Comments hurt pt.2 (taegi) (smut)

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"Let me show you how perfect you are." The older ran his hands up and over Yoongi's shoulders comfortingly.

"Can you undress for me?" He whispered quietly. Desperate to please, the younger began to strip, lifting his shirt over his head. Taehyung's warm hands massaged his waist, leaving small goosebumps.

"So pretty. My pretty baby." He leaned forward slowly, laying the younger down onto the mattress. He trailed his fingertips smoothly across his skin, stopping at the band of his shorts.

"May I?" Yoongi gave him a small nod. The younger cast him a reassuring smile as his clothes joined the floor. Yoongi moaned into his mouth and Taehyung quickly filled it with his tongue, swallowing the sounds. Taehyung's hands gently roamed the older's skin, leaving warm fire trails behind them. The sheets rustled underneath Yoongi as he squirmed. Taehyung straddled his thighs and leaned forward, their skin brushing together. Yoongi's breathing increased heavily. His blonde hair sprawled out against the pillow, the messy yellow halo complimenting his dark lashes as he closed his eyes. Taehyung watched his face as he gave the older an experimental tug. A small whine left Yoongi's pink lips.

"So sensitive. Such a good boy for me, baby." The younger let out a soft exhale as Taehyung captured his lips, hovering just over his hips. The older pulled away admiring Yoongi's wide eyes and flushed cheeks.

"I love you, so so much." 

"I- I love you too." Taehyung slowly leaned down and suck the older's bottom lip into his mouth, gently running his tongue over it. Yoongi arched his back, searching for friction. Taehyung whispered comforting words and he pressed the younger back into the mattress.

"You're okay, I've got you. Let me take care of you." He whimpered, squirming against the sheets. Taehyung cupped his sides, running a thumb over each nipple. The older shifted away, slightly overwhelmed. Taehyung comforted him with a soft kiss to the forehead. The younger then stripped himself, smiling softly.



"Thank you, baby. Good boy." Taehyung kissed lazily over his jaw, smiling when Yoongi shivered.

"You okay if I mark you up?" 

"Yes. Please." The younger bit down lightly, licking and sucking a mark into Yoongi's skin. Taehyung pulled back, taking hold of Yoongi's chin and tilting his head to admire the bruise.

"So beautiful. And all mine." He pulled the older in for another kiss. Yoongi's hard length pressed against their stomachs.

"Taehyung. Please." He released a breathy chuckle. 

"Okay, my love." Taehyung entered slowly, letting Yoongi stretch around him. He finally bottomed out, Yoongi pressed his palms into the other's chest. The younger whispered softly to him.

"You're okay, I've got you." Taehyung's knees pressed firmly into the bed and he moved slowly. The bed squeaked faintly as Yoongi moaned and Taehyung grunted. The older's fingers dug into his back. His back arched as his orgasm hit hard, pulling our long strings of whines and whimpers. Taehyung held him gently until he was done, kissing all over his skin.

"Good job, my love. I'm so proud of you." Yoongi smiled gratefully. 

"Let's clean you up." Taehyung lifted the older carefully, cradling him. Yoongi breathed heavily as they traveled to the bathroom. He sat on the sink patiently as Taehyung ran a bath. The younger gently ran a hand over Yoongi's hair and down his back as the water filled the tub. Yoongi pulled him into a hug, holding him tight. 

After their bath, Taehyung gently dried the older with a fluffy towel.

"Arms up," he asked, sliding one of his own shirts over Yoongi's head. He slid his hands comfortingly down the other's sides.

"My pretty baby."

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