Cinnamon Rolls (jinkook)

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"I just discovered that cinnamon rolls dipped in banana milk taste 10x better than when they're dipped in regular milk." Jin sighed into the receiver. 

"You really called me at two in the morning to tell me this?"

"Well, someone has to know! This is groundbreaking news."

"Yeah, I highly doubt that. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going back to bed."

"No, wait! Hyung, do you think I could come over to your house?"

"Right now?"

"Yeah." He muttered quietly.

"Sure. I'm still going to bed so I'll leave the door unlocked."

"Thanks, hyung!"

"No problem, Kookie." 

Jungkook arrived at the other's apartment sometime later. He silently locked the door and took off his shoes. Jungkook padded down the hall in his socks, coming to a stop outside the older's bedroom. 

"Hyung." He whispered. He didn't receive an answer so he continued forward. He quietly approached Jin's bed. The elder sighed in his sleep, turning over. Jungkook smiled softly and peeled back the covers, sliding beneath them. The rush of cold air woke Jin up slightly, causing him to snuggle into Jungkook's body heat and drape an arm around his waist.

"Go back to sleep, hyung." He hummed in agreement, already drifting off.

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