Chapter Seventy-Nine: Blinding

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The carriage rattled along the road as we neared the forest. Already I could hear the chatter of the crowd.

"Just how many people showed up?" I squeaked out as I gripped Roran's hand. I knew my grip had to hurt, but I was strung so tight I could be mistaken for a longbow.

"Remember what I told you?" Roran asked, looking at me. "focus on him, nothing else."

"I got that, but did so many people show up?" Roran shrugged.

"Two Dragon Rider's are getting married. Who wouldn't show up." I pressed my soft pink lips together. Was it too late to elope?

The carriage trundled into the forest, and the first signs of people appeared. They were scattered around the side of the road with white flowers in their hands and smiles on their faces.

"Again, why are they so happy?" I whispered as Roran laughed and patted my hand.

"Weddings are just generally happy times, Mal." I huffed at him and concentrated on where we were heading. Up ahead would be a small circle where the carriage would drop us off and those that actually had seats at our wedding would be sitting beyond.

Those people where friends, what little family we had, but mostly those from the varden and those met during the fight against my father. What a perfect time to have a wedding, right as we are celebrating our freedom from Galbatorix.

As per the plan, the carriage turned to the right and started going around the large circle decorated with white flowers and red and pink roses. Finally, the bridge that connected the road with the ceremony space came into view.

"Just as a reminder, Mal," Roran said as he looked at me. "try not to break my fingers, I need them."

I shot Roran a dirty look while the carriage rolled to a stop in front of several guards and a couple of maids. Roran was out of the carriage first before turning to me and holding out a hand.

"Careful where you grab, Frida will kill you if it gets ripped," I muttered as I took Roran's hand and stood up. Moving very carefully, I stepped down from the carriage and let the guards pull out the rest of my train.

We took a couple of steps forward so the maids could stretch my train and veil back out to their natural length. While three of the maids worked on the flowing fabric behind me, another adjusted the front of my dress.

"I feel like I'm going to throw up." I stumbled out weakly.

"I know how you feel." The maid working in the front whispered back with a small smile. "I got married last moon cycle, it helps to pretend that no one is there and it is just you and your man."

I nodded at her with a weak smile and whispered back a thanks as a woman cried out. Out of nowhere a child with dirty blonde hair and light blue eyes appeared with a bundle of with flowers in her hands.

"Helain!" The voice cried again. Looking down at the determined look in her eyes, I took a step over to the child and crouched down, balancing on my feet. The girl, Helain, thrust the flowers up at me.

"I made this for you," She announced in a squeaky voice. "my brother said I'd never get close enough, so I'm proving him wrong."

With a small laugh, I accepted the flowers.

"I admire your resolve, little one," I said softly. "but your mother is quite worried."

Helain pouted at me but nodded before spinning around and darting off. I heard a sigh of relief from Helain's mother as I stood back up.

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