Chapter Fifty: Brilliant

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I noticed several things at once and took a minute to fully absorb what I was seeing. First, that we were standing at one side of a circular chamber over two hundred feet across with a large pit in the center, from which radiated a dull orange glow. Second, that the air was stiflingly hot. Third, that around the outer part of the room were two concentric rings of bench-like tiers—the back one higher than the front—upon which rested numerous dark objects.

Fourth, that the wall behind this tier sparkled in numerous places as if decorated with colored crystal. But I had no opportunity to examine either the wall or the dark objects, in the open area next to the glowing pit there stood a man with the head of a dragon. My eyes were drawn to the man.

The man was made of metal, and he gleamed like polished steel. He wore no clothes other than a segmented loincloth fashioned out of the same lustrous material as his body, and his chest and limbs rippled with muscles like those of a Kull. I guess that he is someone not to play around with.

In his left hand, he held a metal shield, and in his right, an iridescent sword that was a blade of a Rider. Yep, definitely important. The dragon-headed man strode forward, causing me to tense up for a second. He stopped thirty feet from us and stared at us with eyes that flickered like a pair of crimson flames.

He then lifted his scaled head and uttered a peculiar metallic roar that echoed until it seemed as if a dozen creatures were bellowing at them. Eragon and I glanced at each other, unsure of what we should do. I felt a strange consciousness touch mine, all of my mental training wasn't enough to keep my walls up around my mind, and soon the man was digging through my head.

I let the man riffle through my mind, unlike Eragon, who I could tell was resisting. Eragon staggered forward and dropped to one knee before he could regain his balance. I was right, he was resisting.

"It isn't a smart idea to resist a mind like that Eragon," I said as I looked at him.

"Our apologies, but we had to be certain of your intentions. Welcome to the Vault of Souls. Long have we waited for you. And welcome to you as well, cousin. We are glad that you are still alive. Take now your memories, and know that your task is at long last complete!"

A bolt of energy flashed between Glaedr and the consciousness. An instant later, Glaedr uttered a mental bellow that made my temples throb with pain. A surge of jumbled emotions rushed forth from the golden dragon: sorrow, triumph, disbelief, regret, and, overriding them all, a sense of joyous relief so intense.

"What was that?" I asked, rubbing my aching forehead.

"My Rider, look." I looked at what Alethea was pointing to with her snout, and my heart literally stopped.

"No, that's not possible. My father killed all of those who didn't side with him and took the rest of the Eldunarí."

"You are not mistaken, hatchlings, nor do your eyes deceive you. We are the secret hope of our race. Here lie our hearts of hearts—the last free Eldunarí in the land—and here lie the eggs that we have guarded for over a century."

"Eggs, Saphira. ... Eggs." Eragon whispered to Saphira. "Who are you? How do we know if we can trust you?"

"Eragon!" I started before getting hushed by Glaedr.

"They speak the truth, Eragon. I know, for Oromis was among those who devised the plan for this place." Glaedr rumbled in our minds.

"Oromis ...?" Eragon asked, was he really not following this conversation?

"My name is Umaroth. My Rider was the elf Vrael, leader of our order before our doom came upon us. I speak for the others, but I do not command them, for a while, many of us were bonded with Riders, more were not, and our wild brethren acknowledge no authority but their own. It would be too confusing for all of us to speak at once, so my voice will stand for the rest."

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