Saved (nammin)

394 9 0

*mention of domestic abuse*

The cold Busan breeze ripped through his hair as he ran, feet slapping the pavement. He stopped a small alleyway and slipped into it, tilting his head up to quiet his heavy breathing. He watched cautiously as his pursuer raced pass, not giving his a second glance. Jimin released a sigh of relief and sank to the ground, his back scraping against the rough brick. Loud sobs leaked from his lips, but no one stopped. Everyone strutted past and ignored the crying boy. What do I do now? I've nowhere to go. He cried even harder. Jimin hid his head in his shaking arms, trying to block out the darkness.

A soft hand tapped his shoulder. He looked up with watery eyes, a tall man loomed over him. Instinctevely, he shrunk back against the wall. The stranger crouched down and gazed over him with worried eyes. "Are you alright?" Jimin nodded. "Are you sure?" Please go away. Jimin ignored him and tried to capture his breath. "Hey, you can spend the night with me if you need to." Jimin frantically refused. "No, Can't-" 

"Why not?" 

"Can't breathe."

"Okay, give me your hand." Jimin held out a shaky hand. The other gripped it firmly and held it against his chest. "Now, do what I do." He sucked in a deep breath. Jimin tried to follow. His chest constricted, causing the breath to stick in his throat.


"Hey, yes you can. Just try again." Jimin followed the other's instructions. "Good job. Now, do have somewhere I could take you? Home?"

"No.. not home please."

"Okay, okay not home. How about my house? Where I can look after you?" The stranger stood up and began to pull Jimin with him.

"No no no. Not home."

"That's right. Not home." Jimin slowly allowed himself to be tugged by the other.

After much walking, they finally arrived. Jimin stared straight ahead, his mind numb, as he was lead into the living room and to the couch. He briefly felt himself being pressed onto the cushions, a warm mug in his hands. Jimin watched cautiously as the stranger sat next to him.

"Who are you?"

"Namjoon." He nodded. "And you are?"

"Jimin." He whispered. Namjoon raised a hand, causing Jimin to flinch away. The older frowned and rested his hand on the younger's back, rubbing soft circles. Jimin allowed himself to relax, but still kept an eye on the other.

"What happened?" Jimin shuffled his feet. 

"I don't know what you mean."

"Why were you crying so hard? Something must have happened." Jimin shook his head slowly.

"Nothing happened."

"You're lying." Namjoon whispered softly.


"That's okay. You tell me when you're ready." Jimin looked up at him with wide eyes.

"Thank you." The older nodded. "What do we do now?" He looked at Namjoon curiously. Namjoon checked the time.

"Let's get ready for bed." 

"I don't have any of my things." He whispered softly.

"That's okay, you can borrow mine." Jimin set down the mug and followed Namjoon into his bed room. 

"Damn, you should wear my clothes more often." Jimin blushed. Namjoon sat on the couch again and patted his lap. Jimin rushed over quickly, not wanting to upset the older. He sat on Namjoon's lap, facing him. 

"You don't have to be so afraid. I won't get angry with you if you say no." Jimin flushes and looks down. Namjoon raises his hand gently, causing the younger to flinch. Jimin keeps his eyes shut tight, even as the older softly rests his palm on his cheek. Namjoon gently turns his head to face him. Hot tears spill down Jimin's cheeks and Namjoon cups his face with both hands, collecting the tears in his palms. He runs a soft thumb under each eye, stopping the tears. The older leans forward, pressing their lips together. Namjoon pulls away. Jimin still keeps his eyes shut tight. 

"I just don't want this to be a dream." Namjoon smiles softly and tucks the younger's hair behind his ear.

"I'll be here." He whispers. Namjoon lets his hands trail down the younger's neck to his shoulders. Jimin leans into his touch, slowly opening his eyes.

"You're okay. I'm here." Jimin lets out a sob and allows himself to be held.

"I've got you."

BTS Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now