Chapter Forty-Nine: Brilliant

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First, Eragon had Garven, with all secrecy, send one of the Nighthawks to collect provisions for the trip to Vroengard. Saphira and Alethea had eaten after the capture of Dras-Leona, but they had not overstuffed themselves, else they would have been too slow and too heavy to fight if the need arose, as indeed it had.

"We are going to need to find a food source for our dragon's once we arrive at Vroenguard."

"We can always fly back on an empty stomach." Alethea and Saphira pipped up. Next Eragon sent a runner to bring Jörmundur and Blödhgarm to his tent. Once they arrived, it took us another hour to explain the situation to them and—harder still—to convince them that the trip was necessary.

Blödhgarm was the easiest to win over to our point of view, whereas Jörmundur objected vociferously. Not because he doubted the veracity of the information from Solembum, nor even because he doubted its importance—on both those points he accepted Eragon and I's words without question—but, as he argued with increasing vehemence, because it would destroy the Varden if they woke to find not only that Nasuada had been kidnapped but that we had vanished to parts unknown.

"Furthermore, we don't dare let Galbatorix think that you've left us," Jörmundur said. "Not when we're so close to Urû'baen. He might send Murtagh and Thorn to intercept you. Or he might take the opportunity to crush the Varden once and for all. We can't risk it."

"Why not create apparitions of Eragon and Saphira? I'm usually hidden from most eyes, so no one really knows where I am currently." I suggested looking at Blödhgarm. "We did so when we traveled to the Beor Mountains to participate in the election and coronation of Hrothgar's successor."

The images would appear to be perfect living, breathing, thinking replicas of us, but their minds would be empty, and if anyone peered into them, the ruse would be discovered. As a result, the image of Saphira would be unable to speak, and although the elves could feign speech on the part of Eragon, that too would be better to avoid, lest some oddity of diction alert those listening that all was not as it seemed. The limitations of the illusions meant that they would work best at a distance and that the people who had reason to interact with Eragon and Saphira on a more personal basis—such as the kings Orrin and Orik—would soon realize that something was amiss.

So Eragon ordered Garven to wake all the Nighthawks and bring them to him as discreetly as possible. Which was hard since they were dwarves, they aren't exactly known to be quiet. When the whole company was gathered before his tent, Eragon explained to the group of men, dwarves, and Urgals why he and Saphira were leaving, although he did not mention anything about my whereabouts.

After Eragon had finished, I explained how the elves were going to conceal their absence, and we had the men swear oaths of secrecy in the ancient language. You can never be too careful. King Orrin, as Eragon expected, proved to be the most intransigent. He expressed outrage at the prospect of either Eragon or Saphira traveling to Vroengard and railed at length against the idea. If he found out that I was also going, he might blow a gasket.

He questioned Eragon's bravery, questioned the value of Solembum's information, and threatened to withdraw his forces from the Varden if Eragon continued to pursue such a foolish, misguided course. It took over an hour of threats, flattery, and coaxing to bring him around. Why do men have to be so stubborn?

By the time the sun started to rise the damage brought upon the camp during the attack seemed even greater. The four of us were ready to leave when Jörmundur insisted that Eragon address the Varden at least once, properly, as their new leader. I got a glare from Eragon as I snickered at his predicament. After Eragon's speech, we were approached by Orik one last time.

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