughter is hungry," Murtagh said in a strained voice.

"I was just about to feed her," I replied.

"What's stopping you?" Narrowing my eyes at him, my fingers went back to tugging the left side of my dress down. Almost immediately, Selene opened her mouth and cooed before latching on and sucking.

"Your daughter is a bottomless pit," I grumbled at Murtagh, trying to not think about his presence. Yes, he had seen me naked, but that didn't make some acts, such as this one, any less embarrassing.

"That means she's healthy," Murtagh replied, moving closer. "Healthy appetite, healthy baby."

"You try being drained every hour on the hour," I grumbled back as I ran my thumb over Selene's dark curls.

"Show's you are a good mother who is capable of taking care of her young," Murtagh said as he finally moved to stand in front of me.

"Hmm, and weren't you looking for something?" I asked him crisply. "because I know you didn't just come to watch me nurse our child."

"What, am I not allowed?" Murtagh asked. I scowled at him.

"To what?" I griped. "watch as our child drinks from my—oh don't tell me you envy her!?!"

Murtagh shrugged with a grin.

"Maybe I do." He teased, I picked up the book I had been reading and chucked it at his head. Murtagh caught the book with a laugh.

"Why must you men have a one-track mind!?!" I demanded. "honestly!"

Murtagh laughed again before he leaned over and kissed my forehead.

"There's a natural beauty to nursing that I am sure most men miss out on, I will not be one of them," Murtagh told me, my face relaxed before I sighed.

"Fine," I huffed. "you can watch, but I swear if you start drooling..."

"I promise not to drool, no matter how jealous I get of our daughter," Murtagh said lightly. Sighing in defeat, I decided to just pretend that he wasn't standing there, gawking at me in fascination.

It was a new year, and Selene was now four moon cycles old, and a highly active baby that loved to play with Fen. Fen, enjoying the attention, gave all her spare time to Selene, thus forming a deep bond between the two children.

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