Chapter Forty-Four: Radiant

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Eragon and Arya left to capture the Lady of the city while I stayed behind with Blödhgarm and the other elves. We were halfway into the keep when it hit me. Flashed of red and gold, then I felt both Oromis and Glaedr leave our word. I pitched to the side but kept a firm grip on Islingr and the dagger. I was yanked back to my feet.

"Your highness?" I looked at Blödhgarm.

"The Morning Sage..." That was all I could whisper out. Blödhgarm steadied me on my feet just as Saphira and Alethea let out tremendous roars. I blinked away the pain and attacked forward with fury. I killed any unfortunate soul that got within range of Islingr.

We pushed into the keep and charged up the steps, taking four at a time. Halfway up I came across Eragon and Arya escorting Lady Lorana down from the room in the tower.

"Shadeslayer! Arya!" One of the elves cried. "Are you hurt? We heard Saphira and Alethea's lament, and then Khensamel... we thought one of you might have died!" Eragon shot me a look to which I waved off and looked at Arya.

"I release you from your vow, Eragon, both of you. Speak of them to whomever

you choose."

"No, we are not hurt," Eragon said. "However, Oromis and Glaedr have just died, slain in battle over Gil'ead." Blödhgarm shot me a look, I nodded back. The elves cried out in shock and then began to ply Eragon with dozens of questions. Arya raised a hand.

"Restrain yourselves. Now is not the time or place to satisfy your curiosity. There are still soldiers about, and we do not know who might be listening. Keep your sorrow hidden within your hearts until we are safe and secure." She paused and looked at Eragon and I. "I will explain the full circumstances of their deaths to you once I know them myself."

"Nen ono weohnata, Arya Dröttningu," The elves murmured.

"Did you hear my call?" Eragon asked Blödhgarm.

"I did, we came as fast as we could, but there were many soldiers between there and here." Eragon twisted his hand over his chest in the elves' traditional gesture of respect.

"I apologize for leaving you behind, Blödhgarm-elda. The heat of battle made me foolish and overconfident, and we nearly died because of my mistake."

"You need not apologize, Shadeslayer. We too made a mistake today, one which I promise we shall not repeat. From now on, we will fight alongside you and the Varden without reserve."

Together, we trooped down the stairs to the courtyard outside. The Varden had killed or captured most of the soldiers within the keep, and the few men who were still fighting surrendered once they saw that Lady Lorana was in our custody.

As soon as I exited Alethea shot down to me, her small body was tremoring from the shock of our Master's deaths. I stood with Eragon, Arya, and Lady Lorana while one of the Varden fetched Jörmundur. When Jörmundur appeared, he was updated on the current situation.

"You may rest assured, Lady, we shall treat you with the respect and dignity due to your station. We may be your enemies, but we are still civilized men." Jörmundur said, addressing Lady Lorana.

"Thank you," she replied. "I am relieved to hear it. However, my main concern now is for the safety of my subjects. If I might, I would like to speak with your leader, Nasuada, about her plans for them."

"Do not worry for your subjects, Lady Lorana," I immediately interjected. "The Varden may have attacked this city, but that was only to overpower Galbatorix's power here. No harm shall come to your people."

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