smut (yoonmin)

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Not much of a story beforehand cause I know what ya here for😂😏😉 don't report me plz ah

 Yoongi's long fingers gently massaged at the tense muscles of Jimin's neck. His hands slid down the other's back, leaving goosebumps in their paths. The older softly snaked his arms around Jimin's waist, pulling his back to his chest.

"How you feelin' sugar?" Yoongi whispered, gently running the shell of his ear between his teeth. Jimin shivered under his touch, leaning back against him.

"I- I'm-" Yoongi licked a stripe down his neck, successfully cutting off his words and flustering the younger. 

"Hm? You were saying?" He asked innocently.

"Um-" The older pressed his face into Jimin's neck nipping at the skin. The younger released a breathy moan.


"Hm? What is it you want." Yoongi's hands snaked around his waist, ever so slightly brushing over the front of his jeans. 

"I want..." Jimin turned around, pressing their chests and hips together.

"You." The younger leaned forward and pressed their lips together, forcing his tongue into the other's mouth. Chuckling, Yoongi slid his hands down Jimin's back, squeezing the back of his thighs. The younger jumped into Yoongi's grasp, the elder easily catching him. Breathing heavily, Yoongi pulled away.

"Feeling brave, are we?" Jimin smirked and dove into another kiss. Chuckling again, the older slid the other onto the counter, releasing his thighs and squeezing his ass. Jimin moaned into the kiss, the sound barely escaping before it was swallowed by Yoongi. Jimin pushed against his chest, hopping down from the counter and pushing the older back slightly. The younger turned them around tightly gripping Yoongi's shirt in a closed fist. Pulling him forward, the couple stumbled down the hallway and into the bedroom.

Desperately, Jimin began pulling and tugging at Yoongi's shirt. The older clasped his hands over Jimin's.

"Relax, love. We've got all night and even-" He pulled the other into a kiss.

"Tomorrow." Yoongi pulled Jimin's shirt over his head, running his lean fingers over the milky skin of his chest. The older leaned down, pressing his lips to the younger's and slipping his tongue into his mouth. Jimin opened his jaw and allowed Yoongi to explore his mouth, turning to jelly under his touch. Yoongi's thumbs brushed over Jimin's nipples, eliciting a high pitched whine from the younger. He began tugging on Yoongi's shirt again. 

Finally, he pulled the fabric over his head, allowing Jimin's small hands to splay themselves over his bare chest. He kicked the door closed and let the older lead him to the bed. A soft giggle left the younger's lips as he was gently tossed onto the bed. Yoongi climbed over him, supporting himself on his elbows. Lips interlocked, Yoongi angled his hips and thrust downward, their clothed members rubbing together. Jimin whined, clawing at the older's back.

"Please, hyung."

"Please what?" He leaned back, pressing their hips together and staring into Jimin's eyes.

"Say it and I'll do it." Jimin blushed colorfully, avoiding Yoongi's gaze. 

"Say it," Yoongi growled, resting their foreheads together. Jimin shifted under him, trying to push up against the older. Yoongi shifted his weight and pressed Jimin's stomach back onto the mattress, his other hand pressed into the bed next to Jimin's head.

"Please, hyung. I need you."

"You need me to do what?" Jimin whined.

"I need you to fuck me," Yoongi smirked, quickly kissing the younger again. Their members met again, pulling a long moan from Jimin's throat. Sitting up, the older unbuttoned the younger's jeans. After removing the rest of their clothing, Yoongi hovered over the younger. Jimin shivered and jumped as Yoongi's skin brushed against his. The older' chuckled and ran a hand through the other's hair.

"Relax, Jiminie. I've got you." Jimin sighed, reaching up and pressing their lips together. Yoongi happily complied, letting Jimin control the kiss as he slowly entered the younger. Whining, Jimin squirmed under the older. Lean fingers trailed over Jimin's skin to distract him. 

At last, Jimin nodded. Paint chipped off the wall as the bed rocked back and forth with Yoongi's sharp thrusts. Jimin's soft moans quickly grew in volume as his release neared.  

"I-I'm gonna-"

"Cum for me." Yoongi groaned in his ear, filling the younger up with warmth. Jimin watched as the older licked the cum off of Jimin's stomach and chest. Yoongi kissed Jimin's forehead and went to the closet, coming back with clothes for the pair. After setting the clothes on the nightstand, he lifted a tired Jimin into his arms and carried him to the bathroom.

Wiping both of them down with a wet washcloth, the older tried to keep the other awake. Yoongi took Jimin back into the bedroom, laying him on the mattress. He slipped on a pair of boxers and sweatpants before dressing Jimin in a long shirt and underwear. The couple sleepily crawled under the covers, holding each other. Yoongi tucked Jimin's head under his chin and pressed a long kiss to his hair, receiving a light squeeze in return.

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