Chapter Twenty-Nine: Radiant

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I think I got a fair amount of sleep before the dreams came back. They came back with a vengeance leaving me moaning in pain on my bed. Wait, I fell asleep on Thorn last night, how did I end back up in my room. I blinked at the ceiling, waiting for the pain to go away as I also thought about how I ended back in my room.

When I was able to sleep, I woke up very easily. How did I get moved without me waking up? I pushed the thoughts of how I ended up back in my bed aside and considered how fast I fell asleep laying on Thorn. It was like I didn't even have to try, it just felt natural. I groaned and slapped my left hand on my face. The only relief I would get was it if I always stayed near Thorn while I was asleep. That was not an option.

I swung my feet over the side of the bed and stood up. My feet met cold stone. I looked down. Whoever brought me back here had the brains to remove my slippers. I picked up my white slippers and put them on before signaling for Frida and Lydia. They hurried in with a tray of food. While Lydia set the tray down and started to fiddle with the contents, Frida disappeared into my closet.

"The King always has a busy schedule; you are free to do whatever you like during the day your highness," Lydia said as she finished up setting out silverware.

"Is there a library?" I asked as I sat down at the table in my room and picked a silver spoon.

"Yes there is, there is quite a book selection your highness." I could spend my time reading and maybe continue to practice writing.

"Can you have some parchment and a spot of ink sent to the library?" Lydia nodded and quickly left my room. I stirred the warm oats absentmindedly while I thought of ways I could train without notice. I could to the Dance that Master Oromis taught me, it was now widely used to become strong and flexible.

I focused back on my breakfast and only picked at it. My appetite was going downhill and has been for a while. The dreams kept my appetite at bay. After only taking a few bites, I stood up and took the offered clothing from Frida.

"I will only be gone for a moment. Please wait here." Frida nodded back before I turned around and entered my bathroom, locking the door behind me. I slipped out of my nightgown and slippers before dressing myself in the dress that Frida had pulled out for me.

The dress was a lighter blue than the dress I wore last night but had more detailing with gold trim decorating the sleeves. By court standards, this dress was plain. By my standards, this was very formal.

I was missing my leather corset and pants. I sighed and adjusted the dress one more time before stepping into the matching slippers. I made sure that my right hand was gloved and my arm and shoulder were covered one more time before exiting the bathroom to have Frida fix my hair for the day.

Frida took the hair near my ears and clipped them together at the back, leaving the rest of my hair down. It was simple but perfect. My hair was finished off with Hrothgar's crown.

"Will that be all your highness?" I stood up as gracefully as I could in the dresses skirt, it wasn't large, but I was used to having little to no skirt, just flowing fabric.

"For now, yes. Please inform me when it is lunchtime." Frida bowed before exiting my room. I saw the pieces of the candle holder I had thrown at the guard's head had been cleaned up. Hopefully, he learned his lesson to stay out no matter what he hears. I'll just get Galbatorix to remove the guards. They were unnecessarily stationed.

I walked down the corridor and made some turns before I came across the library. Inside, the library was spacious and smelled heavily of parchment and ink. I headed for a table that had an ink well and several pieces of parchment.

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