Chapter Eleven: Luminescent

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A gentle shake of my shoulder had me springing up and pulling out my dagger, within seconds a hand was wrapped around my wrist to stop the forward motion.

"Hey, it's just me." I came to my senses.

"Oh my God Murtagh, I am so sorry." I gushed out, slowly turning pink.

"Don't worry about it. You have good reflexes." He responded softly with a smile. "Lady Nasuada is here. She wishes to talk to you and says it's urgent."

I frowned and swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up. I hurried over to the cell door and exited the cell to see Nasuada and several guards.

"My lady, your presence is requested immediately in the war room," Nasuada said with a bow. I glanced back at Murtagh. He was leaning against the wall of his cell, looking at us with a frown.

"Sword?" A guard walked forward and presented my sword. I grabbed it and strapped it to my back before pulling myself into the waiting saddle of a horse. I glanced back just as the cell door to Murtagh's room was closed shut, I turned back around and kicked my horse into a canter.

I raced through the tunnels of Farthen Dur and soon enough reached the war room, I swung myself off of my horse and ran in while several people crowded around the map of Farthen Dur. As I walked into the room, several heads looked up.

"Your highness, I'm afraid I have some bad news," Ajihad said before gesturing to the map. "Urgals have been spotted converging on Farthen Dur."

"How many?" I asked as room was made for me at the table.

"An army, your highness." I sighed and rested my hands on the large map, thinking of what could be done.

"Are we prepared for such an attack?"

"Possibly but we would be stretching it if we want to save as many elders and children we need to evacuate the city now." I looked up at Hrothgar. He was frowning, obviously not liking the odds.

"Do it. We don't need the innocent getting caught up in our fight, evacuate the city and get them as far away from here as you can that is safe."

"Yes, your highness," Ajihad said before relaying orders to a few others.

"You don't need to call me that Ajihad," I replied before placing a hand under my nose in deep thought, Urgals weren't known to travel in a pack this large, what was going on?

"I'm afraid I must insist, your highness. Right now the Varden sees you as the ruler of Alageasia." I sighed, frowning, and running a hand through my hair.

"Ajihad, the people of Alageasia don't need a ruler like me. Besides, I have no interest in the crown."

"Regardless, my queen, until this war is over and another king or queen has been chosen, you are our queen." I gave Ajihad a pointed look as everyone in the room knelt; these people were stubborn.

"Fine, but at the end of this war, I'm choosing another to rule," I said crossly. "And by no means, does the Empire need to know my full name, call me Mal."

"Yes, queen Mal." I groaned shook my head.

"Now," I started, placing my hands on the table. "What do we do about this impending battle."


The doors to the room opened, and Eragon hurried in looking disheveled and not entirely awake.

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