Chapter Thirty-Three: Radiant

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Days passed since I had learned that Alethea's egg fragments had been found. In those days, I had spent hours thinking about how Alethea and I could help the Varden now. I only had reservations on the fact that it would be best if my identity were kept hidden on the battlefield.

If I escaped Ûru'Baen and fought on the battlefield open-faced, there was a chance of someone recognizing me. If that happened, my father, himself might take Shruikan and fetch me from the battlefield himself.

If that happened, Alethea and I might not see the light of day ever again. After long hours of consideration, I came up with a plan that was easy enough to execute, but sure enough to hide my identity.

A scarf, wrapped around my mouth and nose, would help to hide my facial features. As long as no one pulled it down, no one would be able to distinguish exactly who I was. I would easily be mistaken for a full-blooded elf, so the chance of someone recognizing me was low.

That is at least. It wasn't someone who knew me well enough. Most of the officials in the Varden had only seen me dressed in formal clothing, not that of a Dragon Rider or a soldier.

"Seems simple enough." I murmured to myself before I placed my napkin back on the lunch tray Lydia had dropped off. "but has anything ever been simple in my life?"

No. It hadn't.

I stood up and slunk over to one of my dressers. Surely I had some pants, somewhere. I riffled through skirts, undergarments, and shifts. I let out a growl.

"Your highness?" I looked from my search to see Lydia holding my finished lunch tray. "Is there something you are looking for specifically?"

"Pants, Lydia," I said with a sigh. "I was taught a dance that increases flexibility and strength. My only problem is that it requires..."

"Pants?" Lydia answered with a smile. "I shall see what I can procure for you, just a minute, your highness."

I stepped back from the dresser as Lydia disappeared from my room. Several minutes later, Lydia strode back into my room with a stack of clothes in her hands.

"I have been able to find a pair of cotton pants and a simple leather corset. It is nothing fancy but should provide you with maximum range of movement."

"You are a blessing, Lydia," I said as I took the clothes from her. "Thank you,"

"If you require anything else, just ring for us," Lydia said, bowing her head before ducking out of my room. I set the clothes on my bed before pulling the slip-on dress I had worn throughout this morning.

Gleefully pulling on the pants, I secured them around my hips before I reached for the leather corset. It had no sleeves and a V-neck. I slipped the corset over my head and tightened the corset strings until the leather rested comfortably against my skin.

Once dressed in the pants and corset, I gathered my hair and twisted it into a tight bun before tying it off with a leather strap. Looking at myself in my full-length mirror, I twisted around, looking at my body and feeling just how much movement I now had, wearing pants.

With one last heavy breath, I headed out of my room and towards the garden. There was a grassy, open space large enough to practice the Rimgar. Standing with my boot covered feet shoulder-width apart, I lifted my hands above my head and took in a deep breath before bending down and pressing my palms into the dark green grass.

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